Program Days June 28 to July 2

June 28 to July 2, 2021


Skill Building: Communication and Observing Surroundings

Person-Centered Thinking & Safety

Today is Monday June 28, 2021

Today happens to be...CAPS LOCK DAY

Portfolio Planner 

The end of June is coming up. What's left of the month? What do you need to get done before it ends? 

Here are some other kinds of planners you might like to explore.

Theme for June:

Ready for Anything 

Theme of the Week: Mad Skills for Re-opening-Good communication and paying attention to surroundings.

Re-Opening Skills

COMMUNICATION when we are in new groups

PRESENTERS: explain that going back to program is going to feel different than it did and we may find ourselves trying to get comfortable again, even if we recognize and remember one another.

Propose that when we go back we might even decide to actually use ice-breaker activities to build comfort. 

Body Break 


Me & My Services (PCT) 

What is independence when you have differabilities?

PRESENTERS: point out how the video shows staff influencing people away from their initial choices or just saing "later" on everything.

Social Story (slides)

PRESENTERS: remember to click the "PRESENT" button and use the ESC key to close the present view. 

Body Break 

Skill Practice—Spot the Safety Issues

PRESENTERS: Use annotation to point out dangers. If your group is small enough, you can ask people to volunteer what they see.

What was the sequence of today's topics?

What do your remember best? 

Civics & Community Awareness

Today is Tuesday June 29, 2021

Today happens to be...National Camera Day

Theme for June:

Ready for Anything 

Theme of the Week: Mad Skills for Re-opening-Good communication and paying attention to surroundings.

Re-opening Skills Recap

It's going to be important to be able to communicate with each other well when we go back. It's also great practice for interviews and being on a new job. 

This video is aimed at kids but we can use it refresh our memories on communication skills.

Life Skills Story

Questions Page 1

Share answers with the group, most of the questions are directly from the story, but you might have to think a bit harder for a few of them

(check your answers at the bottom of page)

Link to audio

Link to text on webpage

Body Break 

Community and Civics Social Story

This is a social story about community helpers that is meant for younger people. 

Skill Extend and Practice

When we go back to community outings in the face-to-face program we may find that community helpers wear masks, keep their distance, and are still taking actions to protect themselves from people who may still carry Covid. Others will not do these things. As the counties open up more, things will change more quickly. To keep on top of the changes you'll need to

  • know how to ask questions
  • be able to share what you see and ask questions if you don't understand something
  • be sure you understand the morning announcements at program so that you are following the correct steps
  • be ready to let go of the rules that were needed before and take on the new rules as they change
  • try to stay calm if people around you aren't keeping up with the rules as well as you are and help them do so.

Body Break 

Brain Break

Call and Response

PRESENTERS draw the connection between LISTENING and being able to respond correctly.

What was the sequence of today's topics?

What do your remember best? 

Page 1 Answers:

1. C

2. D

3. B

4. C

5. D

6. C

Well Being and Social Connection

Today is Wednesday June 30, 2021

Today happens to be...Asteroid Day

Theme for June:

Ready for Anything 

Theme of the Week: Mad Skills for Re-opening-Good communication and paying attention to surroundings.

Portfolio Planner 

Final day of the month-- Evaluating June--Color in your satisfaction on the different life areas. What went really well? 

PRESENTERS: draw the connection for people to the month going by and whether or not we have made progress on goals or habits. 

Life Skills Story Questions Page 2

Last page of Questions for the story, how many did you get correct? (check answers at bottom) 

Link to audio

Link to text on web page

Body Break

Social Story - Well Being and Social Connection

When friendship is challenging

Skills Practice - noticing surroundings

PRESENTERS: The video is really long. Just play the first 2 minutes.

Watch the video, then clap if the item your presenter reads on the list appeared in the video. 

