Program Days August 16-20

August 16-20, 2021

Theme: Collaborating

Skill Building: Offering Strengths

Person-Centered Thinking & Safety

Monday August 16, 2021

Today happens to be...Tell A Joke Day

Introduce the Theme and Skill for the Week

So the August theme is still COLLABORATING. It means we work together, especially when we need to ADAPT to change. We've looked at learning about ourselves and learning about others. 

This week the skill is OFFERING STRENGTHS.

When we come together to collaborate, and we have good self-knowledge, we can offer the group our strongest traits and skills to help. If everyone brings their strengths to the game that's a winning team!

Thematic Media

Knowing your strengths can make you happy!

Do you like the tips for figuring out your strengths? 

Thematic Activity

  1. Make a list of your own strengths. HINT! If you love it you are probably good at it.
  2. Think of an achievement that you are proud of. What strengths did you call on to achieve it?
  3. Who in your life brings their strengths into your world to help you?

Body Break 1-minute workout

PRESENTERS: Help participants evaluate if the exercise is DOABLE for them and offer a different option if it isn't

Skills Media

Character Strengths

We talk about safety on Mondays a lot. Usually we mean physical safety. But there is also social safety. Social safety is when we feel comfortable and included in a group of people. We know we can be open and ourselves and we will be treated well. 

Strength of character is part of social safety. When a group of people have the strengths of honesty, kindness, generosity, opennes, and gratitude, everyone in the group can feel safe. 

When we find weakness in character: dishonesty, selfishness, bullying, we feel unsafe. When people feel unsafe they behave differently and don't really collaborate very well. Social safety is very important for collaboration to work. 

Think about your character strengths. Do you make your peers and co-workers feel safe by having a strong character? Do you feel safe with others who have character strength? 

Skills Information

Chart of Character Strengths

  1. Which of the strengths in the chart increase social safety? 
  2. Which of the strengths in the chart do you appreciate in others?

Skills Applied

Choose 5-8 strengths from the chart and figure out what aspect of that strength COULD be called a weakness in a certain situation but actually is just the other side of a strength in a different situation. Imagine which situations make a strength a weakness and vice-versa.

EXAMPLE: Honesty is a strength but if you are honest in situations where you need to be mindful of hurting people's feelings you might be called blunt. Bluntness is usually considered a weakness. 

Body Break 1-minute workout

PRESENTERS: Help participants evaluate if the exercise is DOABLE for them and offer a different option if it isn't

Fun Stuff

Weird Japanese Gameshow from the 90's with nonsense subtitles

Sequence the Hour

Civics & Community Awareness

Tuesday August 17, 2021

Today happens to be...Thrift Shop Day

Review the theme and remind of the skill: Collaborating and Offering Strengths

Hope Program Updates

Share information about Hope programs, in-person goings on, plans, events coming up, what people are expecting, announcements from leadership.

Thematic Media

Strength in community can mean many different things. Communities are like circles surrounded by bigger circlesall with the same center point, called CONCENTRIC circles. 

YOU are the center point. The first circle is your immediate family, or whoever you live with. Next is the community of the places you spend most of your days, like program or work. Next is the community from places you go occasionally, like a faith community or a hobby club. Next is your immediate town or city, then the county, then the state, they the country, then the world. 

Each of these community circles has different strengths which your personal strength increase. 

Without communities to give our strengths to, we can become depressed and weakened. This man found a fitness community that helped him get strong physically and in all the other ways.

Thematic Activity

This worksheet helps you plan for ways to USE your strengths. Think about things you can DO when you are in your community spaces to contribute your strengths. What do you look like when you are using your strengths and offering them to others?

Body Break 1-minute workout

PRESENTERS: Help participants evaluate if the exercise is DOABLE for them and offer a different option if it isn't

Skills Media

Reir pa' no llorar is a video about recovering from Hurrican Maria. The title means Laugh In Order Not to Cry. There are several sayings in Spanish that are not translated. In our community at hope many of us speak Spanish. Use the strength in your group to learn the meaning of the sayings she is sharing.  

Skills Information

The video explains how accepting the strengths that others are giving US also makes community stronger. All the communities in the whole world are going through a challenge right now. Covid is the weirdest, hardest thing that has hit the entire world in a very long time. 

We have to keep on doing Covid protocols and using masks, disinfecting, keeping apart, all these difficult things. We have to do them FOR EACH OTHER. 

Skills Applied

Look at the headings in this article

Hope is one of your communities, both in-person and online. Can we at Hope, both staff and clients, use these ideas to make our community stronger? 

One last important idea: the strengths in ourselves are strengthened when we bring them to our communities because no one can be strong all the time forever. In community we can rest while someone else is being strong, then come back and give them a rest. 

Body Break 1-minute workout

PRESENTERS: Help participants evaluate if the exercise is DOABLE for them and offer a different option if it isn't

Fun Stuff

A Name Game

Sequence the Hour

Well Being and Social Connection

Wednesday August 18, 2021

Today happens to be...Mail Order Catalog Day

Remind of the theme and skill - today we'll talk about PHYSICAL strength and wellness. 

Hope Program Updates

Share information about Hope programs, in-person goings on, plans, events coming up, what people are expecting, announcements from leadership.

