Program Days Week 4

Thank you Shari (Central) for putting together these great tricks for presenters.
Bag of Tricks (PDF) Bag of Tricks (Word Document)
Thank you Trang (Central) for translating these for Vietnamese speaking Hopesters
Civic Duty Story - Vietnamese Speaking Up Story - Vietnamese

Safety & Person-Centered Focus

Monday, July 6, 2020

Check-In with everyone

Hello! July's theme is INDEPENDENCE! Let's talk about that word

Warm Up Game

Spot as many safety problems as you can in these pictures in 1 minute per picture.

PRESENTERS: you can use CTRL and + sign to make the picture larger in the display



Living Room


How does being safe at home help you be more independent? 

Story Example

Read this story together.


  1. Who was prepared by knowing their address or carrying an ID card?
  2. Who will have a better chance to get the job?
  3. Do you know your address or carry it with you?
  4. What are some other times it's important to have your address handy?
  5. When is knowing your address a safety issue?

Body Break

<you know what you like! Do that. Love your body!>

Show & Share

The internet is a public place. We never know who might be able to see what we do online. So we aren't going to share our addresses on the internet. However, you can show us where you keep your ID. You could also hold it up far away from the camera. 

Tomorrow's Show & Share is something you are very proud of and take extra special care of. 


  1. Who can write down their address?
  2. Who can say your address by heart?
  3. Who carries their ID with them whenever thay leave home?
  4. Who doesn't have a personal ID? 
  5. Where can we get an ID if we don't have one?
  6. If you were lost in the community and weren't sure how to get home, who would be a good choice to ask for help? 
  7. Who would be a poor choice to ask for help?


Where on these forms does the  address go?

PRESENTERS: you can use CTRL and + sign to make the picture larger in the display

online form

paper form

Sometimes on a form you have to fill out your address in pieces. Like on this form.

  1. What does Address 2 mean? 
  2. What is a  P.O. Box?
  3. What does etc. mean? 

Body Break

Go for it! Sing, dance, drink, stretch, rock out!

Life Skills Connection

How does knowing our address make us more independent in these life areas?

  • transportation
  • social connections
  • housing
  • work
  • community participation
  • safety and security
  • using resources like the library or the internet

Apply Learning

Let's take a look at how to apply for a library card.

Santa Cruz/Aptos - homebound card

Regular card

Santa Clara

San Jose



Half Moon Bay

Mt. View

Body Break

Go for it! Sing, dance, drink, stretch, rock out!

Game 2 - just for fun

Spin the wheel of Superheroes

Then make up a weird address for your superhero

Example: Catwoman: 223 Sunny Street, window sill #2, cattown USA zip code: prrrrr

What Did We Learn Today?

Community & Civic Education

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Check-In with everyone

Hello! July's theme is INDEPENDENCE! Who is the most independent person you know? What about them is so independent?

Warm Up Quiz for fun

Story Example

Read the story "Civic Doody" together and discuss. 


  1. What other ways do citizens have to keep public places clean?
  2. Why should we try to keep public places clean?
  3. What about noise? Can we be as loud as we want in public?
  4. Name some public places.
  5. What is the expected behavior for adults in those places? Is it different for little kids?

Body Break

<you know what to do!>

Show & Share

Do you have something that you are very proud of? Do you take extra special care of it? Show it to us and tell us about it.

Tomorrow's Show & Share is photos of yourself as a baby or kid, photos of your family, pets, roommates or friends. 


Living independently in the community means you have to accept certain responsbilities. What are your responsibilities as an adult citizen?

PRESENTERS: Guide participants toward voting, complying with the law, paying taxes when employed.


  1. Who pays to keep up local parks?
  2. How do special organizations like service clubs also improve our parks?
  3. Who joins these organizations?
  4. Do they get paid to do it? 
  5. What is unpaid work called?
  6. Where do you volunteer? 
  7. How do you feel about helping your community?
  8. Has a volunteer ever helped you?


Let's get an idea of what kinds of organizations are out there. LIST

Did you know that a lot of the money Hope gets comes from organizations like these? 

<Body Break>

You know what you need. Love that body.

Life Skills Connection

One thing service organizations rarely get is a thank you from individual citizens. What could you say in a thank you note to a service organization that has helped you and your community?  If you wanted to... 

  • You could call that organization and thank them on the phone -- anyone want to practice?
  • You could also tweet them a thank you if you use twitter
  • You can go to their facebook page and post a thank you. 

