Person-Centered Thinking & Safety
Monday, May 2nd, 2022
Today happens to be...National Brother and Sister Day!
Do you have any siblings?
How was your weekend?
MasterClass Peek
Around 10:30 am TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, or THURSDAY this week you can check out the MasterClass Demo.
Check out the how-to videos to help you prepared
PRESENTERS: How-to videos below do not have any sound. Please describe the steps if you are showing them
How to leave this meeting and join MasterClass Demo on a Laptop
How to leave this meeting and Join MasterClass Demo on a phone or tablet.
Theme of the Week: Rights and Advocacy.
For the next few weeks, we will be focusing on how we can speak up and share our opinions. This can be big policy changes or even what we have for lunch each day.
Thematic Activity: What is Advocacy?
Learn about advocacy from five advocates with sight loss.
Why are you an advocate?
How do you advocate for the support you need?
What happens if you don't get the supports you need?
Self Advocacy- A State Of Mind | Abby Edwards
Abby talks about advocacy in a way that makes it accessible.
What is something small or easy you have done to advocate for something?
What is something in your community that you feel needs to be advocated to change?
Client-led Exercise
Have a volunteer lead the group in 5 minutes of light stretching
Show and Share: Share a memory from From the Hope to Home program. What was one of your favorite memories from online programming?
Skills: Personal Advocacy
Defining Advocacy Personally
This week we will explore advocacy and how personal the definition of advocacy can be for each of us.
Advocacy: How can it help improve our lives and the lives of others?
Presenters: Review the advocacy worksheet below. Use the resources below to explore types of advocacy, ways to advocate, and explore ways to use types of advocacy to make your community more accessible.
Using the **Advocacy WorkSheet** explore ways that you are able to advocate. Advocacy can be done in a variety of ways, and we will learn more about the ways you can advocate for things you're passionate about this week. Write, draw, doodle, or sticker in your answers to the prompts in your planner portfolio.
Optional Level-Up:
Design an advocacy campaign for something you are passionate about
Body Break
Remind of the theme- What's the theme?
What did we learn today?
Quick Fun Activity :
Check out Disney Princesses singing in their Native Languages
Do you recognize any of these languages?
Civics & Community Awareness
Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022
Today happens to be...National Teacher Day!
Who was your favorite teacher growing up?
What made this person a good teacher?
Who have you connected with over the last year?
MasterClass Peek
Around 10:30 am TUESDAY (today), WEDNESDAY, or THURSDAY this week you can check out the MasterClass Demo.
Check out the how-to videos to help you prepared
PRESENTERS: How-to videos below do not have any sound. Please describe the steps if you are showing them
How to leave this meeting and join MasterClass Demo on a Laptop
How to leave this meeting and Join MasterClass Demo on a phone or tablet.
Theme of the Week: Rights and Advocacy.
For the next few weeks, we will be focusing on how we can speak up and share our opinions. This can be big policy changes or even what we have for lunch each day.
Thematic Activity: Advocacy
How do we get the services we use each day?
What is the San Andreas Regional center?
Find the Mission/Vision statement for this regional center.
If you receive services from SARC, do you feel like they are fulfilling their mission/vision?
How can we communicate to regional centers if you would need to advocate for services?
Presenters: The Video is on the longer side and is presentation style. Feel free to jump around and discuss the narrators slides as you see fit.
Client-led Exercise
Have a volunteer lead the group in 5 minutes of light stretching
Show and Share: When was a time on Zoom when you learned a new skill?
Tomorrow: We will be recording some of our greatest From Hope to Home memories in our Zoom spaces tomorrow. Start planning what you might want to share!
Skills: Personal Advocacy
Advocacy Narratives
Presenters: Using the links below, explore narratives from advocates that offer time. Focus on their similarities and differences. Discuss these with the team.
Review the narratives about famous advocates:
Most famous activists in History
Body Break
Remind of the theme- What's the theme?
What did we learn today?
Quick Fun Activity :
Well Being and Social Connection
Wednesday May 4, 2022
Today happens to be...Star Wars Day!
Check in: What is your favorite Star Wars Character?
What is your favorite planet?
MasterClass Peek
Around 10:30 am TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, or THURSDAY this week you can check out the MasterClass Demo.
Check out the how-to videos to help you prepared
PRESENTERS: How-to videos below do not have any sound. Please describe the steps if you are showing them
How to leave this meeting and join MasterClass Demo on a Laptop
How to leave this meeting and Join MasterClass Demo on a phone or tablet.
Theme of the Week: Rights and Advocacy.
