Program Days March 15-19

March 15-19, 2021

Theme: What inspired them? Biographies

Skill Building: Affirmations & Productive Self-Talk

Person-Centered Thinking & Safety

Monday March 15, 2021

Today happens to be...

The Ides of March

Learn more about The Ides of March here 

Check In (5 min)

How was your weekend? Did you relax or get something done around the house?

Introduce the Week (3 min)

This week we are going to look into how people are inspired by exploring their autobiographies
which are biographies that they write themselves or biographies that were written by other people. 

Show & Share (10-min)

A person I find inspiring. Share one person, alive or passed away, that inspires you to work harder or be better.

Tomorrow's Show & Share: 

An adventure I went on: Sharing my journey. Tomorrow we will review a show and share about an adventure that you took some place. This is any place that you felt you had an adventure. 

Portfolio Planner (5min)

Let's look at this week's planner pages*. What goals or habits that we are working on this week relate DIRECTLY to our big dreams for ourselves? Read these examples and identify some steps you can take toward you big plans. 


Sheila wants to work in a dance studio some day. This week she is working on finding out how many dance studios are open in her town and where they are and doing a 40 minutes dance workout every morning. 

Devary intends to own their own business someday. This week they are going to the website for their credit union to find out about small business loans and how to get a business license. 

As always, mark down any new appointments. Tasks, Errands, Meetings, Goals for the week.  Also list your priorities for the week, and review our weekly habit tracker. Share any updates you'd like to from the last couple of weeks.

<Body Break>

Supports for My Life Transition. (10-15 min)

PRESENTERS: Participants will mark one transition support they would like to explore in the future. Supports can be groups, services, or plans that they've found interesting and would like to implement in their own lives.

Let's list supports we already rely on in the sheet you received*. Use Zoom annotate to brainstorm some supports that we may already have or supports we've considered looking into.

Now let's think of one life transition planning support we want to put in place for the future during a life transition time

A support can be a group meeting, an online group, someone in your life you can plan with or a plan to have resources available.

What supports did peers teach each other?

High priority vocabulary: Matching Synonyms (5-10 min)

Synonyms are words that mean the same thing but can seem very slightly different. We need synonyms for many reasons; to create variety when we write or speak, to speak or write very accurately when things are only slighly different, to give a certain feeling to something, or to help us write poetry so things sound better. Look at some of these. Bet you can think of more.

List of Synonyms*

PRESENTERS: Complete the worksheet as a team. 

Complete the matching synonyms worksheet* as a team. Share your answers with the team when the worksheet is finished.

               <Body Break>

Optional Level-Up 

Make a list of at least 5-10 supports and their contact information in your portfolio planner. 

Bonus level up: Contact one support in the next week and report back to program.


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Civics & Community Awareness

Tuesday March 16, 2021

Today happens to be...

Freedom of Information Day

The Freedom of Information Day is a day dedicated to celebrate the openness and "public access to government information and the public's right to know" -<a value="" label="" type="url" target="_blank" href="" data-runtime-url=""> American Library Association 

Check In (5 min)

What did you do after program yesterday?

Recap Yesterday (3 min)

We went over the importance of using supports and making sure that we have those supports accessible at all times. What are some supports we talked about? 

Show & Share (10-min)

 An adventure I went on: Sharing my journey. Some questions to consider while we share our adventures:

  • Did your journey to that place take long?
  • Were there speed bumps or roadblocks along the way?
  • What did you learn while you went on this adventure?

Tomorrow's Show & Share: Wearing all my green! In honor of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, wear as much green as you can for tomorrow’s show and share.

Life skills stories Book 4 – Story 14: Animal Games* Part 1 (5-10 min)

PRESENTERS:  This week we will go over part 1 of Animal Games. Use the attached question sheet to engage with participants as you go through the story as a team.

This week we will read a story called Animal Games. Instead of reading one story per week, we will read stories over two weeks and work on understanding more of the story more fully.

