Program Days Jan 18 - Jan 22

January 18th - January 22nd

Theme: Keeping Track of Dates

Skill Building: Habit Tracking

Person-Centered Thinking & Safety

Monday January 18, 2021

Photo by Lee Anne Cline from Unsplash


Civics & Community Awareness

Tuesday January 19th, 2021

Photo by  Lee  Ann Cline on Unsplash

Yesterday we observed: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

A Visual History of Martin Luther King Jr.

Learn more about Martin Luther King Jr. 

In 1955, King helped organize the first major protest of the African American civil rights movement: the successful Montgomery Bus Boycott. He advocated in nonviolent resistance to segregation in the South. 

The peaceful protests he led throughout the American South were often met with violence, but King and his followers persisted, and the movement gained momentum.


Check In – 5 Mins

Describe your 3 day weekend. What did you do? Did anything happen over the weekend that was exciting for you? 

Show & Share – 10 Mins

Can you share any examples of dates that you keep track of every year? An anniversary, a pet's birthday, or even your birthday are all examples of dates that you might celebrate through out the year. Share the date you always remember each each year.

  • Why is keeping dates important to us? 
  • Why isWhat service date is most important to mark down? Your ISP? 
  • When is our ISP usually scheduled? 

Tomorrow’s Show & Share

How do you keep track of your daily habits? How have you seen others keep track of their habits? Describe these ways either with a personal example or an example that you discover on the internet.

Body Break - 5 mins

Get away from that computer screen and move however you like! 

Portfolios Are Coming!

Take a look at the front cover of you Portfolio Planner

Here is a letter that explains what it's for

PRESENTERS: Go over the letter together

You will be getting a binder from Hope with a planning calendar, a place to keep all the great work you are doing, and tabs for each month. This week we'll show you all the cool options in the planner. 

Here is a video that also shows you what is in the portfolio. Each day this week we will explore another part of your planner. When it arrives you'll know just how to use it. 

Our Annual Meetings  - 10 mins

How do you start to plan for your annual meeting?

What are things you must do in preparation with your team?

In our breakout rooms we are going to discuss things that take place in order to complete our annual meetings. 

Presenter Note: Review the following materials and discuss the steps and preparation that must happen in order to hold a succesful annual meeting. A main focus in annual meetings is progress towards participant's goals that have been established throughout the year. This will tie into our next section regarding habit tracking and making progress towards our goals.

Tracking Habits & Progress toward Goals 10 -mins

Questions to consider for participants:

  • How do our habit trackers and planners relate to our annual and semi-annual meetings?  
  • How can tracking our habits and our progress toward our goals help us each day? 

Sharing About Our Year 

At your annual meetings, how have you shared about your year? Have you ever made a video about your year? 

For your next annual meeting, how can you share your experience of virtual program? 

  • Brainstorm and try to come up with 3 different ways that virtual programming can be shared at annual meetings. 

Presenter Note: Feel free to share any personal resources and comments in regards to this process from your experience in designing annual meetings and participant's goals. 

Body Break - 5 mins

Have you drunk enough water this morning? Is it time to refill your glass or go get one? 

Wrap Up & Review  - 10 mins 

When is your next annual or semi-annual meeting? How are you tracking your habits and goals? At your meeting, how will you share about your experience of From Hope to Home? 

What did we learn today? 


What are we doing this afternoon? 

Well Being and Social Connection

Wednesday January 20th, 2021

Photo by Jane Palash from Unsplash

Today is: Inaguration Day

As a group decide if you will watch the proceedings or not. There is value in explaining that there has been a lot of SPECULATION (and what that word means) about how the day will go but that we expect a peaceful transfer of power. 

Live Stream of the Inaguration Day from the White House.

Check In - 5 mins.

If you could recommend one movie from the last 2 years what would it be?

Show & Share - 10 mins.

What are some habits you like to track? Can you share if you've found any habit trackers online that you like?

Portfolio Planner (3-5 min)

Title Page of Portfolio Planner

2021 is My YEAR

PRESENTERS: If participants do not yet have the binder, just review what the pages are for and explain what they WILL do with them when the binders arrive. OR, if they have them, they can fill in the title page. 

Life Skills Story - 15 mins.

Remember this story

Importance of Habits

Re-read this Life Skills story. and share why it is important ithat we keep track of habits as we reach our goals.

New Fish - Life Skills Story

COVID-19 Mitigation Moment - 10 mins.

On Wednesdays we will always take a few minutes to discuss our Covid Mitigation moment. I know that we have spent a lot of time in the last year talking about ways to keep COVID-19 contained, but now is a better time than ever to review simple ways we can all help with battling Covid.

Cleaning Frequently Used Spaces & Places 

One of the important things to remember while working on COVID - mitigation is cleaning up surfaces that we touch frequently throughout the day. 

