Transition Week June 13th-June 16th

June 13th- June 16th

Theme: Relationships 

Skill Building: Identifying Friends Versus Acquaintances

Person-Centered Thinking & Safety

June 13th, 2023

Check out the National Day

Check-In (5 min)

Say hello and check-in with one another.

Theme for the week: Relationships  

Thematic activity - Types of Interpersonal Relationships  

Interpersonal relationships are very important for our health and happiness. Look at all the kinds and give an example of someone in your life who fits one or more of these.  

Can you think of someone who doesn't fit ANY of them? What would you call that person? 

PRESENTERS: Use the image to introduce the types of relationships. Have everyone give examples of people in their lives that fit a category. 

Point out that people we have NO relationship with are strangers.  

 (REMEMBER CTRL key and the "+" key to make the image bigger on screen, CTRL and "0" to make it normal again)


Client-led Exercise - Choose one volunteer to lead an exercise. *Remember your Safety Checks!

Show and Share: What relationships in your life are most important to you? Do you have a picture of the person in that relationship with you? How often do you spend time with that person or people? Tell us about the type of relationship you have with that person. 

Skill Builder: Safety in the Work-at-Home Zone 

Safety in the Work-at-Home Zone

PRESENTERS: Show the images and have participants check their own areas for similar hazards and fix them if they can.

To be safe we need to treat our work-from-home area as carefully as we do our regular workspace. Spot the hazards in these pictures.

Body Break

What type of questions could you ask to get to know a friend better? Try these:

When is my birthday? 🎂 

How many brothers and sisters do I have? 👫 

What’s my special talent? ✨ 

What’s my star sign? ♓ 

What’s the main thing I do in my free time? 🏃‍♀️ 

What’s is something I want to improve about myself? 

Which football team have I supported since I was young? ⚽ 

Who’s my celebrity crush? ❤️ 

What is my favorite sweet treat?  

What is something that scares me? 😨 



What did we learn today what was our theme?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Civics & Community Awareness

June 13th, 2023

Check-In (3 min)

Recap Yesterday (2 min)

  • Types of relationships
  • Safety in the home workspace

Show & Share (10-min)

Intimate relationships, like boyfriends, girlfriends, partners, or spouses are very special. Have you had, or do you have any intimate relationships?  Intimacy means a very close connection, a deeper love than friendship. 

Healthy intimate relationships, whether they include physical expression of love or not, are "mutual." That means both people agree to everything that goes on between them.  If we feel very close or attracted to someone, but they don't feel the same way, we can say we have a crush on them. But that person is NOT our partner or boyfriend or girlfriend. 

Client-led Exercise - Choose one volunteer to lead an exercise. *Remember your Safety Checks!

Thematic Activity 01 (5-10 min)

PRESENTERS: Review the job posting with the group. Have everyone share what they know about how to prepare for the interview. Then use the questions list to distinguish between professional relationships and other types of interpersonal connections. 


  1. When we meet a POTENTIAL boss, do we have a relationship with that person?
  2. When we send a thank you email after the interview, is that personal or professional? 
  3. When we interview for a job, which topics should we NOT bring up to the person interviewing us?
  4. What other differences are there between personal and professional relationships?
  5. Would you say your relationship with Hope staff is personal or professional?

Thematic Activity 02 (5-10 min)

PRESENTERS:Read the top half of the article with your group to get the main ideas. Discuss the prompts in your group so that everyone learns that residents of any city can contact the city council with questions or feedback. 

Point out that phone calls, email, and writing letters to the editor of the newspaper are all ways to voice yourself. 

Santa Cruz City Council moves housing project forward

  • How can a resident of the city find out more about these projects? 
  • How can a resident of the city give feedback to the city council on these projects?
  • How can you find out who your city council members are?

Body Break

Survival Math (5-10 min)

Counting Back Change and Customer Service (2 min video)


What did we learn today? What was our theme??

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Well Being and Social Connection

June 14th, 2023

Check-In (5 min)

Say hi, do yer thing.

