Program Days May 30 - June 3

May 30th - June 3rd 2022

Theme: Introduction to MasterClass Topics

Skill Building: Exploring Topics

May 30th, 2022


May 31st, 2022

9:00-9:15/9:20 AM- Main Session Welcome

9:15/9:20AM-10:00AM- Breakout Rooms


Check for who knows who in the group by now. Share any tidbits you remember about one another. 

Meet an Instructor - Robin Roberts

STAFF: If you have your MasterClass license active you can use it this week. Go into MasterClass and bring up Robin Roberts class on Effective & Authentic Communication  

Play the video stopping to explain and review

If you aren't able to do that, use this YouTube promo to introduce her.

How Do You Communicate?

Spend this time learning how everyone likes to communicate. Go over the fact that some people don't use words, or they use words but it's hard for strangers to understand their pronunciation. 

Remind one another that we all use MULTIPLE kinds of communication. Then try the following exercises.

  1. Replay the begining of the instructor's video but with the sound OFF. What does Robin communicate with her face and body? 
  2. A game of charades for the following prompts:
  • What did you eat for dinner last night?
  • How do you feel about onions?
  • What would happen if you saw ants crawling up your arms?
  • Signal when I read your favorite color in the list: red, blue, yellow, green, purple, orange, pink, white, black, torquoise, lavendar, gold, silver
  1. Figure out a good way for ANYONE to express "I like It." and "I don't like it." without words. 
  2. Do internet image searches for the following pictures and ask people to vote with the way you agreed upon.       
  • gardening
  • delivering food
  • walking dogs
  • cleaning dishes
  • coffee shop
  • friends
  • beach
  • ride in a car
  • amusement park
  • concert
  • take suggestions from the group for what to find

How else can we express liking and not liking things? 

How can we SHOW with our voice, body, and face that we REALLY REALLY like something?


That we REALLY REALLY dislike something? 


What do we do when the other person doesn't pay attention to our expression? How can we handle that? 

10:00-10:15AM- Music and Bio Break

10:15-10:30AM- Exercise

10:30-11:00AM- Intro to All About Me Cont'd

Robin Roberts talks about her childhood having a big infuence on her life. Use the following prompts to explore how things from childhood are still important aspects of who we are today.

  1. Share 2 places you remember going as a small child
  2. Share what your childhood home was like. Do you still live there?
  3. How many times have you moved house?
  4. Who was your childhood friend?
  5. What was your favorite game or activity as a child?
  6. What do you remember about your first day of school?
  7. Do you remember any pets from childhood?
  8. If you have siblings, what part of childhood did you share with them?
  9. How do these memories show up in your life today? Did they affect your likes and dislikes? 

       11:00AM -1:00PM- Program Break- NO SESSION

1:00-1:20PM- Main Session Gather

1:20-1:55PM Breakout Rooms

Choose your classes for the rest of the summer. 

Activity- Intro to Art and Design

Meet an Instructor - Jeff Koonz

STAFF: If you have your MasterClass license active you can use it this week. Go into MasterClass and bring up Jeff Koonz' class on Art & Creativity  

Play the Meet Your Instructor video, stopping to explain and review. 

If you aren't able to do that, use this YouTube promo to introduce him.

Go over these prompts for learning

  1. What are our interests? How can we express these interests to each other? -- words, gestures, charades, pictures
  2. Let's do a search for some images based on our interests -- (show the search process on a shared screen) 
  3. What kinds of art  might we be inspired to make based on our interests?
  4. Do a search for "public art sculptures" and "oversized objects art" - scale is when we change the sizes of things. 
  5. What objects that are related to our interests could be made into giant, or miniature, art?
  6. Can you share an object in your home that reflects your interests?
  7. How might we use that to inspire an art piece?

Paper Exercise--Outlines Only

Use the shared whiteboard and demonstrate drawing an outline by doing one of a hat or house.

  1. If you have paper and pen at home, use it. If you don't, use the whiteboard share. 
  2. Draw an outline of the object you shared, or someone else shared, as best as you can remember. JUST the outline. 
  3. Talk about how the outline could be other things. For example an outline of a hat could be a snake that ate a hat. 
  4. Have people share outlines and think of what other things they could also remind us of

1:55PM-2:00PM- Reminders and Goodbye

June 1st, 2022

9:00-9:15/9:20AM- Main Session Welcome

9:15-9:20-10:00AM- Breakout Rooms

Intro- Employment Prep

Meet an Instructor - Elaine Welteroth

Presenters: if you can open your masterclass license use the Meet Your Instructor video for "Elaine Welteroth's Designing Your Career"

If you can't get into the MasterClass video, use this YouTube shortened version

Activities to Explore

Respond to these prompts with your way of communicating. 

  1. What activity or work would you be happy to do even if nobody paid you? 
  2. What skills have you learned by practicing them over and over again? 
  3. What things did you find easy to learn?
  4. If you could instantly do any career without having to learn how, what career would you pick?

Show/share an object, collectible, or  picture that tells us something you love. 

Here is a list of "dirty" jobs. 

  • Garbage Collector
  • Gastroenterologist
  • Oil Rig Worker
  • Portable Toilet Cleaner
  • Crab Fisherman
  • Sewer Inspector
  • Coal Miner
  • Embalmer
  • Plumber
  • Crime Scene Cleaner

As a group brainstorm some "clean" jobs. 

Use a shared screen to do an internet search on clean jobs. How many of the ones you thought of did you find online?

Does anyone think there's a difference between a career and a job? What is that difference? 