  • What are some places you frequent throughout the day?
  • How often do you think you touch things you forgot you touched?
  • Where do you want to make a habit of cleaning? Doorknobs, tables, sinks? 

Presenter Note: 

Feel free to share your ideas for places that may not be described in the short video.

The following video shares the best ways and times that you should clean the surfaces in your home.

How & When to Clean Surfaces in Your Home

We will continue Covid Mitigation Moments each Wednesday!


What did we learn today? 


What are we doing this afternoon? 

Rights & Self Advocacy

Thursday January 21st, 2021

Photo by Adrianna Geo on Unsplash

Today is: National Hugging Day

How to safely give a virtual hug - KidsPeace

What is in a hug? According to science, a lot! Hugs can help us in particularly stressful situations, can help us lower our blood pressure, and make up happy! It is not safe to hug our friends right now, but there are plenty of ways to send a virtual (and safe!) hug to our loved ones on this day!

Check In - 5 mins

What is the best thing you've eaten in the last year?

Show & Share - 10 mins

Review this week’s theme and recap yesterday: What are ways in which we can use our virtual program for our portfolios?

Presenter Note: Ask participants if they have begun to track and how they are tracking (if they started)

Tomorrow's Show & Share

Be ready to share the habit you picked to track over the next three months 


Portfolio Planner (3-5 min)

Look at these pages together and talk about how we personalize and dream in planners.

Dreams and Doodles Page

My Planning Style

Introduction to Tracking Our Habits - 5 mins

When starting a new habit, a good way to remind ourselves about completing the habit is to track it. 

What were some habit tracking ideas that we've talked about before?

Presenter Note: Feel free to share any sort of habit tracking you might follow yourself.

Examples of Habit Trackers:

Bullet Journal Addict - 50 habit tracker examples

Tracking Habits in Our Planner Portfolio - 10 mins

Starting next week, we will begin using our planner portfolios for program. These portfolios will be used year round and will be a topic in our annual meetings 

Here is the page in the portfolio that will have the habit tracker on it. It will always be on the lower right side of the page. Each day you fill in the circle, or make a check mark to show you did your habit for the day, or an ex or other mark to show you didn't do it that day. Just recording it like that makes our brain want to do a new habit. 

Presentor Note: If you need to review the importance of our annual meetings, see Tuesdays outline about lesson plans.

Share how the outline for a habit tracker in the planner will work. Questions to consider asking the group while sharing the outline:

  • How would you like to use the habit tracker?
  • What are ways that a habit tracker will help keep us accountable through program? 
  • What sort of materials do we need to mark down the days we completed our habits (pen, sticker, any other ideas?

Tomorrow we will share which habit we decided to track and how we will track it.


What did we learn today? 


What are we doing this afternoon? 


Knowledge & Fun

Friday January 22nd, 2021

Photo by David Todd McCarty on Unsplash

Today is: Hot Sauce Day

Visual History of Hot Sauce

Whether you like to spice up your eggs, hashbrowns, or favorite food with hot sauce or not is up to you. Check out the link above to see how hot sauce has been used from Mayans to present day. Are you a hotsauce fan? What is the best hot sauce flavor?

Check in - 5 mins

What do you hope to accomplish today?

Show & Share - 10 mins

What habit did you decide on? Get ready to share the habit you've decided to track with the group. 

  • Why was this habit important to you to look at?
  • How will you measure your successes (no matter how big or small) over the next couple of months?
  • How do you think you will handle setbacks if you fall off track? 

Monday's Show & Share:

Next week is our last week of January! The year is going by fast. Monday we will show and share something we learned this month. This can be anything.

Body Break - 5 mins 

Get up, fill up your water bottle and move around a little.

At the end of the month we'll be looking at areas of our life and seeing if we are satisfied with the effort we made in any of those areas. Here is the monthly round up page from the portfolio planner. Each ares of life domain is like a slice of pie. You'll be able to fill in the pie to the level of satisfaction you have about that area. 

Friday Activities to Explore - 15 mins

Presenter Notes: Review the Friday fun activity list below. Have participants vote on the Friday activity they would light to visit in a break out group. Set up each breakout room to feature a different Friday activity. 

If this is too much, vote on the activity you'd like to do most as a group!

Plan With Me: 

Did you know that people use their personal art, stickers, and other materials to create a planner or portfolio to keep through out the year. The videos below are all examples of different kind of planners people have created to track their habits 

February 2020 Plan With Me Example on Youtube

Online Tour:

Had a place you wanted to visit last friday and didn't get to? Revisit the list of free places to tour on last Friday's website. 

Virtual Where's Waldo:

Complete a virtual iSpy or Where's Waldo activity as a team. Follow directions on the link to continue. 


What did we learn today? 


What are we doing this afternoon? 

Item Link

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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