Check out the National Day

Recap Yesterday (3 min)

  • Relationships have different levels of closeness.
  • Professional relationships are less personal.
  • Residents can voice their opinions to city councils.

Show & Share (5-10)

Heartache at the loss of friendship or love. Can you remember a time you had to say goodbye to a friend or loved one? Or, is there a movie or book that you love in which someone gets their heartbroken?  Tell us about your experience or the story you know. 

Thematic Activity 01  (5-10 min)

PRESENTERS: Review the shortened description of the personal boundaries story from this week's Level Up Option. Use the prompts to guide learning about boundaries from the story.

IF your group is into it you can read, or re-read the story itself here, but that will take up some time so decide for yourselves.

Wilson Green set up a surprise movie activity for his best friend Ted Wilson and invited six of their friends to participate. Ted was happily surprised to see his friends at the movies.  

After the movie started LeDee, one of the women in the group yelled out in the theatre "Stop that you creep! Move before I call the manager." Her friend sitting next to her asked what happened. A stranger had touched her leg and not by accident because he did it a second time after she moved his hand. The stranger moved away. 

After the movie they went out to eat and ordered from the server. At one point Katie had to call the server over to because a glass of water had moldy cheese in it. EWWWW! The restaurant paid for Katie's meal.  

  1. What is the difference between a best friend and all our other friends?
  2. What boundary of appropriate behavior did the stranger in the theatre violate?
  3. We usually don't speak loudly in the theatre when the movie is playing. That's a kind of boundary. Was LeDee justified in breaking that rule in this situation?
  4. What kind of relationship do the characters in the story have with the server in the restaurant?
  5. Can you tell from the story how close the friendships are between the other characters?  

Client-led Exercise - Choose one volunteer to lead an exercise. *Remember your Safety Checks!

Skill Builder (5-10 min)

PRESENTERS: Use the situations and statements below to practice asserting good boundaries in shared spaces. Have participants change them, make them shorter or more personal. 

  • Someone cuts in line at the grocery store: I don't really appreciate your cutting in line. If you are in a hurry, you should choose fewer items and use the fast lane.
  • A roommate borrows your favorite sweater without asking: I think you know that it's impolite to ASK before borrowing anything. I wouldn't do that to you. Please don't do it again.
  • A co-worker or staff person keeps interrupting you during a meeting: Excuse me but it will help me focus if I can finish my thought. I do want to hear what you have to say, but please may I finish? 

Body Break

Optional Level-Up 

Survival Language (5-10 min)

Your group can choose a worksheet as time allows. Complete a Homonym worksheet. REMEMBER: HOMONYMS are words that SOUND the same, but are spelled differently and mean different things. 

Matching Pictures to Words*

Matching for Readers*

Practice for Spellers/Writers*

Fun extra!

Disney Trivia! How many can you get correct?


What did we learn today? What is our theme?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Rights & Self Advocacy

Photo by Connor Coyne on Unsplash

June 14th 3, 2023

Check In (5 min)

Say hello, tell what is up in your world

Recap Yesterday (3 min)

  • There are different levels of friendship
  • Boundaries are important and we have a right to protect them

Show & Share (10-min)

Worst date ever? or Love at first chat? Do you have an experience where you really liked someone right away? Or one where you immediately DISLIKED someone? Sometimes we like and dislike people for reasons we can't explain. Tell us about your experiences. 

Body Break

Thematic Activity 01 (5-10 min)

PRESENTERS: This activity highlights the difference between advocating and evaluating and how professional or commercial exchanges are not the same as interpersonal ones. 

Show the reviews then use the questions to guide learning.

Reviews of a seller of Gloves on eBay

This seller on eBay has sold and sent products to customers. Like all online stores, the customers can give their opinion on the seller and the product. Look at this seller's reviews then answer the questions together. 

  1. What kind of relationship do these customers have with the seller? Personal or professional?
  2. Do the reviews affect other customers who may be considering buying?
  3. Is it appropriate to tell other possible customers what you think of a seller online?
  4. Should a reviewer talk about things that have nothing to do with the service or the product?
  5. What places do you shop? 
  6. What kinds of reviews would you give?  

