Safety & Person-Centered Focus
Monday, August 17, 2020
Check-In with everyone
Hello all! Check in with your group, share one thing about your weekend! Also, did you know its National Thriftshop day? Go over any zoom rules to be set for a great work day!
PRESENTERS: an * (asterisk) will mean that link goes to a file that people should also have had delivered in their packets. Different programs and districts may make different decisions about what to send. You can lead the group through the online objects and have them follow along on paper at home as appropriate.
*High Priority Vocabulary--Calendar Words
Who’s ready for a game of matching?
Using the Matching Month Work sheet, you can follow along with friends while at home. Grab a pen, pencil or marker.
Presenters- this is a great way to use the annotate option.
Show & Share
Do you have your pet, a picture of your pet, or a picture of a pet you want? Tell us why they bring joy to your life? What are some good memories that you’ve had with a pet? If you don’t have a pet to show and share, tell us which animal you would want as a pet.
Tomorrow’s show and share: What are some supplies and tools that pets need? Can you show us, or tell us about, pet accessories and supplies?
<Body Break>
Life Skills Story-15 = Fun X's 3
For 3 months in a row, 3 friends have birthdays on the 15th and celebrate together.
Read the full story today or read half and finish up tomorrow. Discuss the questions at the end of the story.
PRESENTERS: Read aloud with your group, or have some readers help. When reading aloud exaggerate tone and emotion somewhat to increase engagement.
Prompt participants to VISUALIZE what the words describe. This can greatly improve reading skill.
Button at the bottom comes back to this page.
<Body Break>
Thematic Connection: Internet Safety
The internet is a fun place to explore an learn. You can plan a trip, buy things, do activities, pay bills, and keep in touch with family and friends. When searching the web or using social media, we must take steps to stay safe. Know the signs when something is suspicious. Look out for strangers trying to get your personal information.
What is Personal Information?
PRESENTERS: Open up the white board and type in responses to the questions.
Being Careful About Strangers
When we meet people online, we have to remember that some people pretend to be someone else. They may ask us for money or information that is not their business. It can be hard to tell if someone wants to take advantage of us. We need to make smart choices to be safe online.
Game Options
Quick! Work together as a team to answer the questions as fast as you can! Stop that Cyber Criminal!
++Requires FLASH player and an older browser. If you get the broken puzzle picture use the Interland game below.
Review: Did you like the game? Was this easy? Tell us what you learned?
PRESENTERS: This is a multi-island game that teaches internet behavior. For today's topic you want to get to Reality River
PRESENTERS: Take turns reading and have participants follow along at home. This is a great tip sheet that can be posted over a desk and shared with others.
Teach Your Younger Relatives
This video teaches the Cyber 5 Rules of internet safety to little kids. You can use it to teach young people you know.
What Did We Learn Today?
Community & Civic Education
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Good morning!
High Priority Vocabulary
Objective: Identify the order of the months of the year.
Look at *Marco’s Inventory. You should have received a printed copy of this.
Presenters: Share your screen, and begin by reading the months as a group. Then, walk through the order of the months. Ask, “What’s the first month of the year? What’s after that?”
Label each folder with the correct month. For example, April is the fourth month, so make sure folder #4 says April. You can either cut and paste the months from below, or you can write the month’s name on the folder.
Presenters: After you give the participants some time to fill out their own worksheets, share your screen and use the annotate feature to write the months on Marco’s folders for everyone to see. Also, remember to have the participants share their work!
Show & Share: Pets!
Show us some supplies that you use with your pet. If you don’t have a pet, what are some things you would need to take care of them?
Tomorrow’s show and share: Tomorrow we will share experiences or memories of when animals brought us joy or when we volunteered or helped animals.
Body Break
Get away from your screen for a few minutes and go drink some water.
Life Skills Story: 15 = Fun x 3!
Objective: Understand the life skills story for the week. (Reading comprehension)
Presenters: If you didn’t read the whole story on Monday, finish reading it today. If you did finish it, prompt participants to recap the story’s main ideas before you do the quiz. Here are some questions that you may want to ask: What are Hannah, Jade, and Mitch doing? What do they decide on?
Take the *Story Quiz for this week’s story. You should have received a printed copy of the quiz.
After you finish the quiz, check your answers. The quiz answers are listed at the bottom of this page.
Body Break
You know what to do!
Thematic Connection: Event Planning
Recall a birthday party, holiday celebration, or other event that you've enjoyed. Who was there? What happened? What work went into planning it?
