Program Days Week 9

Look at the bottom of the curriculum resources page for creative tools and products made by your uber talented and  creative peers.
Download printables for the coming weeks from the curriculum resources page as well.

Safety & Person-Centered Focus

Monday, August 10, 2020

Check-In with everyone

Hello all! 

Check in with your group, share one thing about your weekend! What did you do? How are you feeling? Does anyone have a birthday this week?


PRESENTERS: an * (asterisk) will mean that link goes to a file that people should also have had delivered in their packets. Different programs and districts may make different decisions about what to send. You can lead the group through the online objects and have them follow along on paper at home as appropriate. 

High Priority Vocabulary

Who loves going the movies? Remember the old Marquees with lights that would show the titles of the movies playing at the movie theatre? Using the work sheet provided, try to fill in the blank of some of the classics!  Presenter, this is a great way to use the annotate option!  

**Numbers on the Marqee Sheet**

Show & Share 

This week we will be show and sharing different parts of emergency preparedness. Today we will show and share where we keep our emergency contacts.  

  • Do you have a list of numbers and names that you carry around?
  • Do you keep those numbers saved in a phone?
  • Do you have a paper displayed in your home maybe in the kitchen or living room with all the numbers visible? 
  • Show and share, but if you can't show us, just tell us!

If you don’t have a list of emergency contacts, maybe you can get some tips from your friends.  

Tomorrow’s show and share: Do you have a first aid kit? Is it big or small? Find those kits and share tomorrow.  

<Body Break> 

Body break is important. Get ve your legs and take your eyes off the screen for a bit. Drink Water! 

Life Skills Story 4: New Fish

In this story, a girl decides to join the swim team and ends up getting a new job in the process. 

Read the full story today or read half and finish up tomorrow. Make sure to review the questions at the end of the story.

PRESENTERS: Read aloud with your group, or have some readers help. When reading aloud exaggerate tone and emotion somewhat to increase engagement. 

Stop reading a few times to prompt participants to VISUALIZE what the words describe. This is an important part of learning to read well which is often challenging.

Button at the bottom comes back to this page.

<Body Break> 

Taking Breaks often is good for the soul! 

Looking Good!


Showing up to work or  the zoom space, presentable and ready to learn, is part of being professional. What would others think of you if you weren't prepared for the day? Sometimes we may be in a rush to get ready and forget a few things that we need keep in mind for safety.  

Together review the procedure card on washing your face. You can take turns reading each step.

**Procedure Card:Washing Face**

After complete the discussion questions. 

1. Why is it so important to check temperature of the water? Visual Aid

2. Safety: Ask the group, what happens when an electronic device touches a wet surface? Is this safe? 

3. Take a survey: Participants, using the raise hand option on zoom, answer this question. 

4. Raise your hand if you keep electronic devices near plugged in near the sink. 



Coming to work and looking your best in the workplace is important! Review the images and discuss as a group who is ready for work and who is not! 

Who is ready for work PDF

Discussion: Uh-oh Story 

Have you arrived unprepared for work? Did you forget something? Did you rush and had no time to brush your hair? Tell us your “Uh-Oh" stories.  


Together review the procedure card for combing and brushing hair. Take turns reading each step. 

**Procedure Card: Combing and Brushing"

After, review and complete the activity: 

We often forget that safety in while getting ready is important. We may misplace things.  

Presenter, With the combing hair PDF up, zoom in on step 10. 

Ask participants to use the annotate option, chat or verbally tell you where they would place the brush or comb before leaving for work.  

Here are some prompts:

  • Would it be on the floor?
  • Stay in the sink?
  • Hanging on the towel? 

Point, Circle, chat or tell us where you would place it!


Further Discussion: Ask participants where they keep their grooming tools? Do you use a brush or comb? Do you use the restroom mirror to do your hair? Do you not use a mirror? Do you get ready in your room? 

What Did We Learn Today?

Community & Civic Education

Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Hello, everyone! What have you been thinking about?

High Priority Vocabulary

Objective: correctly write a check.

Look over the items listed for sale on the Discount Daze 2 handout. You should have received a printed copy of this.

