Well-being and Social Connection 51

June 7-11, 2021

Theme: Re-opening

Skill Building: Ready for Anything  

Person-Centered Thinking & Safety

Today is Monday June 7, 2021

Today happens to be...Daniel Boone Day

Portfolio Planner Check

Look at this week's pages. Enter your appointments, goals, important dates.

Theme for June: Ready for Anything 

June is Safety Month so we will be talking about safety preparations, but more important for our current needs is getting ready for our

Theme of the Week: Ready for Re-Opening 

Watch this video about what we'll be working on this week. 

Discuss the following skills that we'll be practicing this week. Can you think of good examples that illustrate those skills? 

  • Listening: to each other, to staff, to the news, to the CDC, to coordinators, to managers, to family
  • Observing: what's going on around us, how people are responding to what's going on, details in the environment, how well we are following the protocols
  • Feeling: feeling curious, anxious, enthusiastic, positive, negative, ALL the feelings that humans can have when we have to do a lot of fast changing and learning
  • Laughing Kindly: notice the funny, share jokes, be sweet and kind to each other, forgive mistakes and difficult moments

The last week of Show & Share:

This is the last week we will do show and share until September. 

BUT WHY?! you ask. 

Because as we go back to program more staff will have to leave the zoom meeting in order to be at program for the people who are attending. That means there will be fewer staff and more clients in each breakout room. When there are lots of participants and few staff we can't do as many individual conversations. We'll do more large group activities instead. Don't worry though. That can be fun too. Remember! An attitude of gratitude lets you play the day away. 

SO! for today's Show and Share pull out your Portfolio Planner and show us the work you are most proud of or enjoyed the most.

Tomorrow’s Show & Share 

Tell us your favorite memorable moments from zoom sessions. What stands out in your mind from this last year of from hope to home? 

Body Break 

Ever make a purple stew? Try it.

What You Can Expect from Hope

Hope wants everyone to do well and move forward into the best possible services you need to have the life you dream of. This video explains what you can you expect from hope as we reopen

Thematic Activity: Hygiene Habits for Re-Opening

Thematic Activity: Make up a slogan for wearing a mask!

Have fun and brain storm as a group. You can use the white board to list our ideas for different slogans.

Need examples? Use this video quiz to find popular company slogans. How many you can get correctly! Is your mask slogan catchy and memorable too? 

What did you learn today?  

Civics & Community Awareness

Today is Tuesday June 8, 2021

Today happens to be...Best Friends Day

What's the Theme of the Month? 

And what is the theme of the week? 

Today we'll tackle LISTENING. This video gives a great explanation of good listening skills.

Show & Share 

Today’s show and share is We Zoomed Through It Together

Share with us the things you remember from our zoom sessions, funny jokes, great dance offs, things you love to do in this space, what you like about the online program

Tomorrow’s Show & Share 

Tomorrow’s Show & Share will be  New Friends Online— friends you made in zoom 

Body Break and Covid Protocols going back

Let’s move

As we change into a post-covid world, the rules will be changing. You'll hear things on the news that might be different from what we say we are doing at Hope. That is NORMAL. Not everything will change all at once or in a logical order. That's where patience comes in. 

Thematic Activity: Listening to Instructions

This activity will help you focus on what you hear and what it means. You can do this activity with your eyes closed. It can help you focus. But don't get up and walk around without opening them again. hahh hahh

  1. First person gives a tip that has nothing to do with Covid, like "Do your laundry every week."
  2. The next person will repeat that tip and ADD a HEALTH tip that can be about Covid or NOT about covid. 
  3. Anyone who thinks it was a Covid-related tip, yell Co-Co-COVID! If not, don't say anything.
  4. PRESENTERS: when someone yells COVID! to a non-covid tip, they are out of the round. 
  5. The next person repeats that first instruction, PLUS repeats the tip they just heard, then adds ANOTHER tip that can be covid-related or not. 
  6. If you believe it was covid related, yell Co-Co COVID!
  7. Each player has to repeat all the tips from the very first one. If you get them out of order or forget them, you're out of the round. 
  8. Last person still listening well wins. 

Hygiene Practice & Body Break 

Let’s move! Sway to this soothing summer music for your body break.

(close the page when the break is over - the song goes on for about an hour) 

Life Skills Story- A Botched Mess Part 1 (link to web page)

PRESENTERS: The printed version of the story was not sent home this week. Practice LISTENING to the story as a group using the audio link below.  

Listen to the first half the story together

Recall what you learned about listening earlier today. 

  • Do you have any clarifying questions you can ask about the story? 

