Transition Week July 11th-July13th

July 11th-July 13th

Theme: Collaborating

Skill Building: Appreciating Strengths

Person-Centered Thinking & Safety

Tuesday July 11, 2023

Check out the National Day

Recap August Theme--Collaboration

This Week's Theme: Appreciating Strengths

We've learned about our strengths and considered how we can contribute them to our communities and groups. This week we'll learn how to spot and appreciate the strengths of others, the strengths of our collaborations and the strength that comes from depending on one another.

Thematic Media

Benefits of Collaboration

Thematic Information

How to Collaborate effectively at a NEW JOB

Body Break--Choose 2-3 exercises

PRESENTERS: Use the PLAY button to see the whole video, OR scroll down the page to show the ANIMATED GIFS of the different exercises and choose the ones to do with your group. MODIFY EXERCISES FOR THOSE WHO NEED IT

Skills Media

Watch this funny video about compliments at work. There is a good way to give compliments, not the way this video shows. Even though it's funny. 

Do you think that manager will get better at giving compliments? Below are some tips on how to give good compliments to coworkers. 

Skills Information

Compliments to give co-workers

Scroll down to the categories of compliments that are grouped in short lists to see great examples of compliments.

Skills Applied

Choose 2-3 categories of the compliments in the link above. For each compliment in the list, point out what about the statement is 

  • specific to the person, is ABOUT something, not just a general statement
  • short and easy to understand
  • showing you notice the other person's strength 

Body Break--Choose 2-3 different exercises

PRESENTERS: Use the PLAY button to see the whole video, OR scroll down the page to show the ANIMATED GIFS of the different exercises and choose the ones to do with your group. MODIFY EXERCISES FOR THOSE WHO NEED IT

Fun Stuff


PRESENTERS: describe and explain the visuals and try to make sure your group understands what is funny. Comics are great for supporting story-telling skills and reasoning ability. Help your group notice the details in the images that explain the story. 

Sequence the day-What did we learn?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Civics & Community Awareness

Tuesday July 11th, 2023

Thematic Media

California wants communities that have less money available to be able to make changes that help the environment.  Look at this website and read their vision.

Thematic Activity

If someone wanted to learn more about this opportunity they could attend a meeting and learn about what projects are being chosen to get money. 

Look at the meeting page and explore the links to previous meetings. When is the next meeting? Why would someone who may want to apply for money for their community want to attend this meeting? 

Body Break--Choose 2-3 exercises

PRESENTERS: Use the PLAY button to see the whole video, OR scroll down the page to show the ANIMATED GIFS of the different exercises and choose the ones to do with your group. MODIFY EXERCISES FOR THOSE WHO NEED IT

Skills Media

Native Americans have had a long and difficult history as a community in the United States. It has required amazing strength to not be eliminated entirely. In this video, we hear about the pride members of that community feel about that strength.  

Skills Information

Map of United States showing Native American lands lost over time.

PRESENTERS: click the little clock icon on the bottom consol to make the animation play and show the change in lands of Native Americans.

When Columbus came to the New World there were an estimated 60 million people living here. Within 100 years their numbers were reduced to 800,000. For comparison, San Jose currently has  1,025,791 resident. 

Loss and trauma requires all our strength. When loss and trauma happen to a whole community, strength is how they survive. 

Skills Applied

Use the list of losses below to figure out what kind of strength it takes to get through it. 

  • death of a loved one
  • long term injury to the body
  • losing your house
  • break up of an important relationship

If you saw someone coping with a serious loss what can you offer them? How can you encourage their strength in that situation? 

Body Break--Choose 2-3 different exercises

PRESENTERS: Use the PLAY button to see the whole video, OR scroll down the page to show the ANIMATED GIFS of the different exercises and choose the ones to do with your group. MODIFY EXERCISES FOR THOSE WHO NEED IT

Fun Stuff

If Crossfitters took a yoga class

This could be taking strength training too far...

Dwayne the Dog Johnson

What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Well Being and Social Connection

Wednesday July 12th, 2023

Check out the National Day

Thematic Media

Wellness, community and collaboration

A woman talks about the wellness challenges she wanted to solve for herself and do it in the community she felt close to.

Thematic Activity

Review the kinds of wellness in the list below.

  • Physical, body
  • Mental
  • Emotional
  • Social
  • Learning
  • Financial

If you were going to create a wellness community what kind of wellness would be the most important to you? 

Body Break--Choose 2-3 exercises

PRESENTERS: Use the PLAY button to see the whole video, OR scroll down the page to show the ANIMATED GIFS of the different exercises and choose the ones to do with your group. MODIFY EXERCISES FOR THOSE WHO NEED IT

Skills Media

Types of Community Gardens

Permaculture Gardening

Skills Information


Skills Applied

Think about your food supply. 

