Person-Centered Thinking & Safety
Monday April 18, 2022
Today happens to be...Pet Owners Independence Day!
Check in:
How was your weekend?
PRESENTERS: How-to videos below do not have any sound. Please describe the steps if you are showing them
How to leave this meeting and join MasterClass Demo on a phone/tablet
How to leave this meeting and join MasterClass Demo on a laptop
Theme of the Week:
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle! Becuse Earth Day is this friday. We will review what we know about sustainablility, conservation and learn new things about how we can do our part for earth.
Thematic Activity (15 mins)
Did you know that many plastics are actually not reyclable? Isn't that funny? We will review some of those items and share our knowledge about recycling.
Using the zoom white board share and track responses to the following question's:
On this Page you will see a Recycling 101 guide with so much good information! For the next part of this activity, focus on the infromation that says, Not Accepted in Your Bin.
Just below that you will see items that are actually not recyclable. Each item has a plus sign ( + ) next to it and a light bulb. Click on those icons to learn more about each item. You are more than welcomed to look at the entire page to see what other interesting things you can learn.
Client-led Exercise (5 mins)
Have a volunteer lead the group in 5 minutes of light stretching
Show and Share: (10 mins)
Something around you that is green! If you can't find anything, think of things that are green.
Skills- Percent of a Number (15 mins)
Review this Sheet on how to find the precent of a number- the first part shows you how to move the decimal point over and the second part says how to multiply it. You can use the calculator option on a table, computer, internet or phone to check the answer.
The second sheet has some equations that can be completed as a group. Do the best you can using the technique from the first page.
Body Break
Remind of the theme- What's the theme?
What did we learn today?
Quick Fun Activity (10 mins)
Draw a line from the trash, recyle and compost icons on the lower right of the image to the correct item. (We know it says to cut, but we will improvise) You can also use the annotation option to color in the images on the page. Click here to view.
Civics & Community Awareness
Tuesday April 19, 2022
Today happens to be...National Garlic Day!
Check In (5 min):
How was your Monday?
Recap of yesterday (1 min):
What did you learn yesterday?
Thematic Activity (15 mins)
Did you know California Passed a law that requires everyone to put food scraps into the yard clippings bin. If it is not followed, you will be fined. Although you will not be fined just yet, the goal is educate and inform everyone how they can prepare and do their part before being fined.
Here is an Audio Clip from NPR News, they hace a discussion with a few people in San Francisco. The Audio has a transcipt where you can read what they talk about and follow along as the audio plays. Don't forget to share sound-there is no video.
Client-led Exercise
Have a volunteer lead the group in 5 minutes of light stretching
Show & Share (10-min)
For today’s activity we will explore different types of communities that we are members of… and we may not even realize it!
MasterClass Peek
Around 10:30 am those who wish to check out the MasterClass space can pop on over.
PRESENTERS: you can copy/paste this link into the chat if people want and can use that way of attending the meeting
Skills-Creativity (15 mins)
Using the images below, use your imagination and describe what the items can be used for besides it's main purpose. You can also add other items as well, get creative!
For example- a plastic cup can become a hat, a fork can be used to open up mail and a shoe can be a cup holder.
Body Break
Remind of the theme
What did we learn today?
Quick Fun Activity (10 mins)
Have you ever wondered why we see very large windmills in the vallerys? They are used to created energy, it's called a Wind Turbine! Learn more here
Well Being and Social Connection
Wednesday April 22, 2022
Today happens to be...Volunteer Recognition Day!
Check In (5 min)
How are you feeling today?
Recap of Yesterday (1 min):
What is one thing you remeber from yesterday?
Thematic Activity ( 15 mins)
Chemicals: Just like certian matierials, some chemicals should be despose of properly.
Client-led Exercise (5 mins)
Have a volunteer lead the group in 5 minutes of light stretching
Share and Show (10 mins)
Do you have a reusable water bottle, mug, bag or napkin that you can share with the group?
MasterClass Peek
Around 10:30 am those who wish to check out the MasterClass space can pop on over.
PRESENTERS: you can copy/paste this link into the chat if people want and can use that way of attending the meeting
Skills-Heat Index
Review the Heat Index card to help you answer the statements about heat index.
It's important to learn about this because it has an affect on the body's ability to cool down when the outside temperature is very hot.
Use this sheet and the first one to answer the questions.
Body Break
Remind of the theme- What's the theme of the week?
What did we learn today?
Quick Fun Activity
Rights & Self Advocacy
Thursday April 21, 2022
Today happens to be...Kindergarten Day!
Check In (5 min)
How are you feeling today?
Recap of yesterday
What did you learn yesterday?
Thematic Activity(15 mins)
Conservation of Water: What ways have you saved?
Clean, fresh water is a limited resource. With all the severe droughts happening in the world, the limited supply of fresh water is becoming one of our most precious resources. Every person on earth needs water to survive. Without it, many of us would get sick and even result in death.
Conserving water means using our water supply wisely and be responsible. As every individual depends on water for livelihood, we must learn how to keep our limited supply of water pure and away from pollution.
Client-led Exercise (5 mins)
Have a volunteer lead the group in 5 minutes of light stretching
Share and Show (10 mins)
Look for something that you have around you that starts with the first letter of your name.
MasterClass Peek
Around 10:30 am those who wish to check out the MasterClass space can pop on over.
PRESENTERS: you can copy/paste this link into the chat if people want and can use that way of attending the meeting
Skills-Creativity in Movement (15 mins)
Get silly and funny, see if you can spell out your name with your arms and legs. Very simillar to spelling out the YMCA like the song.
Body Break
Remind of the theme- What's the theme of the week?
What did we learn today?
Quick Fun Activity
Knowledge & Fun
Friday April 22, 2022
Today happens to be...Earth Day!
Check In (5 min)
What are your weekend plans? What are you looking forward to?
What did you learn yesterday?
Thematic Activity (15 mins)
Last topic in our Earth Week Theme is conserving engery.
Client-led Exercise
Have a volunteer lead the group in 5 minutes of light stretching
Share and Show
Share one thing that you will do today to celebrate Earth Day!
Skills-Earth Week Recap (10 mins)
Use the skills and knowledge that you learned about over the last four days to answer true or false to the follwing statements:
Body Break
Remind of the theme
What did we learn today?
Quick Fun Activity
Choosing Fun Stuff to Do
Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?
The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below.