Today, choose one or more of these questions to discuss together:

Describing Yourself

  • Think about creating a game character to look as much like you as possible. You can choose hair color, hair length, body type (such as tall and thin), glasses or no glasses, skin color, ear size, and clothing color. Describe the choices you would make. Answers will vary, but should address hair color, hair length, body type, glasses, skin color, ear size, and clothing color

Evaluating Your Own Attitudes

  • At the start of the game, Cinda’s attitude about the game didn’t allow for others to make moves against her. How do you feel about playing games where your opponents do nasty things to you?
  • Sample Answer: I really don’t like to play games where people do nasty things to me, so I avoid such games.

Understanding Your Values

  • Give an example of one of your values. Remember that values are ideas or customs that you consider to be important.Answers will vary.Believing in Yourself 

Learned Strengths

  • Describe a game or other fun activity that you are good at and explain how you know you are good at it. Answers will vary, but should include both a game or activity student is good at and how student knows he or she is good at it.

            <Body Break>

Reviewing Municipal Codes & Municipal regulations (10-15 min)

PRESENTERS: Review the municpal code information and discuss the following as a team. If you have any interesting tidbits about municpal codes in your area, feel free to share.

COVID-19 has changed a lot of things for many people. One change has been through municipal codes and regulations.

Review Municipal Code Information here before you move on to the next set of questions and discussion.

Let's define what a municpal code is and then put it into our own words. Bonus points if you can add in some plain language to describe a municipal code.

California's timeline of municipal codes has been interesting since the onset of COVID-19. Let's search what the timeline looks like and discuss it as a team. Which municipal codes have become municipal regulations and why?

Are there specific timeline markers that speed up a municipal code to become a municipal regulation? 

What are differences between a municipal code and municipal regulation? Us a T chart on zoom annotate to identify differences between the two terms

Life Skills Stories Worksheet(5-10 min)

Ordering at a Restaurant On a Budget* 

PRESENTERS: Complete the worksheet as a team

Complete the worksheet as a team. Share your answers with the team when everyone is finished. How did you get to your answers?

               <Body Break>

Optional Level-Up 

Write and Design a municipal code timeline for one of the codes we talked about today. Be ready to share this COVID-19 based code and/or regulation with your team.


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Well Being and Social Connection

Wednesday March 17, 2021 

Today happens to be...

Saint Patrick's Day 

Saint Patrick's Day is a celebration of the death of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. Over time, this date has become a day to celebrate Irish culture and wear green!

Learn more about St. Patrick's Day here!

Check In (5 min)

What are you grateful for today? 

Show & Share (10-min)

Wearing all my green! In honor of St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, wear as much green as you can for tomorrow’s show and share.

Tomorrow's Show & Share: Share your silly awkward moment photo! Some questions to answer with your silly awkward moment photo:

  • Why was this moment so silly?
  • What is a good memory this picture reminds you of?

Transitions in my body: Why is that cracking suddenly (5-10 min)

PRESENTERS: Review the information about body changes and transitions over time. 

As we age, so does our body. We might hear new cracks or aches as we grow older. Why do you think this happens? 

Review the brief Ted Ed video on why our bodies age. 

How can we practice strategies to assist us to mitigate bodily changes as we age? What are some ways to help our bodies while they change over time?


Remember, everyone ages, and all our bodies are going to age with us, but we can use multiple ways to help our bodies age gracefully and keep our bones, joints, and skin safe.

Identify a few ways to keep our bodies healthy as we age (use sunscreen, stretch, stay active, get outside)

           <Body Break>

High Priority Vocabulary:  Pg. 179 Synonym Partners (10-15 min)

PRESENTERS: Complete the worksheet as a team

Complete the vocabulary worksheet as a team. Share your answers when you finish.

               <Body Break>

COVID-19 Mitigation Moment (5-10 min)

This week we are going to review when, how, and where you shoudl wear your masks. Check out the graphic provided by the CDC below and share your findings with the team

How to safely wear a mask

Optional Level-Up 

Using a diagram of a human body, circle three points on the body that you are aware of as you get older. Do your knees hurt a bit more than they did when you were a kid? Are you noticing new muscles as you get older? 


