Program Days July 19-23

 July 19-23, 2021


Skill Building: Confirming Answers

Sorry about the headers with the days of the week. It's not us. It's the wesite.

Person-Centered Thinking & Safety

Monday July 19, 2021

Today happens to be Stick Out Your Tongue Day


PRESENTERS: Remind everyone of the theme of adapting: it's changing how WE behave and think so we can succeed in new situations and make change work for us instead of freaking us out. 

Skill for the week: Confirming answers

Last week we talked about asking questions of ourselves and others in all kinds of situations and for all kinds of reasons. This week we'll focus on what to do when we get an ANSWER to a question.

Thematic Media: Video

PRESENTERS: Use the video to ask clarifying questions. So stop the video and demonstrate asking a clarifying question then rewind the video a little to replay what you were asking about. 

Thematic Activity: Slide Deck

PRESENTERS: Go over the responses and help people see the diference between questions that are actually about the topic and things that aren't.

Body Break

(video is long, cut off whenever you want)


How Listening and Thinking Really Work

PRESENTERS: Try to pause the video after each point and see if you can give participants an example related to program.

Skills Applied

Using the Skills Information In Your ISP Meeting

Body Break

Move to the beat and watch this dance off!

Fun Misunderstandings





Sequence the Hour

In what order did we learn what?

Civics & Community Awareness

Tuesday July 20, 2021

Today happens to be Moon Day

Recall the Theme and Skill

Adapting and Confirming Answers

Thematic Media

Watch this clip about a community meeting where people are debating banning books in the local school. 

Thematic Activity

Using the information you gained from the clip above, ask clarifying questions, answer them together and confirm the answers with follow up statements.

PRESENTERS: Pose the questions below about the clip and either provide the answers, or get them from participants. Then prompt participants to devise confirmation questions or provide models of confirmation questions yourself and explain how they make sure the answer is understood. 

  1. What was the name of author being debated?
  2. What did the school board member say the Supreme Court ruled about the book?
  3. Does plowing under a corn field have anything to do with banning books?
  4. When the woman who was defending the book asked the audience to vote on whether they wanted to ban books how did they vote? 

Bollywood Body Break

Skills Media--Thinking about communication

Did your interview go well?

(presenter pitches her service at 5:20 so you can stop the video there)

Signs they want to hire you

Skills Info

Example of a good interview

PRESENTERS: Describe the interview and ask participants questions that confirm understanding. 

Body Break--this is very silly, so pick something else if you want

Skills Applied

PRESENTERS: Read the follow up questions below. and give possible answers. Have participants confirm understanding of the answers.


  1. Follow up Question:  How can I succeed in this role?

Possible Answer:

You can be a good team player, communicate regularly and well, and be ready to learn new things.

Confirming Understanding Prompts:

  1. So the skills you need to succeed are...?
  2. You should be prepared to do what?
  3. What does this mean about your ability to work with others?


  1. What are the most important skills for this job?
  2. What software will I use in this role?
  3. What are the daily responsibilities for this job?
  4. Do you expect this role to become more important in the near future?
  5. Who will be my manager in this role?
  6. Who would I be working with in this role?
  7. What are some challenges I might experience in this position?
  8. What are some projects I would be working on?
  9. What kind of training will I need for this job

Sequence the Hour

What did we learn in what order?

Well Being and Social Connection

Wednesday July 21, 2021

Today happens to be Take A Monkey To Lunch Day

Recall the theme and skill: adapting and confirming understanding

Thematic Media

Watch the Video and re-state the 3 rules in your own words. 

These rules will help you communicate with co-workers but they are also important in other relationships. 

All of our activities depend on others. We don't do anything in life without the help or work of someone else, even if we never see or meet them. For the people we DO see and talk with, our relationships deserve our efforts to create UNDERSTANDING. 

Thematic Activity

For each mini-situation decide if the people are trying to create UNDERSTANDING or have a different goal. 

