Well-being and Social Connection 91

August 1st-3rd

Theme: Inventions

Skill Building: Math, Phonics, Collaboration

Person-Centered Thinking & Safety

Tuesday, August 1st, 2023

Check out the National Day!

Check-in: What was one memorable thing from the weekend?

Theme for the week: Inventions!

Inventions started with a simple idea someone had. They looked at what they had and thought about ways to make it better. 

Thematic Activity: Have you ever heard of or used the SuperSoaker toy? 

Here is the story of how the popular toy was invented by Lonnie Johnson.

Think of a toy YOU would like to invent. 

What does it do?

How would it work?

What materials would you need to make it?

How much money do you think you would need to make a prototype?

Client-led Exercise: Have volunteer from the group lead a short 5 minute light stretching. 

Show and Share: What is something you could not live without? Electricity, cell phones, the internet are all inventions that we now use in our lives almost every day. What invention could you not live without?

Skills (Math) -  Place Values

What is place value? | Oxford Owl

Click HERE to open up a place value chart.

Click HERE to open up a practice worksheet.

Presenters: Open the worksheet and use the annotation tool to practice as a group. Feel free to search for different skill level worksheets online depending on your group. 

Body Break 

Theme Review

What did we learn today? 

Quick Fun Activity:  No leap day for 2022 but what is a leap year? 

Can you figure out when the next leap year will be?

Do you know anyone with a Leap Day (Feb 29th) Birthday?

Civics & Community Awareness

Tuesday, August 1st, 2023

Check-in: Happy March! What is one thing you love about this month?

Theme for the week: Inventions!

Inventions started with a simple idea someone had. They looked at what they had and thought about ways to make it better. 

Thematic Activity: Sometimes mistakes are a good thing! 

Check out these inventions created by mistake.

Have you ever invented anything by accident?

Maye a new recipe? 

As a group, pick one of the 15 inventions from the video. Discuss how would the world be different without that "mistake" the inventor made?

Client-led Exercise: Have a volunteer from the group lead a short 5 minute light stretching. 

Show and Share: Do you have a gadget that you use to help with everyday tasks? Any accessibility devices? 

(Mine is an alarm clock. So glad those were invented!) 

Skills (Phonics): Did you know that practicing phonics can help you read faster? 

Here are some worksheets to try as a group. 

Level 1 "O"

Presenters: Use screen share and the annotation tools to get collaboration on this activity. Feel free to find alternate resources to expand the activity AND/OR client presenters to level up

Body Break 

Theme Review

What did we learn today? 

Presenters: Use screen share and the annotation tools to get collaboration on this activity. Feel free to find alternate resources to expand the activity. 

Well Being and Social Connection

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023

Check out the National Day!

Check-in: Anyone watching any good shows?

Theme for the week: Inventions!

Inventions started with a simple idea someone had. They looked at what they had and thought about ways to make it better. 

Thematic Activity: Accessibility Inventions

Here are some inventions made to create everyday tasks more accessible 

Presenters: Pause and play video as needed to help narrate the subtitles. 

What are some obstacles you encounter with places or things that are not accessible for you?

What types of assistive tech would be able to help this problem?

If you were able to create the perfect assistive tool FOR YOU, what would that look like? 

Presenters: use a search engine to look up the ost recent high-tech accessibility inventions on the market.

When an accessibility device is very expensive, does that still make it accessible? 

What are your thoughts?

Client-led Exercise: Have a volunteer from the group lead a short 5 minute light stretching. 

Show and Share: What's your favorite book? Is there a book you remember from your childhood that made you happy? 

Skills (Discussion/Collaboration):Cleaning! Some people love cleaning snd some people don't like it at all.

How do you keep the things you use and the places you live clean?

Why is keeping things clean important?

Do you clean on a schedule?

Do you share the cleaning task with anyone else?

Do you do anything to make cleaning easier or fun?

Give the group any tips you use to keep clean!

Here is a video on The Importance of Cleaning and Washing During Food Preparation

Body Break 

Theme Review

What did we learn today? 

Quick Fun Activity: Who loves pop culture? Can you guess these famous celebrities from their childhood photos?

Rights & Self Advocacy

Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023

Check-in: Have you been on any great outdoor adventures lately? 

Theme for the week: Inventions!

Inventions started with a simple idea someone had. They looked at what they had and thought about ways to make it better. 

Thematic Activity:  Food inventions

Can you believe how these common foods were invented?! 

Have you ever made a tasty treat all on your own? 

Think about what that food production would be.

Let's create a new and improved sauce to dip our french fries in!

What are the ingredients?

What is the color?

What time of foods should people try dipping?

What is the product's name ?

What does the bottle look like?

Use the annotation tool to make the coolest product bottle design you can for your new sauce!

Presenters: Feel free to clear annotations after activity or use screen capture to save! 

Client-led Exercise: Have a volunteer from the group lead a short 5 minute light stretching. 

Show and Share: Show us your favorite wild animal! What type of environment does this animal need to survive?

Skills (Phonics) : Did you know practicing phonics can help you become a better speller?

Here are some phonics worksheets for practice.


Sound it "O-E" Fill in the blank 

Body Break 

Theme Review

What did we learn today? 

Quick Fun Activity:  Take the Ultimate Wild Animal Quiz 

Check out these adorable baby wild animals 

Knowledge & Fun

Thursday, August 3rd, 2023

Check out the National Day!

Check-in: Any weekend plans?

Theme for the week: Inventions!

Inventions started with a simple idea someone had. They looked at what they had and thought about ways to make it better. 

Thematic Activity: Inventions for nature 

Check out 22 Inventions That Are Saving The Earth

What was the most surprising thing that you saw?

As a group, Pick out a few inventions shown in the video and use a search engine to explore further. 

Which of these inventions would you be willing to try in nature?

(I want to try the edible water blobs!)

Presenters: Please narrate text on the screen.

Client-led Exercise: Have a volunteer from the group lead a short 5 minute light stretching. 

Show and Share: What is your favorite way to spend time OFF screen? Do you have any cool pictures of places traveled or nature you've encountered? 

Skills (Discussion/Collaboration) :

Active Listening

Actively listening effectively can be very hard.  Especially if there's a lot going on around. Watch this clip.

How does it make you feel that the person you're talking to isn't paying attention to you?

How do you make an effort to communicate with Active Listening?

Try it out:

One person tells the story of what makes the salad dressing you use your favorite.

Was everyone actively listening?

What are some ways you can tell?

Are there some stories easier to listen to than others? Why?

Body Break 

Theme Review

What did we learn today? 

Quick Fun Activity: 

Can you guess the food with these emoji mix ups?

Review the Weekend

Go back through the tabs of the week and review the information that your group finds most interesting.

Do searches on topics from the week on a shared screen to find out MORE information.

Tell your group who you might share your new knowledge with.

Share weekend plans.

Take a peek at Friday's activity board.

Troll around Youtube or do other searches for interesting things YOU want to learn about.

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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