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Rights & Self Advocacy

Thursday March 18, 2021

Today happens to be...

Awkward Moments Day 

Check In (5 min)

What sorts of things are you creating right now? Do you have a garden? Are you drawing? 

Show & Share (10-min)

Share your silly awkward moment photo! Some questions to answer with your silly awkward moment photo:

  • Why was this moment so silly?
  • What is a good memory this picture reminds you of?

Tomorrow's Show & Share: My favorite superhero (from any superhero universe!)

Who is your favorite superhero?  What makes this superhero so special? Does this superhero have any powers? What are they?

Where is the narrative going? (5-10 min)

PRESENTERS:Present a narrative on an individual going through a difficult life transition.

Identify what the main character wants to happen during or after their transition

Describe what the character believes will happen during their transition:

  • Are they nervous?
  • Are they afraid of getting hurt or having to work hard?
  • Are they excited?
  • What was the transition’s outcome?
  • How did the character go after what the wanted over what was expected of them?

            <Body Break>

T-Graph – Going after what you want not what you expect: (10-15 min)

PRESENTERS:Review the above narrative.How did the character go after what they wanted versus what they expected?

At the top of your T graph write one goal or activity you will achieve

On the left side of the T graph write one thing you expect to run into during achieving this goal

Click here for T Graph Worksheet that was sent home

Life Skills Stories Worksheet: Using a Vending Machine (5-10 min)

PRESENTERS: Complete the worksheet as a team. Have participants share their answers when they are complete. Click here for worksheet

              <Body Break>

Optional Level-Up 

Create a new superhero that you think should exist. Write up a blurb about their origin story.


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Knowledge & Fun

Friday March 19, 2021

Today happens to be...

National Let Us Laugh Day

Check In (5 min)

What is something that always makes you laugh? A movie? A youtube video? A joke? 

Show & Share (10-min)

My favorite superhero (from any superhero universe!)

Who is your favorite superhero?  What makes this superhero so special? Does this superhero have any powers? What are they?

Next week's Show & Share: a photo is worth 1,000 words.

Next week we are exploring biographies. Be ready to share a photo that says “1,000 words” and explains you to others. 

A Life Transition I am Ready For (10-15 min)

PRESENTERS: Use the worksheet in the portfolio planner to disucss and describe a life transition participants are ready to encounter.

In your portfolio planner, describe or illustrate one life transition we discussed this week that you feel prepared to conquer!  Examples: becoming a senior citizen, learning a new skill, choosing to eat healthy. You can use this worksheet that was sent home help the group work as a team: Click here for Portfolio Page

Write up and wrap the week! What goals were achieved and why/why not,? Are there any habits you tracked... and did they improve or not? Transfer anything extra to next week. Share this week's wins and rate the week.  Click here to access this week's planner pages

   <Body Break>

This Superheroe's Timeline (10-15 min)

PRESENTERS: Choose a superhero from any super hero universe and create a timeline as a team in their porfolio planners. No worksheet, however, you can use the whiteboard option to help brainstorm and everyone can follow along at home  pen and paper. 

Today we are going to take a look at the life of a superhero. First, let's identify one super hero that we'd like to create a life timeline for. 

After the team figures out which superhero they'd like to explore together, go over the following questions:

  • What made this superhero a superhero? 
  • Was there a specific even that gave this superhero powers?
  • How did the superhero experience their transition into becoming a superhero? 
  • Was it easy or difficult for them?
  • Were they nervous about getting powers? 
  • How is a superhero journey similar or different from our own personal transitions?

Optional Level-Up:

Continue designing your custom superhero

  • What colors are their super suit?
  • What is the biggest life event that turned them into a super?
  • Why should we consider this superhero is one of the most powerful superheroes in your superhero’s universe?


 <Body Break>


What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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