Apply Learning

There is a web page called that has groups, many of which do volunteer work in the community, and others are just people interested in the same things. Explore and see if anything looks fun to you.

<Body Break>

Go for it!

Game 2

Play Certain, Probable, Unlikely, Impossible

Learn to predict your chances of things. This takes brain power.

What Did We Learn Today

Well Being & Social Connection

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Check-In with everyone

Hello! July's theme is INDEPENDENCE! And today's theme  is Social Connection. So let's learn a word that's a cousin of the word "independence." It's "INTERdependence." Interdependence is when people work together, help each other and collaborate.  Interdependence supports our independence.

A lot of our social groups are interdependent and it's a good thing. Families, friends, churches and temples, work places, schools, even Hope programs, benefit from interdependence. 

  1. What ways do you rely on your friends, staff, family and other people you know?
  2. How do they depend on you?

Warm Up Game

Let's play CONCENTRATION. Use the names of people you know. And if you want, you can just do names without worrying about the letter of the alphabet.

Remember the hand movements? You can watch them here

STORY: Friendship VS Temporary Wants

Read this story together. Then discuss.


  1. Have you ever felt like Kareem?
  2. How should Kareem respond to Niki's request?
  3. Is there anything he should say to Charlie?
  4. What do you do when you feel disappointed?
  5. What can we say to ourselves when plans we're counting on change?

<Body Break>

Go for it!

Show & Share

Do you have any pictures of yourself as a baby or a little kid? Would you like to share them? How about photos of your family, pets, roommates, or friends? Tell us who you depend on and who depends on you.

For tomorrow's Show & Share bring your favorite game or toy to share. 

Interaction—Flexible or Structured?

We all have different personalities. Some of us are flexible most of the time. Others are more structured most of the time. Being flexible means you can change plans quickly. Being structured means you would rather stick to plans.

  1. Are you usually structured or flexible?
  2. When plans change at the last minute, do you get upset?
  3. Do you sometimes change things at the last minute yourself?
  4. When  changes are out of your control how do you feel? For example if you can't earn money for a while.
  5. When changes are out of your control do you try to figure out whose fault it is?
  6. Is there always someone to blame? Or not always?
  7. How do you feel in your body when you are disappointed or frustrated?

<Body Break>

Let it all out. Move that body!

Reinforce - Coping Menu

Use the coping menu to order you favorite strategies to cope with change and other emotions. Think of it like a meal to nourish your emotions. 

PRESENTERS: rememer CTRL and the + sign can enlarge the view to focus on one part at a time.

Life Skills Connection

Sometimes the person we have to cope with isn't us. Sometimes other people have tantrums around us. They might yell, or tip over a chair, or do something else that's scary. 

  1. Have you seen that in program?
  2. How do you feel when that happens?
  3. Who should handle that in program?
  4. When might it be OK to talk to the person about what happened?
  5. What do you think about that person after a tantrum?

Apply Learning - Role Play

The staff will pretend they are very upset about a change in plans. You help your staff calm down and accept the change.  

PRESENTERS: Act the part of someone very angry and upset about a change in plans. Let the participants help you accept it. 

<Body Break>

Go to it. You know what your body needs.

Game 2 - Name That Tune

PRESENTERS: Don't share the entire desktop because it will show the window with the songs listed. Instead share something else that's open and use the link in the background to play the songs. Change the audio selection to use system sound rather than your mic so it will be loud enough.

What Did We Learn Today?

Self-Advocacy, Rights & Responsibilities

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Check-In with everyone

Hello! July's theme is INDEPENDENCE! Part of independence is being able to  stand up for yourself, tell people what you think, how you feel and what you want with good communication. Good communication also means listening to other people's opinions, thoughts and preferences.

Warm Up - Matching Game

PRESENTERS: Choose the number of cards to play and click the play arrow on the right to start the board. Have participants choose the cards to turn. 

Story - Speaking Up

Read this story together and then discuss.


  1. If you don't speak, how can you communicate?
  2. How could Josie make Dave understand?
  3. Does Josie have the right to have hamburgers?
  4. Is it OK for people to change the schedules in their own homes?
  5. When you prefer something different than what is  offered, how do you express what you really want? 

<Body Break>

Make your body and your brain happy!

Show & Share

Show us your favorite game or toy. Tell us how you got it. Tell us why you like it.

Tomorrow's Show & Share is the clothes you would wear to a job interview. You can WEAR them to tomorrow's session, or just bring them and show us. 