  • Do you ever grow your own food?
  • Do you know if your produce is locally grown or imported?
  • If you had a garden that gave you lots of fresh fruits and vegetables what part of your life would benefit?
  1. Health
  2. Happiness
  3. Money/Finances
  4. Activity options
  5. Independence
  6. Prepared for emergencies or shortages
  7. Helping others
  8. Contributing to community
  9. Beautfy of your surroundings

Body Break--Choose 2-3 different exercises

PRESENTERS: Use the PLAY button to see the whole video, OR scroll down the page to show the ANIMATED GIFS of the different exercises and choose the ones to do with your group. MODIFY EXERCISES FOR THOSE WHO NEED IT

Fun Stuff

Sometimes the strongest thing we can do is laugh at something that makes us worry. This is a funny sketch about a very serious subject, fire safety.

Fire Martial Bill

Air Quality and Wellness

Here are some tips for coping with the air quality issues created by the fires currently going. 

Physical Activity

Information Resources

Wild-fire Air Quality Safety

What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Rights & Self Advocacy

Wednesday July 12th, 2023

Thematic Media

Lending your strength to others is part of collaborating to make a better society. This couple is using their marriage and YouTube channel to help other inter-ability couples choose to be together. 

Do you think inter-ability couples might like to have this kind of supportive example to face their own challenges?

Thematic Activity

Strengths can be shared so that others can lean on them. Here is a quote from Mind Journal: “Kindness is loaning someone your strength instead of reminding them of their weakness.” What does that quote mean?

Who has lent you strength? Who have you used as an example for your own strength? 

Body Break--Choose 2-3 exercises

PRESENTERS: Use the PLAY button to see the whole video, OR scroll down the page to show the ANIMATED GIFS of the different exercises and choose the ones to do with your group. MODIFY EXERCISES FOR THOSE WHO NEED IT

Skills Media

Song: I'll Stand By You - Pretenders

Skills Information

Scroll through these quotes about strength. Do you like any of them? Do any of them seem to be about you, your life, or your friends?

Skills Applied

This video is about adult bullies at work places. The video says to be able to say "no" from the beginning, to not be a "people pleaser," to write down the bullying and to get other people to confirm your experience. 

What would be hard, or require courage, about standing up for yourself in an adult work setting?  What are some reasons people don't sometimes?

Where, in a work setting, can someone go to get support for bullying, which can also be included under the word "harrassment?" Clue: It's a department in larger companies. 

Body Break--Choose 2-3 different exercises

PRESENTERS: Use the PLAY button to see the whole video, OR scroll down the page to show the ANIMATED GIFS of the different exercises and choose the ones to do with your group. MODIFY EXERCISES FOR THOSE WHO NEED IT

Fun Stuff

Sometimes the courage you need is to quit a job that isn't working out. Here are some people who quit their jobs in very unusual ways.

Quitting 1

Quitting 2

You know the right way to quit a job, but other people's poor judgement makes for funny youtube video. 

What did we learn today?

What are we doing this afternoon? 

Knowledge & Fun

Thursday July 13th, 2023

Check out the National Day

Review the Week

Theme was collaboration - coming together to help one another, solve problems and respond to needs and challenges.

Skill was Appreciating Strengths - different kinds of strengths, different needs for strength and allowing others to lend us their strengths when we need them. 

Movie Time

PRESENTERS: Choose, mix n match

the short films add up to about the same amount of time as the longer one...

Dust Buddies ( 4+ min)

RIFT (6+ min) Intro is in French but the film is still great.

Little Big George (19+ min)

Rita's Great Trek (3+ min)

Hamsa (4+ min)

Body Break--Choose 2-3 exercises

PRESENTERS: Use the PLAY button to see the whole video, OR scroll down the page to show the ANIMATED GIFS of the different exercises and choose the ones to do with your group. MODIFY EXERCISES FOR THOSE WHO NEED IT


Choose Disney songs from this playlist and boogie down for Friday fun

Learn about Australian Instrument that TERMITES help make!

Playing with an Orchestra

Elephants dig this instrument


Aboriginal Dance Festival Australia

Dancing like nobody's watching

Bustin' a move in the mall

Body Break--Choose 2-3 different exercises

PRESENTERS: Use the PLAY button to see the whole video, OR scroll down the page to show the ANIMATED GIFS of the different exercises and choose the ones to do with your group. MODIFY EXERCISES FOR THOSE WHO NEED IT


cakes you won't believe

Animals that look like food


Introduce yourself in Tagalog (Filipino)

Moment of Gratitude

Review the Weekend

Go back through the tabs of the week and review the information that your group finds most interesting.

Do searches on topics from the week on a shared screen to find out MORE information.

Tell your group who you might share your new knowledge with.

Share weekend plans.

Take a peek at Friday's activity board.

Troll around Youtube or do other searches for interesting things YOU want to learn about.

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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