  • What is one item that you would like to buy? 
  • Do you need that item, or do you just want it? 
  • How much does that item cost? (Try to spell out the number word for its cost. You can spell it out verbally, in the chat, on paper, or using the whiteboard)

Presenters: Open the handout below and share your screen. See if participants can identify all the different sections of a check. Then use the annotate feature to write an example check together. Use the Back to Program Button at the bottom of the page to return to this page.

Look at the Discount Daze 1 handout. It has example checks. Try to write a check for the item that you want to purchase. 

Show & Share

Do you have a first aid kit? If you do, share it with the group. Where do you keep it? What’s in it? 

If you don’t have one, it’s time to start making one! What’s one or two items that you should put in it? 

Tomorrow’s show and share: first aid kits and emergency kits are not always the same thing! Do you have a three-day supply bag for emergencies? If you do, bring it tomorrow! If you aren't sure, or don't have one, bring an empty backpack and we'll discuss what goes in it. 

Body Break

You know what to do! 

Life Skills Story #4: New Fish

Objective: Understand the life skills story for the week. (Reading comprehension)

Presenters: If you didn’t read the whole story on Monday, finish reading it today. If you did finish it, prompt participants to recap the story’s main ideas before you do the quiz. Here are some questions that you may want to ask: What is Nina’s new team? What is her new job? 

Take the Story Quiz for this week’s story. You should have received a printed copy of the quiz. 

After you finish the quiz, check your answers. The quiz answers are listed at the bottom of this page. 

Body Break

Take 10 deep, slow breaths. Remember to rest your eyes as well!

Venn Diagrams: Jobs & Teams

Do you know what a Venn diagram is? When might you see or use one?

Venn diagrams are visual ways to compare and contrast. You use circles to represent different things, and those circles can be separate or overlapping. Inside the circles, you can list different items, examples, attributes, or characteristics.

Here is an example: Things We Like. This Venn diagram lists things that two friends like. What does Maria like? What does Dante like? What do they both like?

Here are some fun examples:

In this week’s Life Skills Story, Nina joins a new team and starts a new job. Let’s compare and contrast how those are similar and different using a Venn diagram. 

Objective: Understand similarities and differences between jobs and teams. 

What is a job that you have had or want to have? Have you ever been on a sports team or on another type of team (not for work)? 

Here is a blank Venn diagram: Jobs and Teams. Can you fill it in together? How are jobs and teams similar and different? You can list both examples and characteristics. 

What did we learn today?

Story Quiz Answers

  1. C: because Nina is a new swimmer.
  2. C: He needed someone to make his office neater.
  3. A: the same day
  4. C: stroke
  5. A: deck
  6. A: who will go with you
  7. B: name of your closest relative
  8. A: Look both ways
  9. C: a glass bowl

Well Being & Social Connection

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Check-In with everyone

Hello! How are you doing today? Who had a high fiber breakfast? 

High Priority Vocabulary

*Number words 

This is a crossword puzzle using number words. 


Show & Share 

So do you have an emergency prearedness kit? They say that you should have a kit that will help you and your household be OK for 3 days. So for your personal 3-day kit, what have you got in there? 

Who brought an empty backpack? Use these pictures to get ideas for what should go inside. 

Picture 01

Picture 02

Picture 03

What items in a 72-hour survival kit need to be replaced regularly? Did you remember to include any medicines you usually take?

Each person requires different things to be OK for 3 days. Then the household will need a bigger kit for shared needs. 

Tomorrow's Show & Share will be to bring a key to a lock that you use to keep things safe, secure and private. It can be the lock to your locker, your security box for your important documents, or a cupboard or drawer where you keep private things. If there is no key, just tell us what kind of container secures your important papers.  


<Body Break> 

Life Skills Story 4: New Fish 

Here are some *Life Skills Questions to review about this week's story. Answers are at the bottom of this page.

PRESENTERS: Remember you can CLICK on the document (mouse turns into a magnifier) to enlarge the text on the page.



Health Advocacy: Nevermind Food Groups

Who remembers learning about the food groups?