  1. A salesman talks about the price of the car and the great deal he can give the customer and the customer keeps asking about the features of the car. 
  2. The boss talks about the supplies and the deadline and the employee asks questions about the pieces in the build and when it has to ship to meet the deadline
  3. The clerk offers to reserve a try-on room when she sees the shopper looking at purses.
  4. The teacher tells the students to write their questions on the board and then answers them one at a time so everyone can learn from everyone's questions
  5. The insurance agent talks about car insurance and the customer wants to know about eathquake insurance for a home.

Body Break

Skills Media--Strong Identity Development

It's important to figure out who we are. When we have a strong positive identity we can communicate well and give love and kindness easily. Even if we figure out who we are later in life we can gain this ability.

Skills Information

Make sure you understand the situation you are in to understand how best to communicate. Review this info graphic to see questions to ask YOURSELF before speaking to make sure you understand the impact of your own words and actions.

THINK Before You Speak

Skills Applied Video

PRESENTERS: Go through the exercises in the video with your group using the rules or judgements listed below.

  1. What is the "rule" or "should"? 
  2. Who said?
  3. Is it true?

  1. Your staff or parents should decide what your goals are.
  2. Good employees don't ask questions and just do what they are told.
  3. A real friend always agrees with you.
  4. Money solves all problems.
  5. Being angry is always bad.

Body Break

Fun Stuff

Unicorn Egg

Emotional Support Gator

Sequence the Hour

What did we learn in what order?

Rights & Self Advocacy

Thursday July 22, 2021

Today happens to be Spoonerism Day (Or Doonerism Spay)

Image used under Fair Use as Illustrative Commentary

Recall the them and skill: Adapting and confirming answers

Thematic Media

Knowing Your Rights

Thematic Activity

Presenters: Ask a confirming question about rights listed below. Try to use an example if posssible. See the first instance for a model.

Having a private life

  • Private bedroom

So having a private life means you can decide who comes into your private spaces? If Mary has a private bedroom and a private bathroom and her own entrance to that room, she doesn't HAVE to let anyone in she doesn't want to, right?

  • Private communications
  • Private possessions

Be myself

  • Set goals and get help
  • Choose church or temple


  • Treat me like a person
  • Equal treatment for services


  • Safety
  • No research outside of the rules

Life in the community

  • Go out, have fun, meet people
  • Get services I need


  • How I get services
  • Who serves me
  • Treatment options
  • Learning independence
  • Good information
  • Who sees information about me

Private information

Get things

  • Get information
  • Have people who speak up for me
  • Get help to speak for myself
  • Get my own money

Listen to me

  • Answer my compaints
  • Free to disagree and have it revisited
  • Have a lawyer I hired

Safety from abuse or bad treatment

  • No violence toward me
  • No restraining me
  • No verbal abuse
  • No threats or making fun of me

I get food, drink, shelter, physical movement, using the restroom

No one can force me to work for someone else for free.

Body Break—the Camel Walk - start video at 00:26 seconds to see this move

Skills Media

PRESENTERS: Pause the video at each right and have your group repeat what they heard. 

Confirming YOUR Rights

July is Disability Pride Month. People with disabilities fought hard for your rights. You should be able to say your rights to anyone whenever you need to. 

Practice expressing your rights. 

Skills Information—How to Be a Better Ally

Is this video correct? Do you agree with what the person said about being an ally?

Skills Applied

I Am...

What is your "I am" statement? How many can you think of? Use your hobbies, interests, skills, experience and community memberships to come up with I am statements. 

Body Break—the Juice- start video at 01:34 seconds to see this move

Disability Pride Animals

Dog with a Brain Difference

Squirrel who lost her arms

Lion with Disability

Sequence the Hour

Knowledge & Fun

Friday July 23, 2021

Today happens to be Gorgeous Grandma Day

Review the Theme and Skill

What was the theme? What does that mean?

What skill did you practice this week?

Choose the movie your group might like

Body Break—Dance through the decades


Choose a Stevie Wonder Music Video or more than one. Get up and dance. This stuff grooves.

Stand-Up Comedy 24 min - watch as long as it's interesting. (Disability Pride relevant)

Body Break-weird dance moves

Can you invent a body break move that's weird but feel good?

Silly Stuff



Sequence the Week.

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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