Program Days May 31 to June 4

May 31 to June 4, 2021

Theme: Safety Preparedness

Skill Building:  Recalling Safety Facts


Monday May 31, 2021

Today happens to be...MEMORIAL DAY! 

No Program, enjoy some time off!

Civics & Community Awareness

Tuesday June 1, 2021

Today happens to be...

World Reef Day

Portfolio Planner:

Let’s look ahead to June. 

 What holidays are coming up? Enter any important events or dates using the calendar below. 

**June Calendar Planner Page**

What are your goals for this month? Any habits you want to work on?  Use the sheet below to plan them out in an organized list. 

**My June Plans**

Lastly, what does the week ahead look like? Can you rate your extra day off yesterday? 

**Planner Pages May 30 to June 5**

Show & Share: 

Show and share a picture of the beach or a reef animal To celebrate World Reef Day

Tomorrow's Show & Share will be: look up one benefit of running, walking, or wheeling your chair and share why you think this is an important thing for our bodies. (FYI sometimes people who use wheelchairs have an extra manual one which they can offer to a typically mobile friend as a fun activity to do together. )

Hygiene Practice & Body Break 

Let’s move!  (like these office workers)

Choose a Covid Strategy to practice for the next 20 minutes of program. 

  • Wear a mask
  • Keep your hands away from your face
  • Stay 6 feet away from other people in your space

Theme of the month is Ready for Anything!

June is safety month AND it's the month SOME of us RETURN TO PROGRAM! We will learn about safety with focus on the safety practices of being back in regular program. By the end of June you will know what to expect when it's  YOUR turn to come back to program. 

Video About How Hope is Coming Back


PRESENTERS: Video is approximately 15 min long. It's the first intro to coming back to program so work with your group as THEY need you to. Pause after certain ideas to reinforce them if you think it's appropriate. Check in with them AFTER viewing to make sure they understand:

  • Not EVERYONE is coming back on the 15th
  • It's not a full week or full day schedule
  • Vaccination is required
  • Things will be very different than the program they remember
  • Everyone will learn about that together every day.

Hygiene Practice & Body Break 

Let’s move! 

How long can you wear your mask without needing a break? If you plan to go to a job or back to program, you'll need to be able to keep it on even when you don't want to. How do you feel about that? 

Life Skills Story-Welcome to my room Part 2

 Read or listen to the LAST half the story together and use the questions at the end to expand on the topic of the story. 



OR webpage view here.

What did you learn today?  


Well Being and Social Connection

Wednesday June 2, 2021

Today happens to be...

World Running Day

Portfolio Planner (link to pages)

Check in with your appointments, important dates, accomplishments, habit tracking 

**What do you want to accomplish in June?**

Show & Share:

Share one benefit about running, walking or wheeling that you found that is good for your body. Why did you pick this benefit?

Tomorrow’s Show & Share: 

Share a time you used first aid to help another person or yourself. If you don't have your own story, share one you find online

Hygiene Practice & Body Break 

50 Ways to Take a Break

Use the image above to find  a break time idea or to discover new ways to take a break. Looking for some happy tune to join you on your break? Check out this Happy Music for Summer time tunes. 

Body break also means some covid prep time! 

It might be time to santize or wash your hands, sometimes our devices we use to log on to program are dirty. Have you washed your hands or santized your device today? Take this time to do so. 

Who knows the theme for this month? What are we preparing for at Hope especially? 

Ready for Change

Being ready for anything means being ready to change even if you don't like the new thing. When we go back to program it won't be the same program that it used to be. 

Theme Activity — How Might You Feel?

For each item below, tell your group how you might feel if that part of program is different.

  • The morning routine
  • The staff I expect are not available
  • No hugs, not even side hugs
  • There are plastic barriers on things like reception areas
  • No sharing food or snacks
  • There are posters up reminding everyone about Covid
  • Everyone is always wearing a mask
  • We stay far apart, even for lunch
  • Community activities I like are closed

Brainstorm ways to manage those feelings. 

How can you be ready for emotions like disappointment, frustration, anxiety, loneliness, or confusion? 

You can use this INFOGRAPHIC to help with the discussion and read the article for deeper understanding. 

Hygiene Practice & Body Break 

Do your space check then Let’s move! 

Practice reminding someone to wash their hands in a polite, kind voice.  

Life Skills Story

NOTE: The 2 page Worksheet was sent home last week and we will be using it again this week. See link below for worksheet link. (answers at bottom of page)

**Life Skills Questions/Quiz SET 2**

What did you learn today?  