  Client-led Exercise - Choose one volunteer to lead an exercise. *Remember your Safety Checks!

Thematic Activity 02 (10-15 min)

PRESENTERS: With this activity, we want to help participants recognize that ratings and reviews of stores and products are appropriate to the professional relationship. In professional relationships saying if something is good or needs improvement is part of the relationship. 


Here is a rating page for a seller on eBay.

  1. Are these reviews good or poor?
  2. Are there a lot of customers giving reviews to this seller?
  3. What kind of relationship is the customer/ business relationship? (friend? acquaintance? professional?)
  4. Why would a seller or a business want customers to give ratings and reviews?
  5. If a customer gives a poor review how do you think a business needs to handle that? 

Skill Builder (5-10 min)

PRESENTERS: Help participants draw the comparison of feedback and reviews of online stores and giving friends likes and follows online. Guide them toward seeing that we have to be more kind and careful with PEOPLE we consider friends. 

Take a look at these images of popular twitter users. 

Tweet 1

Tweet 2

Tweet 3

  1. How many followers do these people have?
  2. What kind of comment might you make on one of these tweets?
  3. How is responding to a human person online different than rating a business? 
  4. What are ways to be a good friend online? 

Body Break

Survival Math (5-10 min)

When you use a treadmill you see Miles Per Hour on the readout. But when you want to know how fast you run or job, you need to know your PACE, meaning how long it takes you to run 1 mile. Use this pace calculator to convert MPH to PACE. 

  1. If Gina runs at 4.5 miles per hour what is her pace?
  2. If Mel runs a mile in 7 minutes, how many miles per hour is he running? 

What did we learn today? What was our theme?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Knowledge & Fun

June 15th, 2023

Check out the National Day

Check-In (3 min)

Hello hello!

Recap Yesterday (3 min)

  • Online ratings and reviews for businesses
  • Follows and likes for PEOPLE should be kind
  • Pace is how much time it takes to cover a set distance and speed is how much distance you cover in a set time

Show & Share  (10-min)

People with successful relationships have a lot to teach the rest of us. Do you know someone who has been married for a very long time? Can you find out what their secret is? Tell us what they told you. Or, is it you that has been in a good relationship for many years? What advice would you give? 

Skill Review - Relationship Types (5-10 min)

PRESENTERS: Each person takes a turn. Spin the wheel and the person has 10 seconds to say the name of someone that is that relationship in their life. If they can't name someone they have to make a silly face in the spotlight. 

Relationship Types Wheel

Body Break

Thematic Wrap Up - Social Circle Size (5-10 min)

PRESENTERS: Share a whiteboard and ask participants to tell the types of relationships they are actively enjoying in their lives right now.  Ask the questions in the group. 

  1. Would you like to INCREASE the size of your social circle, or MAINTAIN it?
  2. What are ways to meet people safely to increase our social circles?
  3. What steps can we take to keep our current relationships healthy and strong?

 Client-led Exercise - Choose one volunteer to lead an exercise. *Remember your Safety Checks!

Game Time (10-15 min)

Are you a TV fan? How many tunes can you name?


More relationship Builder questions!

What’s my favourite place in the world? 🌎

What’s my favourite movie? 🎥

What’s my Netflix series? 📺

What’s my favourite food? 🍲

What’s my favourite genre of music? 🎼

What’s my favourite day of the week? 📅

What’s my favourite animal? 🐯

What’s my favourite thing to have on toast? 🍞

What’s my favourite item of clothing? 👟

What’s my favourite possession? 📱


What did we learn this week?

What are we doing this Weekend? 

Review the Weekend

Go back through the tabs of the week and review the information that your group finds most interesting.

Do searches on topics from the week on a shared screen to find out MORE information.

Tell your group who you might share your new knowledge with.

Share weekend plans.

Take a peek at Friday's activity board.

Troll around Youtube or do other searches for interesting things YOU want to learn about.

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Let's talk about Fathers Day!

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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