Well-being and Social Connection 96

April 4-8, 2022

Theme: Recognizing Personal Stressors - Challenges

Skill Building: Phonics & Life Skills 

Person-Centered Thinking & Safety

Monday April 4th., 2022

Check In :  How was your weekend? Did you have any rainy weather in your area?

Today happens to be... National Carrot Day! 🥕What is your favorite veggie? 

Theme of the week: Recognizing Personal Stressors - Challenges 

This week we will be defining stress, events that might stress us out, and ways to mitigate (or lessen) these stressors in our lives. Everyone experiences stress differently, this week we will explore more of that!

Thematic Activity:

What is Stress?

In the video, they mention the 4 most common types of stress.

  1. Time stress.
  2. Anticipatory stress.
  3. Situational stress.
  4. Encounter stress

Let's start with Time Stress

Watch- Deadline Stress

What is a deadline and what are some examples of them?

How many of us have felt the stress or pressure of a deadline? 

How did you deal with that stress?

Everyone is different and needs a different amount of thinking and planning time so they don't feel rushed to meet a deadline. 

Here is an example of a Goal Setting tool. 

As a group, think of a goal that someone has already completedTalk through the Goal Setting tool to see how that goal was managed. 

Client-led Exercise: Have a volunteer lead the group in some light stretching

Show & Share : A time you went on a road trip. Share about a time you took either a long or short road trip. 

Skills: Phonics

"Ur" Sound out words

Put the right letters Worksheet 1

"Ur" Worksheet 2

Body Break

Theme Review

What did we learn today?

Quick Fun Activity 

Can you guess the movie in 3 seconds?!

Civics & Community Awareness

Tuesday, April 5th., 2022 

Check In : What are you looking forward to this week? How was your Monday?

Today happens to be... National Deep Dish Pizza Day! Yum.🍕

What is your favorite Pizza topping?

Theme of the week:

 Recognizing Personal Stressors - Challenges 

Thematic Activity:

 Yesterday we talked about the  4 most common types of stress and began with Time Stress.

  1. Time stress.
  2. Anticipatory stress.
  3. Situational stress.
  4. Encounter stress

What is Anticipatory stress?

Do You Get Anxiety Thinking About The Future?

Sometimes we feel dread or avoidance when having to do tasks.

Have you ever felt that way?

What do you do to overcome the anxiety of doing that task or activity?

5 Tips to Manage Anticipatory Anxiety

Client-led Exercise: Have a volunteer lead the group in some light stretching

Show & Share: Share a time when you overcame fear and conquered a task! Did you ride a Roller Coaster? Did you do Public Speaking? 

Skills:  Life Skills

Personal Hygiene.

Personal Health Hygiene and Grooming

In the video, Sam had issues with hygiene in the workplace.

What types of jobs have you had?

Do different types of jobs require more personal hygiene than others? 

Why is keeping up with personal hygiene important in the workplace?

What would happen in the workplace if you did not keep up with personal hygiene?

Body Break

Theme Review

What did we learn today?

Quick Fun Activity 

Can you guess the food by its emoji?

Well Being and Social Connection

Wednesday, April 6th., 2022 

Check In : How has your week been going? We are halfway through the week. What are some things you found interesting? What do you want to learn more about? 

Today happens to be...National Siamese Cat Day!

Do you have any pets? What are their names?

Theme of the week:  Recognizing Personal Stressors - Challenges 

Thematic Activity:

 Yesterday we talked about Anticipatory stress, one  4 most common types of stress. 

  1. Time stress.
  2. Anticipatory stress.
  3. Situational stress.
  4. Encounter stress

Today we are going to talk about Situational stress. These are situations that may happen unexpectedly or could be something you feel unprepared for. 

Sometimes you face situational stress when things don't work out the way you want them to.

What is one time you felt like you failed but also learned something? 

Here are 10 Healthy Ways to Cope With Failure

What is a Coping Mechanism

Here are some strategies to help with our reactions to stressful situations. 

What strategies do you use when you feel situational stress? 

What makes you feel back in control and calm when something stressful happens suddenly?

As a group try BOX BREATHING

Client-led Exercise:

Have a volunteer lead the group in some light stretching

Show & Share :

A healthy recipe or dish that you love. 

