Well-being and Social Connection 54

July 5-9, 2021


Skill Building: Adapting to Change I Don’t Want

No program today to make up for July 4 being on a Sunday.

Have fun and share your joy

See you Tuesday.

Civics & Community Awareness

Tuesday July 6, 2021

Today happens to be International Kissing Day

Introduce the Theme for July


PRESENTERS: Video is mostly visual so describe what is happening for audience. Pause if necessary to describe each event in the story.

Introduce the skill for the week

Adapting to changes I don't like

Instructional tip: sometimes a dry voice reading is helpful to some learners. There are people who get distracted by voices that have a lot of emotion or inflection and it makes it harder for them to hear the content.

History Video - changing into a modern world

Modern Revolution


Prompt everyone to stay hydrated and do some deep breathing. 

Life Skills Story Part 1 (audio)

Life Skills Story Full Text Web Page

Listen to part 1 of the story or read it aloud from the web page link. 

PRESENTERS If you use the audio file just use the BACK BUTTON on the browser to return to the curriculum pages.

Body Break

Follow the video if you want to, or do your own moves 

Paper Sculptures "adapting to reality"

PRESENTERS: Show the images of the paper sculptures and point out that the paper is being held up in different views from windows. Part of adapting is changing our point of view. The viewer of the sculptures sees the sculptures AND the scene but the sculptures only face the scene. When we need to adapt to changes we don't want, it helps to think about the change from different points of view.


How this poet adapted to her experience. 

What is policy and who makes it? 

Policy is a decision by some group of people for how a larger group of people will agree to do something. Policies often affect communities very strongly. What are some policies at Hope programs? What about in your town?  

Body Break 

How will we adapt to drought? 

California Drought news

Watch the video and highlight the things you already know you should do for getting through a drought. 

OPTIONAL : Make a drought meme 


PRESENTERS: Share screen, click on the photos on the left tool bar and search for an image related to drought or water, then click on the text tool and choose a text block to bring in. Write something memorable on the text that will help people remember to be careful with water 

Use the free website to come up with sayings for the pictures 

Sequence the hour 

Presenters; use the whiteboard to make a list of the things covered today in order (if you have time) 


Well Being and Social Connection

Wednesday July 7, 2021

Today happens to be Chocolate Day

Refresh memory of July Theme: Adapting

Refresh memory of Week's Skill: Adapting to changes I don't like

Science Video—How Animals ADAPT 


Remind everyone to hydrate and do some deep breathing. (We want to build this habit as a go to so that people can access it automatically when they feel stressed)

Life Skills Story Part 2 (audio)

Life Skills Story complete on web page

PRESENTERS: listen to part 2, or read it together from the web page. REmember the BACK button brings you back to this curriculum page.

Traditions of Wellness

Every culture has dance and music. These human activities are very important to our health and well being. In the modern world we sometimes forget that you don't have to be a famous person to enjoy making music or dancing. In fact, the more time you spend doing these arts the healthier you will be. Participating the arts directly ourselves is part of our human legacy and everyone can do it.  

Learn to Dance Native American Pow Wow


Body Break - Be Silly

More Traditions of Wellness  

Many cultures the world over have a tradition of singing together after a large family meal. 

What songs would the people in your home all know that you could sing together after a good meal?

Singing After Dinner

Singing After Dinner

2020 World Singalong online 

Body Break water breathe 

Follow the video if you want to, or do your own moves 


Adapting means changing what we usually do because our circumstances are different. 

When We Get Sick

It also means planning changes to make when we are going somewhere new. 

When We Travel


Sequence the hour 

Presenters; use the whiteboard to make a list of the things covered today in order (if you have time) 

Rights & Self Advocacy

Thursday July 8, 2021

Today happens to be National Freezer Pop Day

Refresh memory of July Theme: Adapting

Refresh memory of Week's Skill: Adapting to changes I don't like

Self-advocacy Video 

PRESENTERS: Be sure to point out that the speaker is using a Braille reader to read her speech


Life Skills Story Questions 

Ready for this weeks story quiz? Good Luck!

Presenters you can double check your group answers at the end of the page.

Fashion as Advocacy


Explore Able Voices' Photo Club

PRESENTERS: Talk to your group about the fact that their tablet is a camera and they can take photos and videos to self-advocate. 

Body Break(sometimes kid stuff is fun even for adults) 

Follow the video if you want to, or do your own moves 

Self-Advocacy in Motion

water breathe 

Self-Advocacy Skills 

Body Break

Follow the video if you want to, or do your own moves 

Resilience (video 1) & 

Perseverence (video 2)

Sequence the hour 

Presenters; use the whiteboard to make a list of the things covered today in order (if you have time) 

Quiz Answer Check

1. C

2. B

3. C

4. C

5. A

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. A

Knowledge & Fun

Friday July 9, 2021

Today happens to be Fashion Day

What is July theme?

What is this week's skill?


Barefoot waterskiing 

Funny Sports Moments

Mr Bean Goes Swimming


Movie Time 

PRESENTERS: The link is a playlist of a series of short films by PIxar intended for kids. But we all know Pixar. They're for everyone

Body Break 


Copy these dance moves or invent your own.

Bollywood Dance Lesson


Presenters: pause the video before the answers are revealed and give participants time to think of they might answer. If the group is large, just have them clap after the answer is revealed if they guessed right.


Body Break


Two famous golfers play a game where they have to use the club written on a ball that they draw from a bag. If there are any golfers in your group they can explain some of the words. If not, use this GOLF DICTIONARY to find out what the golf-words mean.

water breathe 

Funny videos 

Kids and BAbies

Swimming Monkeys

Sequence the week 

Presenters; Prompt participants to recall topics covered over the week in order of the days

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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