Did you know that science now shows us that food groups aren't the best way to choose healthful food to eat? WHAT?!!!  SURPRISE! As science makes new discoveries, we adjust to use that new information in better ways. 

The things that ACTUALLY make our food choices healthy are:

  1. How much fiber they have
  2. How much vitamins and minerals they have
  3. How few chemicals are added to them
  4. How little processing is used to make them

Today we'll learn about FIBER! You have probably heard a lot about protein, carbohydrates and fat and very little about fiber. Let's learn what it is.


Slide show about fiber

PRESENTERS: Use the PRESENT button in the top right of the screen to full the view with the whole slide. Use the ESC key (upper left corner of your keyboard) to get out of the presenter view.

<Body Break> 


Game: How Much Fiber?

  • Each player names a food. 
  • The presenters look it up on this page to find out how many grams of fiber are in a serving. 
  • The number of grams of fiber is the number of points the player gets. 
  • The player with the most points after 3 rounds wins. 


  1. Type the food into the search bar. 
  2. When you enter a food you'll have to choose a sub-category like serving size, raw, etc. 
  3. Then find the nutrition label that comes up and look only at FIBER. The game will get too slow if you look at the other nutrient values. 
  4. Give the player the number of points equal to the fiber content. 

Find the High Fiber Foods

Look at the *pictures of foods here. Which foods do you think have the highest fiber? For EXTRA health, which foods have fewer chemicals?

Presenters: the * means the link was included in the printed materials packet

What Did We Learn Today?


Life Skills Questions Answers

Set 1 answers: 1.B, 2.D, 3.A, 4.C, 5.C, 6.A 

Self-Advocacy, Rights & Responsibilities

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Check-In with everyone

Hello! How's everyone's week? We are heading down the back side of the week into a Friday. Way to go everyone. Sometimes the week feels like a roller coaster. Which of these coaster pictures seems like the week you're having?





High Priority Vocabulary

Check out this number cloud

PRESENTERS: You can circle a number with the annotation tools and ask learners to say  or SPELL the number. Or, they can just tell you what letter a number starts with. 

Show & Share 

Did you bring your key today? What does it lock? How do you feel when you have your valuables secure? Do you worry about the key itself? Is there a copy of your key somewhere? Some new security boxes don't even use keys. They have digital codes you memorize and enter on a key pad.  

Tomorrow's Show & Share is a an expiration date on a food item or medicine that you would include in your 3-day preparedness kit.  


<Body Break> 

Life Skills Story 4: New Fish 

Take a look at these life skills questions based on this week's story. Discuss the ones that interest you.  Answers at the bottom of this page. 

PRESENTERS: When the mouse looks like a magnifier you can click on the image to make it fill the window for easier reading.  Otherwise, try the CTRL key held down while typing the + key. 


Living with Others - Negotiating Needs and Preferences

When we live with other people food choices can affect everybody. 

  1. What are some foods that smell great when they are cooking?
  2. What are some foods that smell bad when cooked?
  3. What are some foods that you don't want anywhere near you?
  4. What are some foods that you can't live without?

When we live with others we often have to negotiate when and what to cook. Imagine you are moving in with some new roommates. One of your roommates is on a special diet that requires a lot of fish and another one hates the smell of fish cooking and is a vegetarian. Pretend they ask you to help them solve the problem. What advice would you give them? 

Choose the phrases that sound assertive without being aggressive.

PRESENTERS: You can read with intonation to clarify which statements are more aggressive.

  1. I NEED to eat my fish every day, so you have to deal with it
  2. I understand that you don't like the smell of fish cooking, but my diet really does require it.
  3. As a vegetarian I think you're a monster for eating those poor little helpless fish.
  4. As a vegetarian, I can understand a special diet, but do you think we can figure out a way that you don't have COOK it every day?
  5. Well special diets are stupid. You need to eat like a normal person, like me.
  6. If we just keep thinking, we can solve this. Let's keep trying to figure it out. 


<Body Break> 

Recipe Time!