Just like there are different personal, social, and emotional strengths, there are different physical strengths. On Wednesdays we look at  health and wellness, so let's learn about all the different physical strengths. 

Thematic Media

PRESENTERS: These videos have a lot of content so feel free to pause and retell a point more clearly or slowly.

Strength Training— Benefits for Health, Longevity, and More

Types of Exercises for Different Aspects of Fitness

Thematic Activity

Here is a list of physical Activities.

For each one see if you can decide if it help with strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, or coordination. 

Other questions you can consider: 

  1. How many of them have you tried?
  2. What are physical activities you like that aren't on the list?
  3. Can you think of activities that may not be super fun, but still count as movement? 

Body Break 1-minute workout

PRESENTERS: Help participants evaluate if the exercise is DOABLE for them and offer a different option if it isn't

Skills Media

Training for a Career in the Fitness Industry

Working out in a Gym that is designed for accessibility

Skills Information

The CDC publishes this poster to tell doctors how to support people with disabilities to stay active. 

  1. What do you think of this recommendation? 
  2. If your doctor or nurse or other support person tried to encourage to be more active with these steps, would it work?
  3. If you were going to help a friend be more active, what would you do? 

Skills Applied

Think of the ways you try to make your body strong, from what you eat, to exercise to how much sleep you try to get. 

  1. Do you feel strong? 
  2. Between strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination, which are strengths you have?

Body Break 1-minute workout

PRESENTERS: Help participants evaluate if the exercise is DOABLE for them and offer a different option if it isn't

Fun Stuff

Kids Tell Jokes

Sequence the Hour

Rights & Self Advocacy

Thursday August 19, 2021

Today happens to be...Photography Day

Remind of the theme and the skill

Hope Program Updates

Share information about Hope programs, in-person goings on, plans, events coming up, what people are expecting, announcements from leadership.

Thematic Media

A very important strength is the ability to do what you need to do even if you are scared or anxious to do it. This challenge happens a lot in life. 

Have you ever heard the saying "Feel the fear and do it anyway." 

This video explains the steps for advocating for yourself even if you are scared or anxious. 

Thematic Activity

Do you remember the 6 steps in the video?

Which of the steps might make someone nervous or afraid? 

Here is some positive self talk to help you with courage. 

Pick a few favorites.

Body Break 1-minute workout

PRESENTERS: These standing workouts are all together in a single video but only last a minute each. 

Click on the play line at the time listed here to get to the next exercise. 

start at: 0

Or you can float your mouse over the time line and find the start point for a new exercise. 

Skills Media

Turning Weaknesses INTO Strengths

Self-Advocacy includes deciding to CHANGE your situation so that you can use your strengths.

Advocacy includes helping OTHER people change their situation so that THEY can use their strengths.

Skills Information

Weaknesses INTO Strengths

How many of the weaknesses on this list describe you? Do you agree with the strength that this poster says can come from that weakness?

Body Break 1-minute workout

PRESENTERS: These standing workouts are all together in a single video but only last a minute each. 

Click on the play line at the time listed here to get to the next exercise. 

start at: 1:19

Or you can float your mouse over the time line and find the start point for a new exercise. 

Fun Stuff

Funny Quotes

Sequence the Hour

Knowledge & Fun

Friday August 20, 2021

Today happens to be...Bunch of different stuff

Hope Program Updates

Share information about Hope programs, in-person goings on, plans, events coming up, what people are expecting, announcements from leadership.

Review the Week

What has become clear to us about strengths, things that people think of as weaknesses, and how we can bring our strengths to our groups and communities to collaborate? 

Movie Time

Some movies use familiar ways to make you understand the story. Other movies try to tell stories in new ways. Sometimes we don't like a movie if it doesn't look like all the other movies we've already seen, but try to expand your mind and give your brain something new to try. Some of these movies are in regular format and some are different. Expose your brain to something new and try them out. Each movie is from 5-9 minutes long or so. 

Animated Short Films

Tales From the Multiverse—BY MAGNUS MOLLER | ANIMATION

God tries to create 'Earth'. But he can't get a break from the kids.


An intergalactic chef hunts for rare Earth spices and gets a big surprise.


A loyal dog helps his master turn sheep's wool into clouds.


A young boy's day with grandpa turns into an epic adventure.

Body Break 1-minute workout

PRESENTERS: These standing workouts are all together in a single video but only last a minute each. 

Click on the play line at the time listed here to get to the next exercise. 

start at: 2:42

Or you can float your mouse over the time line and find the start point for a new exercise. 



A beautiful animation about love's different forms.

Playlist for Hamilton-choose the songs that seem interesting to you. "My Shot" is a good one, especially since it can be a play on words for getting your vaccination... 


Have danced in the street? What kind of dance would you choose to do if there were a dance-in-the-street day?

Street Ballet

Street Ballet

Body Break 1-minute workout

PRESENTERS: These standing workouts are all together in a single video but only last a minute each. 

Click on the play line at the time listed here to get to the next exercise. 

start at: 3:56

Or you can float your mouse over the time line and find the start point for a new exercise. 


Weird Desserts

PRESENTERS: please read the description aloud


It's very important to be able to get basic needs met no matter where you go. 

How to ask for the restroom in 10 different languages

PRESENTERS: Pause the video to try some of them.

Moment of Gratitude

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

Need some help deciding on an afternoon activity?

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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