Person-Centered Thinking & Safety
Monday March 14, 2022
Check In (5 min)
How was your weekend? Did you relax or get something done around the house?
Today happens to be...Pi Day!
Theme of the Week: Affirmations and Positive Self-Talk
Thematic Activity: Positive Self Talk
Positive Self Talk is the inner voice that provides a monologue of our lives each day. This inner voice and conscious thougths, beliefs or biases help us interpret our daily life. However most of the time, this inner voice can be negative and create bad emtions.
Did you know that postive self talk has many benefits? Which benefits do you think this can have on yourself or someone you know?
Positive self talk is flipping the inner voice inside our heads to be positive. See the example and benefits below.
Client Led Exercise:
Have a volunteer lead the group in some stretching
Show & Share (10-min)
A person I find inspiring. Share one person, alive or passed away, that inspires you to work harder or be better.
Skills: Math Work Sheet
Arrange the set of numbers at the top of the page on this work sheet "Numbers, Numbers, Numbers" Take turn's completing the sheet by using the annotation option.
Body Break
Theme Review
What is the theme of the week?
What did we learn today?
Quick Fun Activity
Gas prices seem to be sky rocketting the past several months! Check out this list of gas prices around the United and States to calcualte the difference between california prices and other states!
Civics & Community Awareness
Tuesday March 15, 2022
Check In (5 min)
What did you do after program yesterday?
Today happens to be...Pears Helene Day!
Recap Yesterday:
What did you learn yesterday?
Thematic Activity: Affirmations
Using affirmations can help us keep our inner positive self talk! Affirmations drive a postive change in our thinking, career, and life!
Here are a few examples of when an affirmation can be helpful:
What places or situations in your life do you think you may use affirmations?
Find some examples online as a group and use the few below for some inspiration:
Client Led Exercise
Have a volunteer lead the group in some stretching
Show & Share (10-min)
An adventure I went on: Sharing my journey. Some questions to consider while we share our adventures:
Skills: Making Connections
Did you know that our values and morals we find important to our lives can change over time? It all depends on where we are in life or who we have in our lives. We are going to try to make some connection's today with our peers to see if we share the same values. If you need some examples, you can look at this image for some inspiration.
Give an example of one of your values or morals that you hold true and dear to your heart. You can only pick one value. Give the group a few minutes to think about it. Remember that values are ideas or customs that you consider to be important. Answers will vary. Once everyone has had the chance to share at least once, you can repeat it again, saying other values.
Body Break
Theme Review
What's the theme for the week?
What did we learn today?
Quick Fun Activity
Anyone in the space have a birthday in March? If so what is their zodiac sign? If you need to search google for the sign, just type in March Zodiac Sign. What are some common triats that this zodiac sign say's that may be related to a person you know who believes in their zodiac sign for march?
Well Being and Social Connection
Wednesday March 16, 2022
Check In (5 min)
What are you grateful for today?
Today happens to be...Artichoke Heart's Day!
Theme of the Week:
What's the theme? What have you learned so far?
Thematic Activity: How to use self-talk daily
The other day we talked about self-talk and our inner voice. Have you used positive self talk yesterday or today? If yes, share with the group why you used it.
Below is a short list of simple ways you can add positive self talk to your daily routine:
Don't fall for negative self-talk traps: You need to be able to identify negative thinking which usually falls into the following categories.
Treat yourself like you would a friend
Make self care a priority
Limit your exposure to negativity
Add other tips to this list!
Client Led Exercise
Have a volunteer lead the group in some light stretching
Show & Share (10-min)
Do you plan to wear green tomorrow?
Skills: Connections to live longer
We made a few connections with our peers with our other talk on values that are important to us. Another part of our life is living long and healthy lives. How can we as a group support each other and provide new connections or ideas to live longer?
Identify a few ways to keep our bodies healthy as we age (use sunscreen, stretch, stay active, get outside)
Body Break
Theme Review
What's the theme of the week?
What did we learn today?
Quick Fun Actvity
Do you like poetry? Listen to a short spoken word by Naima Penniman called "Being Human"
Rights & Self Advocacy
Thursday March 17, 2022
Check In (5 min)
What sorts of things are you creating right now? Do you have a garden? Are you drawing?
Today happens to be...Saint Patricks Day!
Recap from yesterday!
What did you learn?
Thematic Activity
Where would you start if you wanted to write and create affirmations? Would you start by brainstorming? Researching? Thinking? Talking with a friend?
Affirmation statements usually target a specific area, behavior or belief that you're struggling with.
The following points can help you to write the affirmation statement that best fits your needs.
Client Led Exercise
Have a volunteer lead the group in doing light exercise
Show & Share (10-min)
Share your green colors if you are wearing green today!
Skills: Phonics letter S
The letter S is at the beginning and end of a lot of words. Seem's like a popular letter. Praticing your letter hunting skills on the second link below or practice your phonics skills on the first sheet.
What sound does the letter S make?
Body Break
Review theme
What have you learned so far with this week's theme?
What did we learn today?
Quick Fun Activity:
Two sheets below to get you thinking about Saint Patrick's Day!
Saint Patricks Day Multiplication
Saint Patrick's Day Word Scramble!
Knowledge & Fun
Friday March 18, 2022
Check In (5 min)
What is something that always makes you laugh? A movie? A youtube video? A joke?
Today happens to be...Awkard Moments Day!
Review this weeks's theme
Thematic Activity: Creating a Super Hero to help with Positive Talk
Imagine that Marvel Productions had a super hero that can help other with their inner voice! This super hero would help support people that need help when the inner voice is just feeling a bit negative. Using the skills and connections that you made over the past few day's, what strategies would this superhero use? You can use the white board to keep track of the ideas.
After the team figures out which superhero they would create, use the questions below to add some more narrative to the super hero's life! Remember to use your imagination!
Client Led Exercise
5 minutes of light exercise!
Show & Share (10-min)
Who is your favorite superhero? What makes this superhero so special? Does this superhero have any powers? What are they?
Skills: Shake it off-counting game
Purpose: Lift the energy of the group and practice our counting skills.
As a group, players must count down from 8 while shaking out each of their limbs. The order of shaking our limb is right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg. If anyone is not able to shake one of the limbs, its okay, you can still count along with the group. You will count down from 8, then 7, then 6, etc. until they reach 1.
Heres how to do it as a group, count down out loud:
Right Arm: "8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"
Left Arm: "8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"
Right leg: "8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"
Left leg:"8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"
Right arm:"7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"
Left arm:"7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"
Right leg:"7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"
Left leg: "7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"
Right Arm: "6, 5,4, 3, 2, 1!"
Left Arm: "6, 5,4, 3, 2, 1!"
Right leg: "6, 5,4, 3, 2, 1!" ....etc. counting down from each number you left off on until you reached number one, since that is the last round.
Right arm: "1!"
Left arm: "1!"
Right leg:"1!"
Left leg: "1!"
You can also play Taylor Swift's song "Shake it off" during the activity.
Body Break
Review the theme of the week!
What did we learn today?
Quick Activity
March is Women's History Month. One way we can honor this is by learning about the historical events in the United States that women fought for! Check out this video on this webpage and if you want to talk more about it, read the article. (Please describe the visuals and text on the video since this video does not have a narrator.)
Choosing Fun Stuff to Do
Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?
The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below.