Answers for SET 2:


Rights & Self Advocacy

Thursday June 3, 2021

Today happens to be...

Automated External Defibrillator awareness week

Show & Share 

Share a time you used first aid skills or knowledge to help someone or take care of yourself. 

Tomorrow’s Show & Share: Describe and share your favorite kind of cheese to celebrate world cheese day.

Hygiene Practice & Body Break 

Let’s move! 

Handwashing is so regular we sometimes get sloppy about it. Try to see if you can tell how long 20 seconds is. That is how long you need to wash your hands to kill most germs. 

PRESENTERS: watch the clock and have participants close their eyes. Tell them to raise their hands when they think 20 seconds have passed. See how many get close. 

Video: Returning Post Covid at Program

We may all be wondering or feeling worried of what is ahead. But you got friends and staff available to be there for you. Listen to this conversation between two cousins, about post covid, to see if you can relate. 

After, discuss if you feel the same or what advice you would give a friend or family member. 

Theme Activity 

AED's or Automated External Defribrilators are a great technology for first aid. Listen to this news story about how they save lives.

How to USE it

  • What do you think about AED's? Easy or complicated?
  • Do you know if there is one at your hope site?
  • Would you have the confidence to use one if you saw someone in trouble?

Defibrilate is a big word. Fibrilate means beat wildly very fast, almost like flutter. This page explains what is happening when a heart fibrilates

Hygiene Practice & Body Break 

Dance to this song and combine your body break and reminding yourself of Covid hygiene advice

... or this one... 

Life Skills from the story 

NOTE: The 2 page Worksheet was sent home last week and we will be using it again this week. See link below for worksheet link. 

Here are some discussion questions about real life based on topics in the story. Choose 3 or more to discuss in your group.  

**Life Skills Discussion Questions Set 1**

What did you learn today?  

Knowledge & Fun

Friday June 4, 2021

Today happens to be...

National Cheese Day. Celebrate this delicious food today? Nacho thing/ Unbrievable? Today is all about cheese

Learn more about the history of cheese here:

A Brie(f) history of cheese from Ted-Ed

Also check out this cook history of Cheese Making timeline 

Portfolio Planner (link to pages)

How was your week? Did you get your habits done? Did you have to cancel or reschedule plans?  

Review what is in your portfolio planner from this week and share some of your big wins and other things you may want to sahre. 

How are you planning on utilzing your planner for this month? 

What is one thing you like about having your planner around to help you throughout the week?

Show & Share 

Your favorite cheese! Bonus points if you bring the cheese up to your camera on your device, for all to see.

Next Week Is the Last Show & Share for the Summer — Let's make it count. 

Look through your portfolio and be ready to share work or a project you are proud of from your portfolio. It can be one thing or a few. It's great to have a clear record of your learning and be able to show it to others. 

Hygiene Practice & Body Break 

Let’s move! Taking a break can be fun with some good music, it nice to get up and dance. Check out this dance break video (it may seem like its for kids, but anyone at any age can rock these moves!) Follow along with the dance moves in this video! 

Generalize objectives into a fun game- see your options below-you can do a few rounds of one or two.

I SPY:Use this image of random objects and play a game of I spy. Remember you cant say the name of the object, you can give clues about its color, shape and size. 

Name that Tune: Take turns humming, whistling, snapping or clapping a tune of  a song. See who can guess your song!

Hang Man: Using the Whiteboard option on zoom, create a hangman game. See which word you can guess.

Tic tack Toe: This is also a great idea for a white board option. Everyone can annotate and take turns playing against each other. 

Hygiene Practice & Body Break 

Covid Prep Activity: We all know that being polite and curtious to others, helps make the work enviroment. 

Soon we will be back in our space at Hope but we may encounter moments when we have to remind our peers of important things. Such as distance, space, wearing a mask and more.  

With the next activity practice asking kindly to eachother in the group, like a role play or skit. Call on your friend in the group and show how you would ask them the things below. 

  • Asking your friend for space
  • Asking for a break away from others
  • Asking someone to  put their mask up on their face better
  • Asking someone to sit farther away
  • Asking a friends to wait until they are distanced to drink or eat

Life Skills Story Discussion Questions

NOTE: The 2 page Worksheet was sent home last week and we will be using it again this week. See link below for worksheet link. FInalize the discussion questions that you may have not covered last week. What are some questions that you think are  

 Finish up the worksheet questions discuss and answer with the group.

**Life Skills Questions SET 2**

What did you learn today?  

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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