Transition Week May 23rd-May 26th, 2023

May 23rd-May 26th, 2023

Theme: Relationships

Skill Building: : Math, Phonics, Collaboration

Person-Centered Thinking & Safety

Date: Tuesday May 23, 2023

Check-in: What was one memorable thing from the weekend?

Past National Day Study:  National Be heard Day!

What is something you would like to be heard about or advocate for?

Theme for the week: Relationship Maps!

We can have many types of relationships in our lives. How do we know what type they are? 

*Thematic Activity:  Is there such thing as TOO much communication with friends?

Watch this video then respond to these prompts.

Do you ever feel overwhelmed when you are contacted a lot by a friend?

Do you think social media makes it easier for people to contact each other?

How do you ask a friend for some space without hurting their feelings?

Client-led Exercise: Have volunteer from the group lead a short 5 minute light stretching. 

Show and Share: Friends as kids!

What does the map of your life look like?

Share a photo of you and a friend as a kid so we can compare how you have mapped your life this far. Are you still friends with this person?

Skills (Math) -  Place Value

Practice Standard form with Mr. J 

 White each number in Standard Form

Body Break 

Theme Review

What did we learn today? 

Quick Fun Activity:  Have you seen the hit movie Encanto? Try to spot the differences in this online video! 

Civics & Community Awareness

Date: Tuesday, May 23 ,2023

Check-in: What has been the best part of the week for you so far?

Past National Day Study: International Women's day!

Theme for the week: Relationships!

We can have many types of relationships in our lives. How do we know what type they are? 

Thematic Activity: Making Friends as an adult can be difficult 

Here are 10 tips to Make (and Keep) Friendships as an Adult

It is hard to meet in person these days with extra COVID - Safety precautions. 

What are some ways you stay connected with friends while still practicing safety? 

What is the last activity you did with a friend?

4 Steps to Making a New Friend | How to Life

Client-led Exercise: Have a volunteer from the group lead a short 5 minute light stretching. 

Show and Share: Share an activity or place where you find it easier to make friends and a great way to socialize. 

Where did you meet one of your closest friends?

Skills (Phonics) - 

Did you know practicing phonics can help you recognize symbols?

Level 1 - T worksheet

TH Word List 

TH- Worksheet

Body Break 

Theme Review

What did we learn today? 

Quick Fun Activity:  Let's learn how to sign "Friend" using American Sign Language. 

Well Being and Social Connection

Date: Wednesday, May 24. 2023

Check-in: Do you have any mid-week tasks to do?

Past National Day Study: International Barbie Day!

Theme for the week: Relationships!

We can have many types of relationships in our lives. How do we know what type they are? 

Thematic Activity: Scenarios

Sam and Bobby are good friends, but Bobby dislikes how Sam sometimes

makes mean comments about her appearance. She doesn’t feel comfortable confronting Bobby

about this. 

When she finally decides to, Sam denies this and says Bobby is overreacting and refuses

to listen to her. After talking to Sam,  Bobby feels worse and more unsafe in this friendship.


As a group, think of a way to deal with this common situation among friends.

Disagreements can happen all the time, but is talking negatively about a friend acceptable?

RE-Inact this scenario with your group to produce a more positive outcome. 

Client-led Exercise: Have a volunteer from the group lead a short 5 minute light stretching. 

Show and Share: Collections! Many people LOVE to collect certain items. Barbies can be an example. Is there anything you collect? maybe a favorite toy? 

Skills (Math) - Rounding

Rounding to the Nearest Whole Number

Place Value Chart

Rounding Worksheet

Body Break 

Theme Review

What did we learn today? 

Quick Fun Activity

Have you ever seen the voice behind your favorite cartoons? Check out -Behind The Voices - Celebrities Collection

Rights & Self Advocacy

Date: Wednesday 24, 2023

Check-in: Share something funny that happened to you this week. 

Past National Day Review: Mario Day! 🍄

What's your favorite video game to play?

Look at this video of Super Mario on Piano With Sound Effects

Theme for the week: Relationships!

We can have many types of relationships in our lives. How do we know what type they are? 

Thematic Activity: Do friendships have to LOOK a certain way?

Check out this Odd couple 


Let's review Healthy Relationships 

What is one way you have compromised in a friendship? What was the situation?

Client-led Exercise: Have a volunteer from the group lead a short 5 minute light stretching. 

Show and Share: What is your favorite movie highlighting friendship or a group of friends? A favorite of mine is The Goonies!

Skills (Collaboration)

What is self-determination?

How do you show self-determination in your own life?

Has there ever been a time when you weren't allowed to make decisions yourself?

Was that reasonable or unreasonable?

How can you advocate for yourself if you feel like you can't use self-determination?

Body Break 

Theme Review

What did we learn today

Quick Fun Activity: 

Have you ever wondered how Bubblegum is made? Check out this sweet video 

BUBBLEGUM | How It's Made

Knowledge & Fun

Date: Thursday 25, 2023

Past National Day Study: Middle Name Pride Day!

Do you have a middle name? Some folks don't!

What's the story behind it?

Theme for the week: Relationships!

We can have many types of relationships in our lives. How do we know what type they are? 

Thematic Activity: Friendships ending is a part of life. How can we handle it?

Why Do Some Friendships End?

Have you ever experienced a friendship ending?

How did it make you feel?

Why do you think your friendship drifted apart?

Is okay to give your friends space?

Does giving a friend space always mean you aren't friends anymore?


Client-led Exercise: Have a volunteer from the group lead a short 5 minute light stretching. 

Show and Share: Share one person, alive or passed away, that inspires you to work harder or be better.

Skills (Phonics) - 

Did you know practicing Phonics can help with concentration skills?

"igh" List

"Igh" Worksheet

Igh" Worksheet 2

Presenters: Use the annotation tool to work on these pages as a group.

Body Break 

Theme Review

What did we learn today? 

Quick Fun Activity: 

Can you guess these common foods from a couple of clues?! Yum!

Review Learning

Thursday May 25, 2023

Go back through the tabs of the week and review the information that your group finds most interesting.

Do searches on topics from the week on a shared screen to find out MORE information.

Tell your group who you might share your new knowledge with.

Share weekend plans.

Take a peek at Friday's actiity board.

Troll around Youtube or do other searches for interesting things YOU want to learn about.

Choosing Fun Stuff to Do

PM Activituies

Check in with everyone

Do some body stretches and share health tips

Check out the music suggestions page and see if there are any songs you want to play

Use the Wheel on this page to choose an activity you can do as a group

Do some weigh lifting: it can be as simple as getting two cans of food from your kitchen to use as weights

Give snaps: go around the group and offer one another compliments on what you like about one another.

Spin the Activity Wheel!  

The activities are numbered. These numbers corrospond to brief activity descriptions listen in the linked document below. 

Activity Wheel Details 

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