For the next few weeks, we will be focusing on how we can speak up and share our opinions. This can be big policy changes or even what we have for lunch each day.
Thematic Activity: Advocacy - Making records of our progress.
How did online programming bring you joy or learning the past 2 years?
Think about the memories you shared this week from our online programming.
We will be taking volunteers to be recorded on Zoom telling your story!
Feel free to practice first if you need to.
Presenters: use the record function in Zoom to capture the stories from the volunteers in your break-out room. In-between volunteers/stories use the "Pause" recording button instead of the stop.
After the meeting closes, you will have a video file that downloads to your device. Use MS Stream to upload and share with Learning Services.
Here is a How-to video for presenters.
If it doesn't work quite right or you don't have volunteers, don't worry! Do what you can. :)
Client-led Exercise
Have a volunteer lead the group in 5 minutes of light stretching
Show and Share:
May the fourth be with you! – Share your favorite Star Wars fact or memorabilia to celebrate.
Skills: Personal Advocacy
Different types of advocacy
Review the definition of advocacy by searching for the definition online. After, show and discuss examples of different types of advocacy (protesting, walkouts, contacting legislation, grassroots movements)
COVID-19 Mitigation Moment: Getting Your Home Ready
Keeping a clean home is crucial for killing the COVID-19 virus. Check out the CDC guidance below to explore
Optional Level-Up :
Find a contact for your community accessibility idea and record their information in your planner portfolio
Body Break
Remind of the theme- What's the theme?
What did we learn today?
Quick Fun Activity : BEST Trivia Quiz...How many did you get right?
Rights & Self Advocacy
Thursday, May 5th, 2022
Today happens to be...Cinco De Mayo!
Cinco de Mayo: The Real Story!
What is your favorite Holiday?
MasterClass Peek
Around 10:30 am TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, or THURSDAY this week you can check out the MasterClass Demo.
Check out the how-to videos to help you prepared
PRESENTERS: How-to videos below do not have any sound. Please describe the steps if you are showing them
How to leave this meeting and Join MasterClass Demo on a phone or tablet.
Theme of the Week: Rights and Advocacy.
For the next few weeks, we will be focusing on how we can speak up and share our opinions. This can be big policy changes or even what we have for lunch each day.
Thematic Activity: Advocacy
Inclusion Makes the World More Vibrant
How did the little boy help his mother access the Art in the museum?
What are some ways the places in our community can be more accessible?
Disability Advocates Are Fighting for Accessibility Beyond The Coronavirus
Do you think it is important to have online program options?
Client-led Exercise
Have a volunteer lead the group in 5 minutes of light stretching
Show and Share:
What around you is green? A shirt, your favorite notepad, a chair? What around you is green? Share with the group!
Skills: Personal Advocacy
Identifying resources for advocacy: where and what to look for.
PRESENTERS: Help participants conduct a google search for different advocacy resources available either online or in your site's local community.
Advocacy can be done for free, but what resources are there available for you to use?
As a team, search for at least one advocacy group in your area. This group could advocate for accessibility, food distribution, or civil rights. What did you find?
Ways to advocate online:
Participating in Social Media Advocacy
How are movements shaped online?
More ideas for becoming an advocate:
Tedx Five Steps to Becoming an Advocate
Optional Level-Up:
Create a short biography about someone who has advocated for you (even if it is yourself!)
Body Break
Remind of the theme- What's the theme?
What did we learn today?
Quick Fun Activity :
CGI Animated Shorts HD "Hola Llamigo"
Knowledge & Fun
Friday May 6th, 2022
Today happens to be...National Nurses Day!
How can a nurse be an advocate for you?
Check-in: Any cool weekend plans?
Theme of the Week: Advocacy.
For the next few weeks, we will be focusing on how we can speak up and share our opinions. This can be big policy changes or even what we have for lunch each day.
Thematic Activity: Advocacy
Use screen share and annotation to try out this advocacy word search!
Client-led Exercise
Have a volunteer lead the group in 5 minutes of light stretching
Show and Share:
Do you have a collection of some sort? Share or show apart from that collection.
Skills: Personal Advocacy
Did you know there are patient advocates in Hospitals?
The Role of the Patient Advocate
Why do you think it is important to have advocates for people that are seeking medical care?
Nurses can be great advocates! Check out this video
What does "getting a second opinion" mean in the medical world?
Optional Level-Up
Find, record, and share one advocacy resource you have discovered.
Body Break
Remind of the theme- What's the theme?
What did we learn today?
Quick Fun Activity
CGI Animated Short Film: "Material Girl" by Jenna Spurlock
Choosing Fun Stuff to Do
Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?
The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below.