Person-Centered Thinking & Safety
Monday September 13, 2021
Today happens to be...
Hope Program Updates
Remind of the September theme: My Learning
It's important to be in charge of your own learning after you leave school. Making purposeful choices about what to learn, what skills to get good at, will help you achieve your career and personal goals. Too many people let life or circumnstance decide what they will be learning and then end up unhappy with their lives.
Introduce the Week's Skill: People Skills
People skills means being able to get along with all kinds of people in all kinds of situations and successfully work WITH them to get the outcomes close to what everyone wants.
This is very closely related to collaboration, which was a previous theme. The difference is people skills are specific to being able to relate to OTHERS. So collaboration is a very BIG category of actions and people skills is one piece of collaboration.
Thematic Media
Find the answers to these questions in the next video. (answers at the bottom)
Thematic Activity
Use this Slide presentation to look at a decision process for solving a problem or conflict.
Body Break—Feel like a kid again
Skills Media
Skills Information
Social Skills Poster - Do you agree with these?
Skills Applied
Go over the worksheet together to share ideas about social skills
Go over social skills for people who don't use words to communicate. What parts of the poster or other social skills everyone says are important still work if you don't use words to talk?
Fun Stuff
What did we learn today?
Sequence the day
******************Answers to Video Questions
What are we doing this afternoon?
Civics & Community Awareness
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
Today happens to be...
Hope Program Updates
Help recruit for the Hope Learning Board
PRESENTERS: show clients how to access the form and fill it out.
Remind of September theme and this week's skill: My Learning and People Skills
Thematic Media
Public speaking anxiety - adult focus
When we are a beginner at public speaking, looking at information aimed at kids can be helpful because when we are beginners, it's a lot like being a kid at something.
3 tips for kids to master public speaking
Thematic Activity
Fix a boring presentation.
PRESENTERS: Show the presentation until 1 min 30 seconds. Then ask your group how to fix it. What could they change about it to make it less boring?
Continue the video and see if your feedback is the same as the class'.
You can watch the second presentation if your group is interested.
How would you fix this really boring presentation?
Body Break—Feel like a kid again
Skills Media
Review the poster on public speaking tips
PRESENTERS: Remember that verbally describing images helps everyone learn
Skills Information
Vote on the choices these public speakers. Look at these images and decide if the speaker made a good choice for public speaking or a poor one.
Skills Applied
What are your expertise? What do you know a lot about? Could you give a presentation about the thing you know best? Did you know people can make a living doing public speaking? Do any of these professions sound interesting to you? They all require a lot of public speaking.
Fun Stuff
What did we learn today?
Sequence the day
What are we doing this afternoon?
Well Being and Social Connection
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Today happens to be...
Hope Program Updates
Help recruit for the Hope Learning Board
PRESENTERS: show clients how to access the form and fill it out.
Thematic Media
Friendships - Why they are important
Thematic Activity
Body Break—Feel like a kid again
Skills Media
Hard, Soft and Transferrable Skills
Skills Information
Look at these important skills and decide if you have them
Skills Applied
Fun Stuff
friends who do tricks together
What did we learn today?
Sequence the day
What are we doing this afternoon?
Rights & Self Advocacy
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Today happens to be...
Hope program announcements
Help recruit for the Hope Learning Board
PRESENTERS: show clients how to access the form and fill it out.
Thematic Media
Social skills are very important for self-advocacy because they are a big part of negotiating.
Negotiating for pumpkins in France
PRESENTERS: review the social skills the speaker in the video describes using with emphasis on the ways she tried to understand the other person.
Thematic Activity
Here are some situations where you might have to advocate for yourself. What social skill, from the list below might be good to use in each situation?
Social Skills List
Advocacy Opportunity
Body Break—Feel like a kid again
Skills Media
Situation is a role play about a bar scene. "Enebriated" means drunk.
This video really explains how we need to use our SOCIAL skills and how emotions are a big part of negotiations. Sometimes our ability to negotiate is a safety issue, like in that video.
Skills Information
Skills Applied
Review each situation in the list below. Vote on whether the situation requires people to negotiate or it's just a regular conversation.
Fun Stuff
Belly rubs and string cheese pleeeeeze
What did we learn today?
Sequence the day
What are we doing this afternoon?
Knowledge & Fun
Friday, September 17, 2021
Today happens to be...Buunch of different stuff
Hope Program Updates
Help recruit for the Hope Learning Board
PRESENTERS: show clients how to access the form and fill it out.
Review the Week
Theme - My Learning
Skills: People (social) Skills
Movie Time
Sweet Tooth (animated - 30+ min)
Body Break—Feel like a kid again
Choosing Fun Stuff to Do
Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?
The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below.