Objective: Plan an outing or activity to do with your friends or family.
As a group, choose an activity that you want to or might need to plan for. Here are some ideas, but feel free to come up with something else as well! After you all choose the event, we will practice planning for it together.
Do you need to wait for the pandemic to end before you can safely hold your event? If you want your event to happen before the pandemic is over, what would you need to do so that everyone is as safe as possible?
As a group, plan for your chosen event. Make sure your plan takes into consideration:
After you have planned for all of those details, open the Event Invitation and fill in the blanks for your event!
Presenters: Share your screen and encourage participants to use the annotate feature.
What did we learn today?
Story Quiz Answers
Today's photo was taken by Chona Kasinger as part of Disabled And Here.
Well Being & Social Connection
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Check-In with everyone
Wednesday! Did you know that the word Wednesday comes from Old English and Norse? It was called "Woden's Day" (Day of Mercury in Latin.)
High Priority Vocabulary
Tackle this worksheet *Months in the News to practice connecting the NAME of a month with the NUMBER of a month. For each headline, write the number of the month named in the box next to it.
PRESENTERS: Read the headlines together on the shared screen and let participants who can, complete the prompt on their sheet at home. After those working at home have had a chance to write in a number, review together in shared screen and annotate the correct number. The text tool can add a clear number into the square.
Show & Share
Have you volunteered at an animal shelter? Your local ASPCA? Did you participate in 4H Club? Ever pet sit? Share your experiences or memories that these animals brought joy to your life.
Looks like this friendly dog is cat sitting... sort of.
Tomorrow's Show & Share is about the routines and habits pets and their owners get into and how those routines help or create challenges.
<Body Break>
Life Skills Story 5: 15 = Fun X's 3
*Life Skills Stories Questions
These questions fit perfectly with our calendar words this week. Go over the questions and do some or all.
(Answers provided at the bottom of page)
PRESENTERS: Remember you can CLICK on the document (mouse turns into a magnifier) to enlarge the text on the page.
Thematic Connection: Health Advocacy
*Junk Food VS Food Food Matching
PRESENTERS: Share screen and ***click the "PRESENT" button on the TOP RIGHT of the slide in order for the animations to work*** Ask learners if a food is Good or Junk in the numbered order. Click the screen after everyone chooses. The gray square for that food will disappear and reveal it in the grids.
Those who have the sheets at home can cut up the squares of food items, or follow along with the digital activity.
Body Love
This week's show and shares are all about pets. But if you think about it, your body is kind of like a pet too. You have to
In a lot of ways your body is as loyal as a great pet too. It always tries to do what your brain is telling it to do, even when it's very hard.
Let's take a minute and think about how loyal and hard working our good bodies are, even when we make them stay up late, feed them stuff that makes them uncomfortable, or force them to put up with a lot of extra stress.
What is your body's favorite physical activity? What is your body's favorite napping spot? What is your body's favorite nature spot?
Take your Body Break with this song!
More About Healthful Food
WHOLE foods are healthful foods. PROCESSED foods are hard on your body and make you sick when you get older. Let's learn to tell them apart. Look at these two posters. Notice that each processed food has a WHOLE version of it that is better for you.
PRESENTERS: Remember when you share an image CTRL and + to zoom bigger and CTRL and 0 to make it regular sized-or if you see the magnifier mouse, just click to grow.
How do we tell them apart? Notice that
WHOLE food
How can we balance our love of
What Did We Learn Today?
Life Skills Answers:
Set 1 answers: 1.A, 2.C, 3.D, 4.C, 5.C, 6.D
Today's picture was provided by Ella Valentine on Flickr CC license
Self-Advocacy, Rights & Responsibilities
Tuesday, August 20, 2020
Good morning!
High Priority Vocabulary
Objective: understand the differences between yearly and academic calendars.
When does the year start?
Did anyone say August or September? Many students start school in August or September. Does anyone attend classes at community colleges? If you do, when do you start your classes for the fall?
Look at Maria’s School vs. Yearly Calendar. You should have received a printed copy of this.
Presenters: open the file and share your screen. Read aloud the yearly and school calendars and then ask a couple participants to read them aloud as well.
Sometimes school calendars are also called academic calendars. Has anyone heard that term before?
As a group, discuss differences between yearly and school calendars and fill out the worksheet together.
Show & Share
When you have a pet, you don’t only have a pet — you also have extra responsibilities! When you become a pet owner, you gain new routines, roles, and tasks. What are some tasks that you do every day with your pet?