Skills:  Problem Solving -Cultural Challenges 

PRESENTERS: Take turns reading the link to the article provided and allow time to reflect.

We are all members of different cultures and need to be respectful and mindful that individuals come from all different types of backgrounds.

  • Every culture has its own set of rules that are followed and are the standards for respect and kindness, what is considered good and bad, and even the way you speak to one another!
  • Examples of cultural differences and these differences impact the workplace
  • Examples of certain cultural differences that we might find interesting, share with the group!
  • Find a team member that has something culturally different than you. Explain that difference and then share with the team what surprised you about these differences.

Body Break

Theme Review

What did we learn today?

Quick Fun Activity 

I spy, something....red? When was the last time you played I Spy? Use this image and take turns describing an object on the image. Try not to give the answer away to easily. 

Rights & Self Advocacy

Thursday April 7th., 2022 

Check In: What did you have for breakfast this morning? Do you have any plans for dinner?  What is the theme of the week?

Today happens to be...World Health Day

Theme of the week: Recognizing Personal Stressors - Challenges 

Thematic Activity:

 Yesterday we talked about Anticipatory stress, one  4 most common types of stress. 

  1. Time stress.
  2. Anticipatory stress.
  3. Situational stress.
  4. Encounter stress

Today we are going to talk about Encounter stress.

Have you ever felt stressed out just thinking about meeting someone or interacting with others?

This is the feeling of Encounter stress.

Working on social skills while also knowing and expressing your limits can help.

We are not our thoughts. 

How can we be more aware of our thoughts?

Can being aware of our thoughts help with the stress of future encounters?

Can setting boundaries with new friends be helpful?

Setting Healthy Boundaries

Have you seen Encanto? 

Listen to - Surface Pressure


Do you think that Luisa is expressing that she feels stress?

Client-led Exercise: Have a volunteer lead the group in some light stretching

Show & Share: Something you use to work out – yoga mat, workout clothes, a piece of equipment

Skills: Phonics

"sh" Sound Out Worksheet

"sh" Worksheet 1

"sh" Worksheet 2

Addressing challenges in program 

PRESENTERS: Keeping with the challenge theme, we will discuss times we've worked through challenges and stressors in program

Everyone has had a challenge in program. Someone might have a bad day, someone might struggle with a schedule change, it happens to everyone!

  • What are some struggles that you've come across in program?  How did you address it?
  • Create a zoom list of ways to address challenges and struggles that we've come across and our team members may come across in the future.

Body Break

Theme Review

What did we learn today?

Quick Fun Activity 

How cute! - Dog Reviews Food With Baby Puppy 

Knowledge & Fun

Friday April 8th, 2022 

Check In : What are your plans for this weekend? Are you excited?

Today happens to be...National Zoo Lovers Day

What is your favorite Zoo animal?

Theme of the week:

Recognizing Personal Stressors - Challenges 

Thematic Activity: De-Stress

Over the last several days we talked about stressors and the categories they fall under. We will conclude this week by discussing some ideas on how we can de-stress from stressful situations. 

Open up the whiteboard feature on zoom to start a short brainstorm for the following prompts:

  • What does it mean to de-stress?
  • Why do you think it's important to de-stress?
  • What are some healthy examples of de-stressing?

After reviewing the brainstorming as a group, review this short article and see if your brainstorming ideas included any of the de-stressing tips listed.

 Client-led Exercise: Have a volunteer lead the group in some light stretching

Show & Share: Share something that is recyclable. You can know this is recyclable OR look for the picture on products that lets you know it is recyclable 

Skills: Resiliency

Resilience can contribute to the way we handle stress and is considered a life skill.

Share with the group a few things about what you know or don't know about resiliency. If you need to, you can also provide examples of resiliency by doing a short online search.  

After you can introduce the topic and learn more with this short video, remember to use those captions! 

After watching the video, check in with each person in the group to find out what piece of information was most helpful.

Body Break

Theme Review: What was our theme this week?

What did we learn today?

Quick Fun Activity 

Do you like magic and drones? I know a weird combo- Check this out!

Sort-of Game Time 

PRESENTERS: Popping bubble wrap soothes some people. This is a virtual bubble wrap popper. Just click the green go flag and click on bubbles to pop them. As your group who likes to pop bubble wrap in real life. What else do people do to relieve stress?

Virtual Bubble Wrap Popper

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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