This is probably the easiest recipe for fish you've ever seen.  Just 2 (TWO!) ingredients. 

PRESENTERS: remember to enlarge the picture by clicking on it when the mouse looks like a magnifier, or using the CTRL and + keys.

  1. How many fillets does the recipe use?
  2. If you were making it would you buy fresh or frozen fish?
  3. Can you guess how a broiler pan is different from a regular pan?

Kitchen Safety

What are the safety rules when working with an oven? Which pictures show safe and unsafe situations?




Answers to Life Skills Questions

Set 1 answers: 1.B, 2.D, 3.A, 4.C, 5.C, 6.A

What Did We Learn Today?

Knowledge & Fun With Friends

Friday, August 14, 2020

Check-In with everyone

Hello again. Friday. Let's sing a song about Friday!

Show & Share 

Let's see that EXPIRATION DATE!

Show us the can, medicine bottle, food item, or other emergency supply that you found that has an EXPIRATION date. 

Why do things expire? What does that mean?

Is there a difference between EXPIRE, SPOIL and GO STALE?

Look at these pictures of where to find expiration dates on packages and containers:

Boxed Soy Milk

Water Jug

Medicine (Pill form)


Canned Food

  1. Which item/s probably becomes inactive when it expires instead of spoiling?
  2. Can you tell the expiration date of each item?
  3. What are some differences in how the dates are written?
  4. Sometimes the day comes before the month. That's how they write dates outside the US. 
  5. Years are often shown as just 2 digits. Like 1978 can be shown as '78, or 2011 might be written '11. When it comes to expiration dates we should always make sure the year is either the current year or in the f_________________. 

Next week Show & Share will focus on pets and how we care for them. If you have a pet, a picture of your pet, a stuffed animal that is like a pet or just a favorite animal you would like to be your pet, bring it to show on Monday. 

You don't have to HAVE your own pet, or a live pet, to participate. Just having animals that live in our community is a happy thing. Information about pets and pet care is interesting to everyone. 

<Body Break> 


Life Skills Story 4: New Fish

Talking to someone we don't know on the phone is an important life skill. Share your experiences.

  • Have you ever called a stranger on the phone to arrange for something? Like and appointment or a reservation?
  • Do you like or dislike caling people you don't yet know on the phone?
  • Have people you don't know ever called you? What did you think of it?
  • What kind of job is a telemarketer? Does it sound fun or difficult?

PRESENTERS: Remember you can click to enlarge, or use the CTRL and + keys to zoom in on the text/page.

*Activity Worksheet

Take a look at the table. The sentence starts in the second column and you need to find the matching part in the last column.  As you find the matching halves of the sentences, decide if you agree with the statements.

<Body Break> 


Role Play

OK! Time to practice your acting skills. Here are some pretty funny situations you can use to practice responding to a phone call from someone you don't know. Make it fun! Friday is a good day to laugh.

PRESENTERS: a staff person can take one side of the call to help guide the pretending. Be as silly as you can.

  • Person 1: Pretend you are a witch who wants to order a new broom from the Broom Room. Person 2: You think the person is trying to SELL you a broom and you don't want it.
  • Person 1: Pretend you are a cat who accidentally stepped on a cell phone and called a number. Mewow into the phone. Person 2: try to figure out what is going on with this mewowing sound on the phone. 
  • Person 1: Pretend you are a very angry rude reporter calling to interview the mayor. Person 2: You work for the mayor and she told you to deny all reporters but to be polite about it.
  • Person 1: Pretend you are at a party and you don't know that you accidentally made a "pants" call  to your friend who wasn't invited to the party. Person 2: You know it's a pants call but now you're upset because you weren't invited to the party. 

<Body Break> ___________________________________

Phone SCAMS!! 

What is a SCAM? Here is a list of some phone scams that people use to cheat other people.  Choose 3 of the items to discuss as a group and decide what the best response is if you get one. Practice responding. 


Watch these kids use a phone.  Do you remember your first phone that was all your own? How old were you? 

Chatty Cathy


Well that's it for this Friday.  Next week's theme is pets and 

What Did We Learn Today?

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