It's important to be able to tell people what you want in a way that is both polite and effective. That is called "assertive." Some of us have difficulty with talking and we need to use other ways to communicate.

  1. How do you let people know what you need or want?
  2. Do you ever yell at people to get your way?
  3. Do you wait for people to ask you what you want?
  4. What are some good ways to tell people you want or need something?
  5. What about if you are very shy or don't talk, how can you communicate? 

<Body Break>

Give your body what it needs. 

Reinforce - Other Ways to Be Assertive

Look at the poster and  see if you are assertive in other ways. 

PRESENTERS: Pick a few of the items on the poster to discuss. No need to do them all, or do them in order.

Life Skills Connection

Assertive communication is calm. These sentences are good for practicing the difference between aggressive and assertive.  The staff will read them aggressively and you can show them the correct way. Notice that even please can sound aggressive.

PRESENTERS: Read the sentences aggressively and have participants show you the right way to speak them.

  1. I would like some water please. It's really hot out here.
  2. I don't want meatloaf. Can we have chicken instead?
  3. I need to use the restroom.
  4. Can you please help me with my jacket?
  5. Pass the butter please. 

Apply Learning

Another part of assertiveness is being able to say no in a calm, kind way without feeling bad. Which things can you say no to and which things can't you say no to. 

  1. A friend asks you to give them money
  2. Your boss asks you to work on Saturday but you have a wedding to go to
  3. A staff person warns you not to stand on chairs
  4. A police officer tells you not to use the crosswalk until they say
  5. Your brother asks for a key to your new apartment.

<Body Break>

Do what you know you can!

Game 2 - What's That?

Look at each ink blot. Tell the group what it reminds you of. Funniest answer wins.






What Did We Learn Today?

Knowledge & Fun With Friends

Friday, July 10, 2020

Check-In with everyone

Hello! July's theme is INDEPENDENCE!  Another word that goes with independence is RESOURCES. Resources are all the things we use to make our lives possible. In the modern world money is a very important resource and if you don't have a way to get it for yourself, you're less independent.  How do regular civilians usually get money?

Warm Up Game - Careers

Learn the career cards and play the games

PRESENTERS: This game has good accessibility features because the audio reads aloud what you put your mouse on. Use the vocabulary button to introduce the cards. Then play one of the games to reinforce. Remember to  set your sound to Same As System when you share the screen.

Story Example - Training & Experience

Read the story together and discuss.


  1. Do you think Carl has the skills to work in the library?
  2. Who can Carl ask what it takes to work in the library?
  3. Most libraries have volunteer programs. Would that be a good idea?
  4. Community Colleges and Adult Ed programs have work training. Should he check there?
  5. What is your dream job? Do you need to get more training to pursue it?

<Body Break>

Get your groove on. You only have 1 body. Treat it right.

Show & Share

Show us the clothes you would pick for a job interview and tell us why you think they would be a good choice. See if the group agrees.


Being a life long learner is great. We are always updating our skills and knowledge. 

  1. How much education do you have right now?
  2. Did you like school? Why or why not?
  3. If you decided to go back for more schooling, what would you like to learn?
  4. If you have a good REASON to go to school you'll accomplish your goals better. Do you have a reason to get more education?
  5. Do you need it for the job you want?
  6. Do you want to learn more about a hobby you love?
  7. Do you need a certificate to prove to an employer that you have a certain skill?

<Body Break> 

Move yourself around, like a clown downtown!

Reinforce - Schooling, Training, or Experience?

Look at each job and decide if it requires scholing, training or experience. (Skip any repeats)




Life Skills Connection

If you wanted to go back to school, you have many choices. One interesting choice is the College of Adaptive arts, right here in the Bay Area. 

Take a look at their departments and explore the class schedule.

How would a person apply to go there?

Apply Learning

Let's DREAM!! Think of the places you love to go and the things you like to do. Disneyland, video games, books, arcades... whatever you personally love. (PRESENTERS: Give time for dreaming. Encourage everyone to think about it for a minute or two)

OK, now come up with a dream job related to something you love. It doesn't have to be a real job. It can be a pretend job you invented. But some jobs you think are pretend are actually real. Ice Cream Taster is a real job. But so is Dog Food Taster... so who knows.

<Body Break>

Move it or abuse it. Don't abuse it. Move it.

Game 2 - Where's Waldo at Work


Game 3 - Find the Objects Picture

What Did We Learn Today?

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