10:00-10:15AM- Music and Bio Break

10:15-10:30AM- Exercise

10:30-11:00AM- Main Session Group Debrief 

11:00AM -1:00PM- Program Break- NO SESSION

1:00-1:20PM- Main Session Gather

1:20-1:55PM- Breakout Rooms:

Activity: Intro to Employment or Gavilan Enrolled Group (only hollister and gilroy)

Communication to Find Work

Most people find their career by getting jobs through people they already know. That means when you are looking for a job, you want everyone you know to know that you are looking. 

As a group, complete this exercise using the shared whiteboard in zoom.

  1. Presenter: Draw small square in the middle of the board. Imagine that's you.
  2. Presenter: Draw a circle around the square. That is the people you are close to. 
  3. Think of the people you see every day. How do you communicate with all of them? Conversation? Phones? Email? Social media?
  4. If you were looking for a job, how would you let them all know about your job hunt?
  5. Presenter: Draw a larger circle around the first circle. That is the people you don't see very often, but who know you and care about you. 
  6. How do you communicate with them? 
  7. What would you do to tell them you are looking for a job? 

** TIPS if you don't use words to communicate. You can make postcards or other written information to hand people. You can also write letters or emails to tell people what is going on your life. 

Being Ready to Help

When we have friends and co-workers we are part of their network too. So being helpful means you aren't always just asking for help.


If a friend let you know they were looking for work, what things could you do to be helpful? 

Brainstorm ways to be part of someone's job hunt.


1:55PM-2:00PM- Reminders and Goodbye

June 2nd, 2022

9:00-9:15/9:20AM- Main Session Welcome

9:15/9:20AM-10:00AM- Breakout Rooms

Activity- Music

Meet an Instructor - Mariah Carey teaches Voice as an Instrument

Presenters: use your masterclass license to find the video or use this YouTube shortened version


If there are any singers in the group, have them lead the group in a voice warm up exercise. OR, use this exercise.

Now that you're all warmed up, sing a round. 

Divide the group into 3 sections. Each secdtion will take 1 round. Start with Row Row Row Your Boat. 

Section 1 starts singing through the first line.

Section 2 starts the song next.

Section 3 follows. 

After you get the hang of it, notice that you have just simulated laying down tracks!. 

10:00-10:15AM- Music and Bio Break

10:15-10:30AM- Exercise

10:30-11:00AM- Main Session Group Debrief 

11:00AM -1:00PM- Program Break- NO SESSION

1:00-1:20PM- Main Session Gather

1:20-1:55PM- Breakout Rooms

Activity- Music

Use some web tools


Experiment with this beatmaker

each line is a different instrument

click squares on the lines so that instrument will play at that square

Keep your squares at regular intervals

click the white play button on the upper left when you want to hear your beat.

1:55PM-2:00PM- Reminders and Goodbye

June 3rd 2022

9:00-9:30 AM- Main Session Welcome

  • Review of the classes.
  • Reminder of starting officially on Monday.
  • Agreeing to some guidelines
  • Sharing the floor
  • What we did to make REAL choices possible

9:30 AM-10:00AM- Breakout Rooms


  • Introductions and remembering things about each other.
  • Use hand raising on screen or in the reactions to organize responses.
  • Tell everyone what's in the chat - get a chat monitor if someone wants to do it
  • Describe what is being shown on screen

Prompts- What was your favorite class topic?

  1. What do you remember from the week?
  2. Memories of the Music topic?
  3. Memories of the Art & Design topic?
  4. Memories of the Employment Prep topic?
  5. Memories of the All About Me topic?
  6. Did you have a favorite topic or conversation?

Confirm Your Choice

For each participant, tell them the choice we have down for their two classes.

  1. You have chosen ____________ and _________
  2. Is that Right? 
  3. Who in the group has chosen the same topics?
  4. Can you share something in your home that is related to the topic you chose to learn about?

Describe Monday

Share with everyone what will happen on Monday. If you want to use the whiteboard to draw diagrams that could help. 

  • We'll get together like we have been. 
  • Then we'll go into the class session. At the end of the session we'll have a "passing period" where we all take a break from the screen, hydrate. 
  • When we get back from the break the staff will have started moving everyone into their next class. 
  • It will be like it was in school when you went to a different class at different periods. 

In the afternoon we'll come back at 1pm like we have been. 

  • In the main meeting area we'll have group activities like dancing, music, trivia, and games.
  • There will be breakout rooms that you can go into on any day based on what you want to do. 
  • Peer Advocacy with John Robinson
  • Leadership Class 
  • Gavilan for Hollister and Gilroy EMCC

10:00-10:15AM- Music and Bio Break

10:15-10:30AM- Exercise

10:30-11:00AM- Main Session Group Debrief 


Play 3 Things (or 5 things if you feel clever)

  1. Name a topic and a person. 
  2. That person has 15 seconds to name 3 specific items within the topic.
  3. That player then chooses another topic and player to continue.

Play Something In Common

  1. For round one, find something you have in common.
  2. For round two, find something you have in common, that ISN'T  physical traits or places.
  3. For round three, find a thing you have in common in a specific category, like high school attended or languages spoken.

Play Truth or Dare

Use the CLASSIC version on this Truth or Dare Generator

11:00AM -1:00PM- Program Break- NO SESSION

1:00-1:20PM- Main Session Gather

1:20-1:55PM-Breakout Rooms

Client Choice Chat or Gavilan for Hollister and Gilroy only

1:55PM-2:00PM- Reminders and Goodbye

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