Person-Centered Thinking & Safety
Today is Monday June 21, 2021
Today happens to be...International Yoga Day
Signing it into a Federal Holiday
*Biden uses multiple pens to sign parts of the signature in order to give the pens as comemorative objects to certain people.
Theme for June:
Ready for Anything
Theme of the Week: Mad Skills for Re-opening-Keeping Track of Changes and the Morning De-brief.
Enter any important events or dates. What are your goals for this month? Any habits you want to work on?
Re-opening Skills Introduction Video
Body Break
Covid defense tip: If your hands feel dry after so much washing, you can use an anti-bacterial lotion to moisturize them.
Listening to Boring Information
This exercise will be hard. You will listen to some not very interesting information that is presented in a not very interesting way. You need to figure out the important parts of the information to remember. It might help to close your eyes as you listen.
What is the Corona Virus (info)
Question Set
Presenters: if your group is too big for discussion, just ask and answer the questions and explain them.
Tricks to help with memory ( 8 min)
Body Break
Social Story - PCT and Re-Opening (slide link)
Presenters; remember to click PRESENT in the upper right to make the images fill the screen. Share the ideas at the end of the story. If your group is small enough, discuss. Otherwise just explain.
Things People Are Excited For When Social Distancing Ends
Presenters: Read the list and have participants cheer and clap for the ones they agree with
Spot the Difference
What was the sequence of today's topics?
What do you remember best?
Civics & Community Awareness
Today is Tuesday June 22, 2021
Today happens to be...World Rainforest Day
Theme for June:
Ready for Anything
Theme of the Week: Mad Skills for Re-opening-Keeping Track of Changes and the Morning De-brief.
Hearing Announcements
Listen to these airport announcements then cheer if you think the statements below are true, or boo if you think they are false.
Life Skills Story Playing Checkers Part 1
Read or listen to half the story together.
PRESENTERS: alert your audience that this is part 1 and ends on an unanswered question. Assure them that they will find out the answer tomorrow.
Body Break
Covid Rules - County by County
PRESENTERS: go to the web site and scroll down to find the list of counties. Go to the counties you know are represented in your group. Go to some counties that represent people's relatives or people they know who live elsewhere. Help your group understand some part of the information provided.
Body Break
Listening Skills
When we are given information frequently, it's important to make sure what we are using active listening.
PRESENTERS: have participants do the physical preparation in the last video before listening to this video. After they take in the next one, read the statements and ask them to cheer for the true ones.
Cheer for the true statements.
What was the sequence of today's topics?
What do you remember best?
Well Being and Social Connection
Today is Wednesday June 23, 2021
Today happens to be...National Hydration Day
Theme for June:
Ready for Anything
Theme of the Week: Mad Skills for Re-opening-Keeping Track of Changes and the Morning De-brief.
Check in with your appointments, important dates, accomplishments, habit tracking
Repeating What We Heard Correctly
Listen to these announcements. Your staff will then say some of the things in the announcements. Can you spot what they changed?
Presenters: play the link then read the statements below aloud. Wait for a count of 10, then tell the group what was different and remind them of the correct answer. (underlined words)
Life Skills Story Playing Checkers Part 2
Finish reading or listening to the Life Skills Story. Now we get to hear the answer to Lizzie's question.
Body Break
Things that are good ideas for people with ADHD can be good for the rest of us too. We can take ideas from this video and use them even if we don't have ADHD
Body Break
Re-opening Disneyland Resort - Someone reports!
What was the sequence of today's topics?
What do you remember best?
Rights & Self Advocacy
Today is Thursday June 24, 2021
Today happens to be...Lightning Safety Week
Theme for June:
Ready for Anything
Theme of the Week: Mad Skills for Re-opening-Keeping Track of Changes and the Morning De-brief.
Re-Opening Skills—transitions
This teacher understand how to help students in a classroom transition between activities. Her idea can be a good one for going back to in-person program.
Unstructured activities for transitions
When you go back to program, talk to your peers and staff about transitions in program. When do you change activities? Change locations? As a team, you can create 2-3 minute transition activities anyone can use if they want to. It can reduce stress for us all.
Life Skills Discussion Questions Page 1
Here are some discussion questions about real life based on topics in the story. Choose 3 or more to discuss in your group.
Body Break
Let’s move! And don’t forget to wash your hands (put on your mask, other practice for covid prep)
Presenters; remember to click PRESENT in the upper right to make the images fill the screen. Share the ideas at the end of the story. If your group is small enough, discuss. Otherwise just explain.
Body Break
This is a great way to look for the up side. Those of you in the EMCC, when you get back to program you can set up your cameras and a microphone in a public place and ask people to share their good news.
Hope is not the only program re-opening. This program is in New Jersey!
What was the sequence of today's topics?
What do you remember best?
Knowledge & Fun
Today is Friday June 25, 2021
Today happens to be...Take Your Dog to Work Week
What's the theme for June?
What is our mad skill for this week?
How was your week? Did you get your habits done? Did you have to cancel or reschedule plans?
Unusual Hobbies
02 (read subtitles aloud to participants)
Social Story Continued (Slides)
Presenters; remember to click PRESENT in the upper right to make the images fill the screen. The prompts for audience response don't require individuals sharing answers, although you CAN do that if your group is small enough.
Body Break
Life Skills Discussion Questions Page 2
Here is the last page of the discussion questions, pick 3 or decide to them all.
Body Break
Let’s move! (for the link, just hold your own hand)
and keep moving...
Let's bring it down a bit
What was the sequence of today's topics?
What do you remember best?
Choosing Fun Stuff to Do
Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?
The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below.