  1. Motorcycle
  2. Park sign - brown
  3. Freeway sign - green
  4. Blue pick up truck
  5. White sedan
  6. Car noise of vehicles going by
  7. Low walls on the side of the road, probably a bridge
  8. A fire truck
  9. A look-out pull over stop with no one in it
  10. A look-out pull over stop with RV's and people in it
  11. A dotted white lane dividing line
  12. A double solid yellow lane dividing line
  13. A coyote
  14. A tumble weed
  15. Pine trees
  16. Blue sky and white fluffy clouds
  17. A red balloon
  18. A blue hatchback

Body Break

Brain Break

Loving animals

What was the sequence of today's topics?

What do you remember best? 

Page 2 Answers:







Rights & Self Advocacy

Today is Thursday July 1, 2021

Today happens to be...Canada Day

Theme for June:

Ready for Anything 

Theme of the Week: Mad Skills for Re-opening-Good communication and paying attention to surroundings.

Planning After June

How to use a planner - great tips

Re-opening Skills 

When we re-open, or at other times, we may have experiences that we need to discuss with staff or coordinators. 

This video is about how to tell a teacher at school about anxiety you might be having. The ideas in the video are good tips for how to tell staff or coordinators something 

PRESENTERS: this is a good cognitive skill for participants to see how a topic that seems not to really be about them (program is not school) can be extended and generalized to apply to their experience.

Life Skills Story 

Work Sheet-Talking to  Bereaved Family and Friends

What are some ways you can make yor friends feel better if they are feeling down? Select the best answer to the question. (no anwers for this one)   

Body Break

Skills Practice - Rights and Self-Advocacy

Tips for self-advocacy in school

The Awesome Mary Show

Body Break

Brain Break

5 Situations In Program

Read each situation and decide as if the solution is self-advocacy or collaboration or BOTH. (answers at the bottom)

  1. You get on the van and the staff aren't making sure everyone following social distancing rules.
  2. You want to get fast food for lunch but didn't mention it until 12 o'clock when lunch started
  3. The job developer offered your friend a job that you wanted
  4. The smell of bananas makes you sick and you can smell them in someone's lunch from the back of the van.
  5. Your staff person came in with a cough and is very low energy. You think they might be sick. 

What was the sequence of today's topics?

What do your remember best? 

You get on the van and the staff aren't making sure everyone following social distancing rules.

Self-advocacy -- approach the staff person and tell them you would be more comfortable if they could help everyone use social distancing - if that doesn't work, ask your peers yourself if they would please help everyone stay safe.

You want to get fast food for lunch but didn't mention it until 12 o'clock when lunch started

Collaboration -- politely ask if there is any way the staff can help you get to the nearest fast food restaurant but if not, be understanding about it and realize you need to plan ahead better next time.

The job developer offered your friend a job that you wanted

Self-advocacy -- ask the job developer if there is more than one position open, or tell them that is exactly the job you want and ask  them to find you one.

The smell of bananas makes you sick and you can smell them in someone's lunch from the back of the van.

BOTH--explain to your group that you actually feel from the smell and then ask if anyone at the front of the bus would trade seats with you. 

Your staff person came in with a cough and is very low energy. You think they might be sick. 

Self-Advocacy--It may be hard but you should ask them if they feel ill. It may be that they are having allergies or something else is going on. If you still believe they are sick, you can ask the coordinator or manager at your program to speak to them. 

Knowledge & Fun

Today is Friday July 2, 2021

Today happens to be...Recreation for people with differabilities

Theme for June:

Ready for Anything 

Theme of the Week: Mad Skills for Re-opening-Good communication and paying attention to surroundings.

Portfolio Planner 

Saying good bye the planner for the summer. If you want to keep up your habit tracking and goal setting, there are lots of great planners out there. Or you can download one to your phone from the app store.

Good Night Song from Sound of Music

Bye-Bye - Nsync

LIfe Skills Story Quiz

The final worksheet for this story, good luck! 

(check your answers to see which ones you got correct.)

Body Break

Optional Movie (30 minutes long) : Phillip's Story 

A man with differabilities uses puppets to express himself and share his world

July 4th

Body Break

Brain Break


Picnic Food

Sustainable Celebrating

Freedom Celebrations Around the World

What kind of wild and crazy weekend are you planning? 


1. B

2. C

3. A

4. A

5. B

6. B

7. B

8. C

9. A

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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