PCT & Safety 33

Person-Centered Thinking & Safety

Black History

This week, let's learn and talk about Black arts and Black artists.

Have you heard of the Harlem Renaissance? What do you know about it?

Today happens to be...

Check out the national day

Check In (5 min)

Say hello, share the weekend... 

Introduce the Week (3 min)

Healthy Relationships are the main theme.

The skill we're practicing is interpersonal communication.

Show & Share (5-10-min)

How did you meet your current partner or a valued friend? How long ago was it? What has made your relationship a good one?

Tomorrow's Show & Share: how did your parents, or grandparents meet?

            <Body Break>

Thematic Activity (10-15 min)

PRESENTERS: This helps identify and express the things that make us feel SAFE in relationships. 

This is a list of things that make us feel SAFE in a relationship, friendship or romance or any kind. 

  • Being accepted for who we are
  • Laughing at the same things together
  • Being able to make mistakes in front of each other
  • Teasing and jokes are good natured, not mean
  • Knowing someone will stick up for me
  • Always telling each other the truth
  • Sticking by each other when things are not fun or even difficult
  • Helping each other when we need it
  • Not asking for things the other person doesn't want to give
  • Not gossiping or telling secrets - what is private stays private
  • Being able to apologize and have things go back to normal
  1. Name someone you have a safe relationship with. Tell us how you feel with them. 
  2. How do you make others feel safe? 

Skill Builder (5-10 min)

PRESENTERS: This is to build the vocabulary and awareness to turn DOWN requests from friends that are not OK with the individual. You can play the role of the person taking advantage. Repeat requests more than once to demonstrate the pressure that comes from it.

We want to help friends and partners. But sometimes they ask for something that we don't feel comfortable giving. This is especially true if we haven't known someone for a long time. 

For each situation, role play how to say "no" clearly and directly without being rude. Good places to start are "I don't agree..., " "I prefer not to." and "I think you know you shouldn't be asking me that."

  1. A good friend asks to borrow your entire savings.
  2. A person you have a crush on wants to use your apartment to have a party for people you don't really know well.
  3. A co-worker asks to borrow your family car for the weekend. 
  4. A friend you know on facebook asks for your, or your family member's, credit card information to play a game online with you
  5. A home support staff takes you shopping and asks you to put some purchases for them on your card. 

               <Body Break>

Survival Language (5-10 min)

What are homonyms? (3 min video)

PRESENTERS: close the video after the pair "STARE and STAIR" appears--it's advertising after that

As a group, brainstorm 5 homonyms.

Optional Level-Up on Homonyms

Did you know there are TRIPLE homonyms? 

Choose triple homonyms from this list and invent sentences that clarify the CONTEXT so the listener can tell which meaning is being used.

  • aisle, isle, I'll
  • do, dew, due
  • new, knew, gnu ( the last one is a herd animal
  • road, rode. rowed


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

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