We have tried to stop the story on a "cliff hanger" which is a way to say you, the listener, wants to know what happens next. 

  • Did the place we stopped listening make you wonder what is going to happen next?

What did you learn today?  

Well Being and Social Connection

Today is Wednesday June 9, 2021

Today happens to be...Donald Duck Day

Portfolio Planner check in

Fill in your planner for the week. How are the habits going? Any wins? 

Observation is today's skill drill. This activity will teach you how to sharpen your eyes.

Show & Share 

Today’s show and share is New Friends Online

Tell us about friends you made in zoom that would not have come into your life in the old way you attended hope

Tomorrow’s Show & Share 

Tomorrow’s Show & Share will be I Can Participate Online—things you learned about using a tablet or computer 

Hygiene Practice & Body Break 

Let’s move! And don’t forget to wash your hands (put on your mask, other practice for covid prep) 

Thematic Activity: Posters on site

When you return to program in person, you will notice many sign's, markings on the floor, posters and more with information on how to be safe on site.

Here is an example of a sign you might see posted at your program

As a team, imagine that if was your turn to create a poster to be posted around site. Think of it as a competition-get creative with this cool online resource called Canva. Free poster Making site! 

PRESENTERS: Share screen and watch the demonstration video. Then, go to the poster site and create the poster FOR your group under their direction. Don't try to sign in or create an account. You aren't going to save the poster. It's just an exercise. The how to video explains this too.  

Body Break & Hygiene Practice 

Let’s move! 

Can we do the rest of the hour without touching our faces with our hands? Who will be the no-hands monitor to remind us? 

Thematic Activity - Expressing What We See

Look at these pictures. See if you can think of a polite and friendly way to point out the Covid safety protocol that the person in the picture is not using.

Life Skills Story (web page link) 

Finish listening to the story together here.

PRESENTERS: Once again the activity is LISTENING so click on the audio file and listen together. Go to the web page link to see the text. You can answer the comprehesion questions together. The link to the web page will open the text version. **Remember that CTRL and the + key enlarge the view of the web page if the text is too small to see on the shared screen

What did you learn today?  

Rights & Self Advocacy

Today is Thursday June 10, 2021

Today happens to be...Herbs & Spices Day

Feelings are like waves in the ocean. Sometimes they are calm, sometimes stormy, and sometimes they just hint at what is coming. Practicing recognizing how we, and others, feel and express it, is an important skill. 

Show & Share I Can Participate Online

Tell us the things you learned about using a tablet or computer from participating, or things you taught someone else

Tomorrow’s Show & Share 

Tomorrow’s Show & Share will be My Favorite Online Activity

Body Break & Hygiene Practice 

Let’s move! 

How can we respond politely when someone in our group says "You are standing way too close to me."

Theme Activity - Change is Coming 

 Have you heard this song before? Listen as group and reflect on your prepardness to come back to program.

Review this slide show on the changes you can expect. For each change take a moment to think about how you feel about it. There is a slide at the end with many feelings on it. Let's share the good and the bad of how to manage this transition. 

Body Break & Self-Care Practice

Let’s move! (song goes on a long time so just close the page when break is over.)

Let's do some self-care right now. Watch these guys for some calm. 

Life Skills from the story (web page link)

Here are some discussion questions about real life based on topics in the story. Choose 3 or more to discuss in your group.  

What did you learn today?  

Knowledge & Fun

Today is Friday June 11, 2021

Today happens to be...Kamehameha Day

What is our June Theme?

What did we focus on this week? 

Portfolio Planner 

How was your week? Did you get your habits done? Did you have to cancel or reschedule plans? What were your wins this week? 

Show & Share 

Today’s show and share is My Favorite Online Activity

Share with us your favorite zoom or online activity or event. 

Say So Long to Show & Share

Show & Share will be paused until we have online groups small enough to give everyone an individual turn. To say so long take some time to thank one another for all the great sharing and learning you did together in the last year in show and share. How much better do we know one another because of this activity? 

Body Break & Hygiene Practice 

Let’s move! 

So I'm coughing a lot. What do you mean I have to go home?

One of the new expectations at program will be that if you get the slightest bit sick at program, someone will have to come and pick you up to go home within an hour. Why do you think that's better than letting people who are coughing stay at program?

Thematic Activity: Humor

The Little Book of Calm—when we are hysterical about getting calm

Disappointing online orders—when we think we'll get one thing and we get something else.

Hygiene Practice & Body Break 

Let’s move! 

Life Skills Story Retention (Web Page Link)

Finish up the last page of the discussion question's. You can pick a few to complete as a group or do them all. 

What did you learn today?  

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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