Program Days Week 1

Program Days Week 1

Safety & Person-Centered Focus

zoom, Zoom, ZOOM!!

Self-Care During Covid 19

Article to Introduce the Topic: Abuse and Neglect

  1. (Spanish) PDF
  2. (ENG) 
  • Poster: Abuse and Neglect
  1. English PDF
  • Newsletter: Abuse Neglect
  • Tips Sheet: Abuse and Neglect

Community & Civic Education

Well Being & Social Connection

Self-Advocacy, Rights & Responsibilities

Knowledge & Fun With Friends

  • District Wide Meeting 9-10 am
    • 9-9:10 moderator lets people in and assigns people to breakout rooms -- Presenter 1 models social skills and interactions
    • 9:10-9:20 Presenter 2 does Day, Date, Time, Weather, On This Day in History, Date/Time Math Moment
    • 9:20-9:35 Presenters 2, 4, 5 do news items, World, National, State, Local
    • 9:35-9:40 Bio break/Dance/Music
    • 9:40-9:55 Presenter 6 Morning Moves to music or instruction
    • 9:55-10 Intro Theme of the Day -- Go to BREAKOUT Rooms
  • Breakout Room Sessions 10-11 am
    • Call attention to the theme of the day and check awareness
    • Review technology tolerance Strategies
    1. Technology just goes out sometimes.
    2. We stay calm and carry on
    3. Waiting patiently or trying again
    4. Asking for help
    • Check-in: Each person reports on themselves
    • Show and Share:  people who wish to can share something they want to show everyone

    2 presenters work in a pattern:

    A) Presenter 1:

    1. Gains attention for the subject/idea

    2. Tells everyone what we will learn (objective)

    B) Presenter 2:

    3. Shows the resource and delivers the content

    C) Both Presenters:

    4. Prompt their individuals for performance and give feedback

    D) Presenter 2:

    5. Reminds everyone what they just learned (metacognition)

    E) Both Presenters:

    6. Facilitate group feedback/review of learning

    F) Presenter 1:

    7. Prompt learners to say what they learned (metacognition)

    8. Ask learners for other contexts where learning can apply (promote transfer)


  • Community College Hour 11-12 noon

    Learners return to the main meeting area and are encouraged to 

    • Access the Adult Education meetings at
    • Eat a healthful lunch
    • Move physically for health and well being
    • Take on the activity packet or other projects
    • Socialize with people in their physical locations
  • Noon Hour

    Learners return to the main meeting area and are encouraged to 

    • Eat a healthful lunch
    • Move physically for health and well being
    • Get off of screens for a while
    • Take on the activity packet or other projects
    • Socialize with people in their physical locations
  • Afternoon Choices 1-2:00 pm

    Participants return to the  district meeting area at 1pm. 

    1. A list of afternoon options will be presented—Including M/W dance class from DeAnza
    2. Moderator will put people into the breakout rooms they choose
    3. They will have the option to stay in the main session where a larger group activity will be offered with a wide-angle lens (possibly dance or music or acting, something whole body)
  • End of the Day Gather and Gab 2-2:30...

    Participants will return to the main session from the breakout rooms and 

    • share a whiteboard to graffitti and give notes
    • talk with friends and Hope employees
    • ask about everyone's experience
    • discussions about learners taking over or offering sessions or topics
    • raffles, trivia, quizzes, games, awards, completion acknowledgements, birthdays, etc.

    Learning Services may record as a mechanism to collect feedback but will not publish.

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