Tomorrow’s show and share: Halloween costumes for pets! Have you ever dressed up an animal? Do you have any pictures?
Body Break
Stretch and move around the room for a few minutes.
Life Skills Story 5: 15 = Fun X's 3
Objective: be able to make plans and reservations.
Why is it important to make plans and reservations? What are different things you need to consider when making plans?
Presenters: in addition to the who, what, when, where, and how, we may also need to consider costs, transportation, and anything we need to prepare or bring. If participants don’t suggest any of these items on their own, try to ask them questions to prompt them.
As a group, read, discuss, and answer the Life Skill Questions (Set 1) for Story 5.
(The answers are available at the bottom of this page.)
Body Break
You know what to do!
Thematic Connection: ADA at 30
Objective: gain a greater awareness of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The Americans with Disabilities Act (also known as the ADA) is a civil rights law that protects people with disabilities. It was signed into law on July 26, 1990, by President George H. W. Bush. That means the law is now 30 years old! For those of us who are 30-years-old or older, do you remember when it was passed?
Watch this video from PBS NewsHour about the ADA and its thirtieth anniversary.
The ADA has a few different sections. In laws, sections are often referred to as “titles,” and titles are often referred to using Roman numerals rather than Arabic numerals. That means for title one, we write “Title I” rather than “Title 1.” Let’s learn a little about different titles of the ADA:
Here is another video about the 30th anniversary of the ADA. In this video, people share examples of how the ADA has improved their lives and helped make things more accessible.
What are some examples of accessibility that you can think of? Can you think of examples of things that aren’t accessible? How does the ADA relate to accessibility?
If you have time, watch and discuss this video about how the ADA specifically applies to accessible facilities.
What did we learn today?
Answers for Life Skills Questions
Knowledge & Fun With Friends
Friday, August 21, 2020
Check-In with everyone
Hello! Today is about LAUGHTER! The best way to make us laugh is to cause surprise, make the audience expect one thing and give them something else. Like a beautiful flower, that squirts you in the nose!!! ha ha ha ha.
High Priority Vocabulary
Let's get some Calendar vocab spelled. By the way, anyone think one month is funnier than the other months? Notice how the word fun is inside the work funny!
PRESENTERS: Share screen and get the people who have the worksheet to help the group complete the words together.
Show & Share
Pets puttin' on the Ritz! That's an old fashioned expression for dressing up. Do you ever dress your pets or stuffed animals? Do they like it? If our pets had to have clothes every day, they'd have to...(see this cartoon)
Next week Show & Share will focus on our media collections and favorite stars and celebrities.
<Body Break>
Life Skills Story 5: 15 = Fun X's 3
Life Skills Story Activity Sheet
Use the activity sheet to plan some program activities. Some ideas will fit in program times. Other ideas might take longer, but you could get started with support from your team and then continue independently. Doing things on zoom can be a challenge, but challenges can be fun too.
<Body Break>
Thematic Connection: Creativity and Humor
Creative Tools for EVERYONE
We are used to the word "disabilities" but a more INCLUSIVE way to think about needing to do things in original ways is DIFFERABILITIES. Because the truth is EVERYONE needs to do things in original ways and everyone has differabilities.
Look at these tools that help people do things in new ways. Then talk about why EVERYONE can use that tool and how.
Cutting Board that Holds Food Down
A Knife that Won't Tire Your Wrists
Mouse You Move With Your Smile (yes staff, we have a grant to get some to try)
Share any differability tools you use that other people also like.
Future Things Engineers are Working On
<Body Break>
What We Expect + Silly Surprise = Laughter
Laughter usually comes from silly surprises. Let's practice making some laughter in here. Start with telling a few jokes, then try the creativity prompt.
These jokes depend on how you say them to be funny. In comedy they call that "delivery". Try some of these jokes with the following delivery styles:
Sequences for Silly Surprises
Even the most everyday things can be funny if there is a silly surprise inserted. Look at these ordinary sequences, check the "monkey wrench" surprises, then come up with some of your own Monkey Wrenches.
PRESENTERS: Click the sequence and put the slide in PRESENT mode by clicking the "present" button in the upper right corner.
Review the sequence left to right from the top.
Then click the screen to uncover each "Monkey Wrench." Choose the funniest wrench to add to the sequence and retell the story with the wrench ending.
Taking the Bus or Something Else?
What Did We Learn Today?