Person-Centered Thinking & Safety
Wednesday, July 5th, 2023
Thematic Media—What Is Collaboration?
This video talks about collaboration in a classroom but what other places can we collaborate? What situations in program require collaboration? What situations at work require collaboration?
Thematic Activity
PRESENTERS: click the link for self-awareness for collaboration. Read about and explain that emotional intelligence is understanding the humnan feelings. Talk about how self-awareness and self-management make us better teammates when we are collaborating.
Self-Awareness and Collaboration
Body Break—Clown Workouts... Really!
This week we'll be exploring new body breaks that help people who are actually professional clowns do their clowning. If you happen to have a clown nose in your costume box, you could keep it handy!
Skills Media—Jump Start Self-Awareness (10 min)
PRESENTERS: Tell participants this is a sponsored video but that Hope isn't promoting skill share, but just want to consider the self-awareness advice.
You can stop the video after an important idea to restate it for the group.
Skills Information—23 self-awareness questions to ask ourselves.
PRESENTERS: Scroll down to the 23 questions and pick a few to pose to your group. If you have a large group, you can pose the questions and then explain how different people might answer them.
Skills Applied (optional)
Draw a picture of yourself, or write a paragraph, that includes things you know about yourself and questions you have about yourself.
Body Break — Clown Dance Workout - this one is long so you can stop it early if you want
Fun Stuff—Animals in Mirrors
Civics & Community Awareness
image by Vince Fleminmg on Unsplash
Wednesday, July 5th, 2023
Thematic Media—Write an Autobiography
Writing about your own life can make you realize things you didn't before about YOURSELF!
Thematic Activity
Think about your life and make a written or mental list of the people who have collaborated with you over the years to help make your experience on earth what it has been. Our first collaborators are our family usually, but not for everyone. Who has been collaborating with you in this lifetime of yours? Is it a fun collaboration? Is it hard sometimes? No one gets through life without the help and support of others. And sometimes, when look back on our lives, we realize that we sometimes had to change teams.
Body Break—Clown Workout: The Note of Inifity
Skills Media—Self-Acceptance
Skills Information
When we know ourselves well we have the confidence to show our weakensses without feeling ashamed of them. We accept ourselves as human beings and don't expect ourselves to be perfect.
But if we aren't very aware of our weak points, or we are afraid to think about them, we are tempted to hide them, or if someone notices them, we feel embarrassed.
Think for a minute about what you want to NEVER put into your autobiography. If there is something like that, try to figure out why you feel that way. Can you acknowledge and respect something about yourself that isn't perfect and be OK with that? If not, that's OK. Just let it be a part of you. Everything that has happened in your life helped make you who you are today, so really, it's all OK.
Skills Applied
Design the cover of your Autobiography. Would you put your picture on it? What color scheme would you use? What title would you give it? why?
Examples of Titles of Autobiographies
Sample covers of autobiographies
Body Break—Clown Workout: Emotion Workout
Fun Stuff—2019 Flash Mobs
Well Being and Social Connection
Thursday, July 6th, 2023
Thematic Media—Collaboration for wellness
Thematic Activity
Review the graphic on FOOD DESERTS.
Skills Media—One idea for collaborating to create community and healthful food
Skills Information
Know Your Needs
What does one person need to live?
PRESENTERS: Use this web page to create a sample Cost of living scenario. From the boxes at the top, enter an income of $85,000 for the first person. Leave the second one alone. Set the city for San Jose, or another Bay Area town, choose 1 person for the family, set the food plan to moderate and the square feet to 1000. See if that is enough. Adjust the earning number higher and lower to show how much 1 person needs to earn to live in the location you set.
This graphic shows regions of the country costs of living
Body Break—Clown Workout—Laughter Yoga (stop when you want)
Skills Applied
Fun Stuff—Monkey & Puppy
Rights & Self Advocacy
Thursday, July 5th, 2023
Recall the theme and skill for the week
Thematic Activity
Review this info graphic of how to get "start-up" money for your business idea and identify which of the ways are what the teams and Microsoft offer in the news story above.
Body Break—Clown Workout—"The Drop"
Skills Media
One way to have the power to advocate for yourself is to control your own job, be your own boss. Owning your own business, instead of having an employer, can be very empowering. But to be a successful business owner one of the most important things you can learn is about yourself. After all, the whole business depends on you.
Read these tips on self-knowledge for business owners. Think about your own personality and strengths.
Skills Information
Think about the people you know who love and support you. Think about the people you just know, but not as well. Think about people who know the people you know. Would you be able to get these people to help you with a business idea?
Make a mental, or written, list of the people you could get to COLLABORATE with you on starting a business.
Use this info graphic to identify the steps where your "team" could support you.
Who would you support if they asked for your help with THEIR business idea?
Skills Applied
Choose one of these entrepreneur quizzes and try it. Have a volunteer or two choose answers based on themselves.
Body Break—Clown Workout—Strangers in my Home
Fun Stuff—Cuddly Wombats
Review the Weekend
Go back through the tabs of the week and review the information that your group finds most interesting.
Do searches on topics from the week on a shared screen to find out MORE information.
Tell your group who you might share your new knowledge with.
Share weekend plans.
Take a peek at Friday's activity board.
Troll around Youtube or do other searches for interesting things YOU want to learn about.
Knowledge & Fun
Theme and Skills Reminder
Longer Videos and Storytelling--choose a piece that interests you
Music Moment
Choose some songs from this list with Friday in the title
Choose a live concert from the 60s, 70s or 80s
Body Break—Clown Workout—My Invisible Friend
Singalong to Disney Karaoke - choose some songs
Body Break—Clown Workout—Animal Qualities
Choosing Fun Stuff to Do
Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?
The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below.